Spanish teacher in Tampa area

Hello!  :)

I would like to know if having a bachelor's degree in Translation and Interpreting (Spanish, English and French languages) and a master's degree in Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language (apart from Florida teaching certification) is enough to find a job easily as a teacher in Florida, specially in Tampa area.

I'm 24 years old, I have a year of teaching experience, I would like to know if they require a lot of experience to be a teacher or otherwise they give priority to the fact that I have a master's degree and I'm bilingual.

I'm not living there yet, but I will get married this year. My boyfriend is an US citizen, so I will get the Green Card (no worries about paperwork haha).

Many thanks in advance! :)


I don't think there's a problem but my recommendation is for you to call the school district directly . My wife is an ESL teacher and she works from home. Every one has different requirements😀

You only need a Baxhelor degree in Florida to be a teaxher and a certificate. You are over qualified and shouldn't have a problem. The standards of education here in the south are actually quite low. I don't want to be cocky but it does show.