American expat in Cambodia
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Siem Reap
Registration: 22 April 2014

Cooking like a local in Cambodia by Priscilla
Hello, Enjoying the local food of your expat country is great, but learning to cook the dishes yourself is even better. Please share what it's like cooking like a local in Cambodia. What are some of the most popular local dishes that are easy ...

As a retired chef (in the States) this is a topic that has interested me since living here (Siem Reap) the last 5 years. In general, Khmer cuisine is not as "sophisticated" as it's larger neighbors, Thailand and Vietnam. For instance ... Read More

Traffic in Cambodia by Priscilla
Hello everyone, Which city or area do you live in in Cambodia, and how do you find the traffic? How long does it take to commute to work or run errands? Is there a rush hour in your city? What times of the day would you recommend people to ...

I live in Siem Reap 5 years now and the traffic isn't a problem for me........an eye-opener, yes, but not a problem. We don't have a "rush hour" here although traffic tends to be heaviest between 4:00 and 6:00 PM when everyone ... Read More

Best cities to live in Cambodia by Julien
Hi, Its not always easy to decide in which area to settle in when moving to Cambodia. According to you, what are the best cites to live in? Which regions offer most of the job opportunities, a good quality of life, an affordable cost of ...

Haven't been to the Philippines so I can't say about beauty. Pictures I've seen would suggest there are beautiful places in the Philippines. However beautiful it might be, I would not recommend residing in the Philippines because ... Read More

Best cities to live in Cambodia by Julien
Hi, Its not always easy to decide in which area to settle in when moving to Cambodia. According to you, what are the best cites to live in? Which regions offer most of the job opportunities, a good quality of life, an affordable cost of ...

For AlexofSA, I've lived in Siem Reap 5 years now, but consider myself to be an "ocean person." I read your post with interest and though I'm not an expert on life in Cambodia, I have a couple of thoughts for you. To be honest, ... Read More

I should have just gone to Mexico by Zerene
Dear Diary, I should have just gone to Mexico. I'm having the worst time/luck/uggghhhiness. I left Tunis on Qatar, bc it said they were the second-best airline. Then they wouldn't let me bring my tiny (3 1/2 lbs.), enclosed in a carrier, ...

Hi, I'm not an expert on visa stuff, but my impression after living here 5 years is that Cambodia tends to be VERY easy about visas. If your friend is from the Philippines it may be an ASEAN member so that may have an effect on his visa ... Read More

Shipping items from US to Cambodia by kennybeers
Hi, I'm moving from Florida to Phnom Penh this month. I want to ship some items that I may not be able to bring by air. Does anyone have an idea of what to expect as far as receiving fees in Cambodia? It will be a couple hundred pounds. Also, ...

Well I wish I could be more encouraging, but in the 5 years I have lived in Cambodia, I have learned that the "Postal Service" is COMPLETELY bogus. Even if you use their "express and guaranteed" service (that's $35 for a ... Read More

Naturalisation and citizenship in Cambodia by Bhavna
Hello everyone, What are the requirements for acquiring citizenship in Cambodia? For example, length of residence, language requirements, employment etc.. What formalities are involved in the process? What is the policy on dual-citizenship ...

I have thought about becoming a Cambodian citizen and have rejected the idea for two reasons: First, Bhavna's list of possible requirements to become a citizen fails to mention one that is truly spectacular in my book IF it is accurate. ... Read More

How has your life changed in Cambodia by Priscilla
Hello everyone, Has your life changed since you moved to Cambodia? If so, in what way? Tell us more about all the changes in your life regarding your family, job, or friends. What about your frame of mind? How would you define your mood? ...

Hi, Wow! I'd have to say 10+. I came to Cambodia in late 2012 at 67 years old and I turn 73 next month. I had traveled to numerous countries on the planet and enjoyed most, but I never "resonated" with any country the way I have ... Read More

Your best business development ideas in Cambodia by Priscilla
Hi everyone, As a foreign entrepreneur, launching a business in Cambodia is a fantastic project and an exciting challenge. Some ideas are likely to succeed. Some others are promising but may not work as well as intended. In your opinion, what ...

Hi, I can't comment on the Post in all of Cambodia but here in Siem Reap, regular Post is TERRIBLE!!! I have actually watched one postal employee take purchased stamps off of postcards tourists were sending and tossing the cards into the trash ... Read More

Your best business development ideas in Cambodia by Priscilla
Hi everyone, As a foreign entrepreneur, launching a business in Cambodia is a fantastic project and an exciting challenge. Some ideas are likely to succeed. Some others are promising but may not work as well as intended. In your opinion, what ...

HI again, I posted to this topic before (late October) and I have been thinking more about the subject. I have a question that someone might be able to help me with. We have been considering finding an OnLine Business to work at here in Cambodia ... Read More

Your best business development ideas in Cambodia by Priscilla
Hi everyone, As a foreign entrepreneur, launching a business in Cambodia is a fantastic project and an exciting challenge. Some ideas are likely to succeed. Some others are promising but may not work as well as intended. In your opinion, what ...

Well, I am retired in Cambodia so have ZERO interest in being involved in any business. My partner is a tailor and that has a lot of headaches for VERY little money. To be honest, and I hate to say this because it might cause some to think I'd ... Read More

Are you happy in Cambodia? by Priscilla
Hello everyone! According to the 2016 UN World Happiness Survey, Denmark, Switzerland and Iceland are the happiest countries on earth. How about you? Are you happy in Cambodia? Do you feel happier today in your host country than before in ...

Thank you for posting on the "happiness" topic from your perspective. I also found the right partner, late in life, here but I am fortunate in that children are not an option so the ever present involvement of corruption in our lives has ... Read More

Are you happy in Cambodia? by Priscilla
Hello everyone! According to the 2016 UN World Happiness Survey, Denmark, Switzerland and Iceland are the happiest countries on earth. How about you? Are you happy in Cambodia? Do you feel happier today in your host country than before in ...

Hi! I'm in my fifth year here in Cambodia, specifically Siem Reap. When you use the term "Happy" it starts me thinking about what that means to ME. I can't help but remember that when I was living in The States (my ... Read More

Keeping up with the news in Cambodia by Priscilla
Hello everyone, Living in Cambodia provides countless occasions to browse local newspapers, listen to local radio stations or watch local TV shows. As everywhere else in the world, local media play a key role in informing the public. What are ...

Hi, Frankly, I hesitate to say much on this topic in an e-mail that could be hacked and misused. I keep hearing from Khmer friends that you shouldn't believe the news you see on TV because the government has it's hands on it, so to speak. ... Read More

Should we foreigners learn to speak Khmer? by Tripophile10
Hi, You've probably had this topic before so I apologize if I'm being redundant. I have been a resident in Cambodia (Siem Reap) for about 4 years now, though I've only been tuning in here for a year. I took Khmer lessons for 8 months ...

Hi, I agree with your "philosophy" on this issue. I mean if you're going to live in a country whose language is different from your own it's almost a matter of respect that you at least try to learn how to communicate with your ... Read More