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Everything you need to know to work in Dublin
The work culture in Dublin
Whenever you move to a new city or country, it will take some time for you to get used to the standard practices and culture of the locals. They may say and do things that may seem strange at first, but it wont be long before you become familiar with these various traits. Workplaces are no different; there are different work cultures and dress codes depending on where you may be, so here is what you need to know about Dublin.
Working in Dublin
Of all the jobs in Ireland, 30% of them are in Dublin. The capital city is a popular destination for foreign professionals as there are many jobs up for grabs. For most of the people looking to move to Ireland, it will be the job opportunities that bring them to the city. Also, there is a lot of scope for progression in your chosen area of work in the city. Here is how to go about finding a job in Dublin.  
The Dublin labour market
Almost a third of the population of Ireland lives in Dublin. Despite Ireland being a relatively small country in Europe, they are still one of the leading destinations for large multinational companies. This is largely down to their educated workforce and their favourably low corporation tax rate. Today, about 30% of the total employment in Ireland is in Dublin, spanning a wide variety of different sectors.
Finding a job in Ireland from abroad
If you are looking for a job in Ireland and you are living abroad, then you will have plenty of opportunities to choose from. Employment levels are near all-time highs, and there is always room in the job market for those from outside of Ireland. While there may be some restrictions in place for those people that are not living in an European Economic Area (EEA) country, there are still opportunities to be availed of.
The labour market in Ireland
Ireland is going through a sustained period of economic growth. As a result, unemployment levels in the country are near all-time lows. There is plenty of demand for skilled works throughout the country. While the economy may slow down in the future, there are many key industries that will still need top-quality talent to be on board.
Working in Ireland
The Irish economy is a strong one, with decent levels of economic growth and low levels of unemployment. There are many multinational companies with their European bases in Ireland, which means that there are jobs in a variety of different sectors. The process of finding a job is pretty straightforward and will be similar to a lot of other countries. 
Job candidates in Dublin
Added on 13/10/2024
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