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Everything you need to know to work in Paphos
Finding work in Cyprus
Cyprus is becoming an increasingly popular market for expats. People migrate to this Mediterranean island for its terrific climate, the affordable living costs and the blending of several different cultures (as the country is located between Europe, Asia and Africa). If you are planning to live and work in Cyprus, you should be aware of the state of the labour market in general and in your area as well as the requirements and formalities needed based on your nationality. Generally speaking, EU/EFTA nationals as well as UK citizens, will have a much easier time finding work in Cyprus than third-country nationals.
Setting up a business in Cyprus
Every year, Cyprus attracts many expats looking to start their venture. The reasons for that are many: from the fact that the process of establishing a company is relatively simple, to the fact that corporate tax in Cyprus is one of the lowest in all of EU, Cyprus has a pro-business approach that benefits new business owners. If you are one of them, however, you should be aware that the process of starting your own business on the island may take more or less time, based on whether or not you are an EU/EFTA/UK national.
Finding work in Nicosia
Dubbed the last divided capital city of Europe, Nicosia has a long and rich history as well as a vibrant present. Cyprus capital city is a melting pot of different cultures and architectural influences, where expats are as likely (if not more) to find work as are Cypriot citizens. In fact, Nicosia has seen the highest decrease in unemployment in recent years so choosing it as your base is probably the smartest thing to do.
Job candidates in Paphos
Executive Assistant
Chryssa Katsampa
Permanent contract
Added on 11/10/2024
AUD 8000
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