Designer 2d e 3d

Posted 7 months ago
15 Visits

I'm looking for a job in the field of property renovation. Over the last few years I have specialized in interior design. I am currently working in this sector in Rome but I would like to move to Texsas. I'll be grateful for the opportunity to work at a US company. I always work with professionalism to achieve the best goals.


2D design of plans, elevations and sections Ante operam, Inter operam and Post operam. 3D modeling of apartments, villas, houses and entire buildings. Design of urban spaces and gardens. Conception and design of restoration techniques on historic buildings in contexts protected by restrictions. Interior and garden design. Creation of customized solutions based on customer needs.


Interior and garden design

Language(s) spoken

French (Fair)

Italian (Mother tongue)

English (Advanced)

Job offer details
What I am looking for
Permanent contract, Fixed-term contract
Working time
Full time
Salary range
USD 4000