Agriculture job vacancies in Singapore

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Everything you need to know to work in Singapore
Internships in Singapore
Singapore is home to many universities of international repute, as well as companies from a diverse range of sectors. This combination results in an interesting offering of internship opportunities. Additionally, schemes also exist for semi-skilled foreign trainees, as well as youngsters interested in work holidays.
Finding a job in Singapore
Singapore has a well-developed job market with numerous outlets providing information on employment opportunities, including dedicated websites, agencies, and professional recruiters. With low taxation and its place as a hub in Asia, it's easy to see why Singapore is an attractive place for expats to seek employment.
Setting up a business in Singapore
When we talk about entrepreneurial hubs, locations such as Israel, Silicon Valley, or Berlin spring to mind, but Singapore is not far behind; thanks to intelligent government decisions and sound governance, the country has become an ideal starting place for new businesses.  
Become a digital nomad in Singapore
One of the world's most futuristic countries, Singapore is a melting pot of people, cultures, cuisines, architecture, and opportunities. For a digital nomad, this city is an urban inspiration, as well as a gateway to the rest of Asia with plenty to explore nearby: Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, the Philippines, China, and more. Boasting one of the highest standards of living in the world and a good visa-friendly policy, Singapore is one of the globe's most popular travel destinations.
The labour market in Singapore
Singapore has long been a popular destination for expats. With a booming economy, a wealth of industries, and high standards of living, it's no surprise that the tiny nation continues to draw expats from around the world. However, the country wasn't been left unscathed by the global economic slowdown.
How to extend your Employment Pass in Singapore
Previously, up until about a year ago, extending your EP used to entail various trying trips to the Ministry of Manpower building on Havelock. The one overwhelming memory I have of this exercise is the busy cacophony of the place and the mind-numbingly long waiting times. From the queue at reception and the queue number dispensers to the seemingly endless waiting before your number is flashed to submit your documents.
Job candidates in Singapore
Farm worker
Added on 31/08/2024
USD 150
Added on 26/06/2024
GBP 3000000
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