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Everything you need to know to work in Tel Aviv
Working in Tel Aviv
The Gush Dan region, which includes Tel Aviv and its surrounding areas, serves as the central hub of this country's thriving economy. The city is dotted with a multitude of offices and research and development centers.
The job market in Israel
The job market in Israel is very active. By the close of 2022, the unemployment rate was 3.8%, much lower than in France, which was 7.2%. Additionally, the rate of long-term unemployment is only 0.5%. When considering all groups of people, Israel's employment situation is superior to most OECD countries.
Starting a business in Israel
Entrepreneurship runs deep within the essence of the Hebrew State. In 2020, this state, with a population of 9 million people, saw the emergence of 6,400 startups. Moreover, it secured the 35th spot in the Ease of Doing Business ranking, which assesses how business-friendly countries are. Regarding the specific aspects of establishing a business, the country held the 28th position, the 18th position for safeguarding the interests of minority investors, and the 13th position concerning its taxation framework.
Become a digital nomad in Israel
Israel, a flourishing land nurtured through determined effort, has consistently prioritized its primary natural asset: human intellect. Throughout its history, Israeli governments have shown a keen commitment to fostering innovation and advancing new technologies.
Finding work in Israel
When seeking employment in Israel from a foreign location, preparing ahead of time can be challenging. Expat.com provides a comprehensive guide to navigating your job search journey in Israel.
Working in Jerusalem
Explore exciting career opportunities in Jerusalem, the largest city in Israel. Experience a dynamic work environment combining cultural diversity with flourishing high-tech, medicine, and tourism industries. This presents a fulfilling professional path situated in the heart of a historically significant city.
Job candidates in Tel Aviv
Tel Aviv
Added on 20/06/2024
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