Albanian citizen
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Durres
Registration: 21 February 2014

Tips for getting your first job in Albania by expat.com
Hi, What are your tips and advice for getting a first job in Albania? What are the job hunting steps to follow? Where to look for offers: newspapers, Internet, recruitment agencies, word-of-mouth? What are the top hiring sectors? What ...

Hi. You can open one for womens photography course, with which after, you can integrate the tourism sector in the service of photography of large firms Read More

Considering a move to Durres, Albania by ShannonO15
Hello all! Firstly, thank you, in advance, for reading and/or responding to my inquiry! I've just received a notice about candidacy as the University/Career Counselor position at ACD. I think it sounds like an exciting opportunity; I'm in ...

Hi & wellcome to Durres. Albania is a balcan country with a western europian form of live, a democratic & laik state & the peoples are very friendly. Read More

Moving to Durres September 2014 by xbeckeex
Hi everyone! I will be moving to Durres in September 2014 to teach in a new international school. I know very little about the country but am excited to experience a completely new way of life. Does anyone have any tips/helpful info? Better yet, ...

Congratulations to you and a good luck in the challenge to fit with a people different from that of your native country. Read More

Moving to Durres September 2014 by xbeckeex
Hi everyone! I will be moving to Durres in September 2014 to teach in a new international school. I know very little about the country but am excited to experience a completely new way of life. Does anyone have any tips/helpful info? Better yet, ...

Volga is the name of Russia's Volga river and at the time of dictatorship and friendship with the USSR was the name of the preferred hotel and became the identity of the area. Volga schools, is acollege and for contact with children need to ... Read More

Moving to Durres September 2014 by xbeckeex
Hi everyone! I will be moving to Durres in September 2014 to teach in a new international school. I know very little about the country but am excited to experience a completely new way of life. Does anyone have any tips/helpful info? Better yet, ...

Im am agree but must first pass Custom...!. I must see your wall on fb, it is parental duty. Read More

New stuff in Thessaloniki.. ??? by Anne5
Well I don`t know anymore.., I used to have my finger on the pulse..of the where too , what to do in Thessaloniki.. & now.. , really ... I have no idea.. :( So I still know of a couple of events... here in Thessaloniki.., & I will post ...

Yes, but you can give private lessons in english there, so you can passed the times with students who are young and qualitative. In my country persons who speak English mother language, are preferred to make practical and enhance the quality of ... Read More

Do you think love is more important than respect in the relationship by merger spirit
Do you think love is more important than respect in the relationship

Hello lovely rychelle24 . Your name in Albanian means black grapes. When you walks in the morning at the road can't gets respect, but what is on your wish, is to see with love surrounds meidis. Respect is a virtue that should win after a ... Read More

Anyone can come in Albania, you are welcome and we are very host. by anesti
Free environment for business. Everyone? No, my bar, billiards , ping pong, chess of 200 m2 can take free only those persons who wish to develop sa a good business, or charitable activities. My lokal is the main boulevard of the city of Durres and ...

Hi You are from Pakistan, a moral man of a monotheistic Islamic state. You can be a good man, but I did not know and can not give a guarantee for your behavior. How can you live in a liberal society, when you are educating themselves in bigotry ... Read More

Anyone can come in Albania, you are welcome and we are very host. by anesti
Free environment for business. Everyone? No, my bar, billiards , ping pong, chess of 200 m2 can take free only those persons who wish to develop sa a good business, or charitable activities. My lokal is the main boulevard of the city of Durres and ...

Hi! But what can I do for you? Read More

Looking for Importer by parth05
Hello Expats, We are trading company mainly dealing with pharmaceutical and surgical products, Can anyone help me find importer in Albania ? Thanks for your time. Regards, Parth

Hi. What search specifically market? I can you make available a pharmaceutical warehouse rent-free, where you do your business. I have and pharmacist available. Albanian state buys medicines in India and after doing a forgery in Cyprus bring here ... Read More

Which of these business is most successful?
Hi! Which of these business is most successful? 1- LED RGB platforme seller, installing and to give with rant. Beautification of the premises with LED Light. 2- Catering business as ice cream, or to prepare in the restaurant food. 3- Small factory ... Read More

Is having an affair as an expat always inevitable? by Queen of the Suburbs
I hear that expats always end up getting lonely and having affairs? Is this true? Any confessions or stories to share? I'm new to this all and terrified about the prospect of the dynamics of my marriage changing.... Queenie

In the case of Pet 1 has a mistake in the selection of the boy with whom decides to marry. The way in which he presented to us, he has never been e good men. A good formed man can not behave so. So and Pet 1 is in fault. The marriage isn't ... Read More

Is having an affair as an expat always inevitable? by Queen of the Suburbs
I hear that expats always end up getting lonely and having affairs? Is this true? Any confessions or stories to share? I'm new to this all and terrified about the prospect of the dynamics of my marriage changing.... Queenie

This world is masculine and a smart woman need understand her husband and act with tolerance, with a commitment to its performance and maximizes contact time with him. A error is error and need to act with tolerance. If have repentance has place ... Read More

Is having an affair as an expat always inevitable? by Queen of the Suburbs
I hear that expats always end up getting lonely and having affairs? Is this true? Any confessions or stories to share? I'm new to this all and terrified about the prospect of the dynamics of my marriage changing.... Queenie

It depends on the culture, traditions and morals of each country. The expat (husband) has a favor, to feel in free from the "Shame" in the new community, while the woman is in the pressure of shame and the communication at the same ... Read More

Italian Trip ideas with friends by MernaW
Hi everyone. I would like to ask if anyone here have visited France, Rome and Venice. I had been to Rome a couple of times but I was not yet able to roam around the city much as want. This September my friends and I am planning to visit these three ...

I advise you to do a trip with Crociere. I tried to cruising with MSC Fantasia inthe mediterraneo line and it was a dream. This is and a low cost travel. http://www.crocieraonline.com/comp_5/viaggi/crociera-mediterraneo/settembre/d-42-9/liste.html Read More