Job offers in Florida

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Administrative Assistant/Writer
A New Start: Financial & Social Services, Inc.
Permanent contract
Added on 19/12/2023
USD 33000
Everything you need to know to work in Florida
Setting up a business in the USA
Lots of people dream about being their own boss and starting their own business. The United States is famous for the "American Dream", the idea that if you have a good idea and work hard, you can be successful. That's why many aspiring entrepreneurs see the US as the perfect place to kickstart their ventures. Fun fact: almost half of the Fortune 500 companies were started by immigrants or their kids. 
Become a digital nomad in the United States
It's hard to find a digital nomad out there who doesn't have a road trip through the US on their bucket list. The third-largest country in the world has a lot to offer its visitors — from the thriving innovation-driven environment to the incredible coastline and world-famous sightseeing. Before you hop on the plane, there are a few pesky details to take care of, like sorting out visas and taxes and making sure you've got a good internet connection.
Finding work in Portland
A mid-sized city on the West Coast, Portland is home to a thriving economy and a diverse array of industries. Steel and manufacturing, technology, transportation, and healthcare are some of its most important job markets. Portland is also home to a niche cluster of businesses that design outdoor and athletic apparel, anchored by the global headquarters of Nike.
The work culture in New York
The work culture in New York can significantly vary according to the type of structure, the size of the company, and the industry. However, there is a general North American mentality and approach to work that expats are likely to encounter.
The work culture in San Francisco
The thought of working in the Bay Area of San Francisco looks attractive to foreign professionals from around the world. Indeed, the city has a lot to offer to those looking for better career prospects and quality of life, but what about the local work environment. Are you prepared to take the leap of faith and thrive professionally in a new city? Here is what you need to know about the local work culture in San Francisco.
The work culture in Los Angeles
Navigating a new job market can be a challenging yet exciting journey, especially for expatriates settling in Los Angeles. Understanding the unique LA work culture is not only essential for professional success in LA but also for embracing the city. LA's unique character is expressed in everything, from how people navigate the freeway to how they behave at the beach. In this article, we will delve into the intricacies of LA's work culture, providing valuable insights and tips to help expatriates in Los Angeles thrive in their careers while navigating their new city.
Job candidates in Florida
Added on 22/09/2024
USD 250
Added on 15/08/2024
USD 85000
sanitary plumbing
william keubou tiombo
Permanent contract
Added on 19/07/2024
USD 50000
Added on 24/06/2024
USD 80000
Added on 25/05/2024
USD 600
Commercial Account Executive
Permanent contract
Added on 24/11/2023
general practitioner
Liliana Gutiérrez
Permanent contract
Added on 09/11/2023
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