Nedka Onova
Bulgarian citizen
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Plovdiv
Speaks Bulgarian, English
Registration: 13 April 2014

I am looking for Trustable propertie Agencies in Plovdiv by JoeyNL
Hello all i am looking for anyone that can tell me the name of some Trustable propertie Agencies in Plovdiv that has a website and adress/office etc etc. Please let me know. Many thanks! Joey ;)

Hello Bill, The Bulgarian legislation provides that a rent agreement can be signed for the term up to 10 years. Such contract must be certified by a notary and registered in the Registry Agency, Land Register. Fees will be due / state and notary ... Read More

legal by eddieg
Hi All,,,Could anyone tell me what a BULSTAT no is?? i have just been costing items on BG Warehouse website,,for order & delivery they need a Bulstat no,,i am moving to VT April,,in UK at moment,,cheers eddie

Hello Eddie, Bustat can mean both: - number given to a natural person who owns a property in Bulgaria or - unified identification number of a company The meaning depends on the text. Best wishes Nedi Read More

Housing in Plovdiv by Sche
Hello people of Plovdiv! I am Schéhérazade and I am currently writing the expat guide about Bulgaria. I need some information about housing in Plovdiv, so it would be really really really nice of you if you could spare some time to answer ...

Hello Sché, I hope you are very well today. Regarding your questions: 1/ Is it easy to find a house or an apartment over there? - Yes, it is very easy and fast to find an apartment in Plovdiv. If you start looking, it will be in a day or two ... Read More

Type of property construction in Bulgaria by agreen70
I am going to find a short term rent in Burgas and if I like it intend to buy a property because a 1 bedroom apartments on the coast tend to rent for about £400 a month so after 10 years I could have bought it. However I am not so keen on ...

Hello, The construction in Bulgaria has been very different in the last 50 years. No general rule applies. You will have to search exactly for the house you are looking for, I hope you will find some close to your requirements. Best wishes Read More

I am looking for Trustable propertie Agencies in Plovdiv by JoeyNL
Hello all i am looking for anyone that can tell me the name of some Trustable propertie Agencies in Plovdiv that has a website and adress/office etc etc. Please let me know. Many thanks! Joey ;)

Hello Joey, I hope you are very well. By the course of introduction my name is Nedka Onova, lawyer, Bazlyankov, Stanoev and Tashev Law office Bulgaria. The real estate agency I can recommend is called Lidera - lidera.imot. bg/ The email is ... Read More

Forest land by evan-hora
Hi all, The property am planning to buy land part of it is the plot where the house is (2000sqm) and the other part adjacent to the plot is registered as forest (5000 sqm). I understand am not allowed to build a house in the forest part. Will I be ...

Dear Evan, On the forest land can not be constructed buildings or other massive constructions, only sheds, as the trees /part of the forest/ have to be kept not cutted. Kind regars Nedi Read More

Spasovo, nr Chirpan by DawnandMike
Hello, we are Mike and Dawn, a couple in our fifties. We bought a house in Spasovo, near Chirpan, last year and we will be spending the summer there from the end of May until September. We would love to make contact with people living near to ...

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Meeting - Plovdiv by Mojpe
Hello, we are family living in Plovdiv. We would like to organize meeting of expats living here. Maybe in some coffee place with playground for kids or some good park. Any suggestions or help will be very helpful. Thanks

Hello Mojpe, You can try with the these restaurants: - Central park on the hill, not in the center - Riviera restaurant /Danail Nikolaev str./ Best wishes Nedi Read More

Buying property in Bulgaria by Christine
Hi, can a foreigner buy property in Bulgaria? If so, is it complicated? What is the process of purchasing a property in Bulgaria? Any tips for buying property, such as a check-list of items to verify ? Thanks in advance for ...

Dear Robbie, Allow me to recommend to decide the following questions: - what property you are looking for - where - in a resort /ski or sea/, village or town. - what is your bugdet After that you can turn to real estate agent to help you find ... Read More

Paying local property ( council) tax by vandamiam
Hi all I am all lost with paying the council tax on our house in Radovets. Is there a way to pay this online as we don't have immediate plans to visit the house. I will if that is all that is available but hopefully I can do it online . Can ...

Hello, The local municipal tax can be paid via bank transfer to the bank account of the Municipality of Topolovgrad. In order to check the due amount and to pay you must know your Bulstat number Do you know what are the exact due amounts /rubbish ... Read More