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Everything you need to know to work in Barcelona
Working in Barcelona
Are you an expat looking for work in Barcelona? Spain's second-largest city is Catalonia's administrative and economic center and a popular tourist draw. With its world-class attractions, proximity to the sea, delightful climate, and rich cultural heritage, it's no surprise that Barcelona is one of the most visited cities in Europe. As a result, it is a highly sought-after destination for job seekers worldwide.
The work culture in Barcelona
If you've made up your mind to live and work in Barcelona, you're probably curious about the local labor market and environment. What should you expect in terms of wages and ethics? Is there any specific dress code? This article will answer some of the questions you might have.
The labor market in Barcelona
Barcelona is the economic, cultural and administrative heart of Catalonia, a creative, cosmopolitan and innovative city known for its quality of life. Like many other cities and towns in Spain, the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted the local labor market and increased unemployment. However, recovery is on the way. Unemployment has been falling in 2023, and there are opportunities in numerous sectors such as health, science, IT and manufacturing.
The labor market in Spain
The Spanish labor market offers a range of opportunities for expats. Spain has long been a favored destination for foreigners due to its pleasant climate, rich cultural heritage and vibrant lifestyle. However, it is important to note that the Spanish job market can be competitive, and fluency in Spanish is often required for many positions.
Starting a business in Spain
Starting a new business in Spain is exhilarating and daunting at the same time. For starters, there are many regulations, procedures and formalities to follow, which are simpler for EU citizens than for people from non-EU countries. Therefore, we've created this helpful guide to give you a head start before embarking on your new business venture.
Working in Spain
Moving to a foreign country as an expat can be both exhilarating and daunting, particularly when it comes to finding employment. Spain, with its vibrant culture, stunning scenery and sunny climate, is a popular destination for expats worldwide. However, navigating the job market in this diverse country may seem challenging at first. Fear not, as we have compiled a list of essential tips and advice to help you find a job in Spain. Whether you are a recent graduate, a seasoned professional or considering a career change, these insights will help to prepare you for the Spanish job market.
Job candidates in Barcelona
Added on 26/07/2024
Permanent contract
Added on 24/06/2024
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