Job offers in Moscow

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Latest job offers in Moscow
Office Manager
Fixed-term contract
Added on 23/07/2024
EUR 2000
Everything you need to know to work in Moscow
Finding work in Moscow
Finding a job in Moscow can be a quite tedious task, although the local labour market is very open and dynamic. Advance preparations are necessary, as well as a strong command of Russian, and fluent English. Knowledge of other foreign languages represent another key recruiting criteria. Moreover, high qualifications and specific skills are highly sought after in Moscow.
Finding work in St Petersburg
 St Petersburg he Northern capital, as Russians call it, and Moscow's eternal competitor for cultural and economical influence, has been attracting foreigners from all around the world for decades. To date, the Federal Immigration Service has registered some 16,920,805 foreigners in this city. In fact, St Petersburg offers various opportunities to young graduates and professionals trying to find a job there.
Get a salaried job! No hourly paid jobs!
Working in Moscow can be lucrative, so I've heard anyway.  However, heed the following warnings:
Setting up a business in Russia
The fall of the Soviet Union marked a historic turning point for Russia, especially in economic terms. From a planned, state controlled economy, Russia became a free market economy and opened its doors to foreign capital, businesses, and workers. Local authorities have set up a series of regulations so as to encourage foreign investment in the country, as well as the creation of large, medium, and small enterprises.
Finding work in Russia
Russia's prosperous economy has been attracting foreigners from across the globe over the years. In fact, young professionals worldwide dream of working or setting up a business there so as to benefit from its economic growth along with various incentives which have been set up by local authorities. Various opportunities are available in different fields such as information and communication technology, construction, engineering, industry, consumer products. High profile jobs are also available for highly qualified professionals.
Internships in Russia
Students from across the globe dream of performing an internship abroad. Russia is obviously one of these countries due to its developed economy and the various opportunities which are available there. However, it can be quite difficult for foreigners to obtain an internship offer in the country.
Job candidates in Moscow
Deepa pal
Permanent contract
Added on 14/10/2024
RUB 120000
Construction manager
Julio Cesar Arcos Villarr
Permanent contract
Added on 13/10/2024
USD 300
Fixed-term contract
Added on 07/10/2024
RUB 3000
Added on 01/10/2024
USD 218056
Permanent contract
Added on 03/09/2024
USD 2500
Computer Engineering
Permanent contract
Added on 20/08/2024
USD 1300
Added on 15/08/2024
RUB 5000
Added on 16/07/2024
USD 1200
Added on 15/07/2024
USD 6500
Added on 15/07/2024
USD 6500
Added on 27/06/2024
RUB 3000
Accounting Accounts Payable
Permanent contract
Added on 22/05/2024
USD 3000
BHS Project Manager
Sameh Fayez George
Permanent contract
Added on 20/02/2024
EUR 5000
Added on 27/10/2023
USD 900
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