Job offers in England

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Latest job offers in England
Added on 01/09/2024
GBP 60
Added on 30/07/2024
GBP 500
Everything you need to know to work in England
Working in the UK
Whether you are looking to boost your career in the UK or start your business, there are many professional opportunities for new graduates and mature candidates. The UK job sector is diverse, and working conditions are modern, making the country a popular destination for international talent. The employment rate stands at 75% in 2023, representing 32.88 million people in the workforce. 
Setting up a business in the United Kingdom
The United Kingdom is often recognised for its strong entrepreneurial spirit, earning it the reputation of a "nation of shopkeepers". Entrepreneurship remains a significant driver of the British economy and plays a crucial role in shaping the country's commercial landscape. The government has been instrumental in facilitating the growth of the domestic entrepreneurial market, encouraging individuals to establish their businesses. Starting a business in the UK is generally streamlined and hassle-free. However, the specific steps you'll need to take to set up your business can vary based on factors such as your chosen industry, the size of your enterprise, and your desired business location.
Work in Liverpool
Part of the metropolitan county of Merseyside in the Northwest of England, Liverpool is a popular destination for expats from around the world and boasts a population of over 475,000 people. The city's economic growth and global renown were historically rooted in its thriving industries, notably its substantial port, which once ranked among the busiest in the world. Today, Liverpool's maritime significance endures as Liverpool Marine is part of the Peel Ports Group, a network of seven ports that is pivotal in facilitating transatlantic trade and fostering innovation. In the past decade, Liverpool experienced strong economic growth and regeneration, focusing on culture, creative industries, and tourism. 
Work in Bristol
Bristol is the largest city in southwest England and the eighth largest in the UK, with a multi-ethnic population of about 470,000. The city has a lot to offer to expat professionals settling here with the aspiration of developing their careers while maintaining a healthy work–life balance. The industries that thrive in Bristol's labour market are the creative industry (Bristol is the home of Banksy street artists and activists), food & drink innovation, aerospace & advanced engineering, and tech. Among the city's many advantages is that it is pretty close — a 90-minute train ride — to London, as well as Cardiff in Wales. So, if you are looking for a more affordable and less crowded place than London to live and work, Bristol might be for you!   
Work in Birmingham
Located in the West Midlands, Birmingham is the UK's second-largest city after London, with approximately 1.3 million people. Birmingham has a perfectly balanced industry and culture, urban and natural surroundings. Birmingham grew internationally in the early 18th century thanks to the Industrial Revolution and the city's world-leading textile trade. Nowadays, Birmingham is a centre for public administration, health, and education services. The city has three universities and a significant student population of around 80,000 students, of whom over 10,000 are international. Birmingham's lower cost of living (compared to London), growing labour market, and proximity to London (less than a two-hour train ride) make the city a popular destination among professional expats.   
Work in Leeds
According to several newspapers, such as The Times in 2023, Leeds is considered one of the best places to live in the North of the UK. This diverse northern city in the Yorkshire region is an epicentre of both culture and economy. The Leeds economy revolves around many industries spanning many sectors (e.g., manufacturing, engineering, medical technology, research, etc.). More recently, innovative initiatives such as companies working in fintech and data analytics have penetrated the economy. 
Added on 28/06/2024
GBP 55000
Construction Project Manager
New Life Construction
Fixed-term contract
Added on 05/04/2024
USD 4200
Job candidates in England
Added on 30/09/2024
GBP 90
Sales Administration
Michael Grindey
Permanent contract
Added on 30/09/2024
GBP 2000
Added on 23/09/2024
GBP 30
Added on 19/09/2024
EUR 5000
Martine Defays
Permanent contract
Added on 14/09/2024
EUR 2600
Added on 09/09/2024
GBP 66650
Added on 20/08/2024
Administration Assistant
Josephine Panis
Permanent contract
Added on 31/07/2024
Permanent contract
Added on 30/07/2024
Added on 26/07/2024
GBP 3200
Added on 02/07/2024
Nishat Ali
Fixed-term contract
Added on 29/06/2024
Early years Educator
Carmen Mbomio
Permanent contract
Added on 17/06/2024
GBP 2000
Account Manager
Sophie Austin
Permanent contract
Added on 15/06/2024
Greater London
Added on 10/06/2024
GBP 3000
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