English expat in Norway
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Vestfold
Speaks English, Norwegian
Registration: 09 May 2014

moving to norway by sol368
hi, how many days did you received from post the confirmation letter from skat after registering in national population registry? Thanks for the info

Less than two weeks, though expect a few days extra at the moment as its summer holidays here. Read More

Safety in Norway by Christine
Hi, We would like to talk about a sensitive but important topic: do you feel safe in Norway? How would you define the level of safety in the country? Can you walk safely during the day and at night without any fear? Do you think there ...

I have lived in Norway for few years now and I personally do feel safe here in Vestfold. I walk the dog alone both day and night though I will admit I avoid going out alone on Friday and Saturday nights and Norwegians can make for loud intrusive ... Read More

About fiancee visa in Norway by ludz
Anyone here who had experience about fiancee visa?Do you have any updates about your application?How long you been waiting?please share your experience.

An engagement ring is really not required, I have one but I actually think I wasnt wearing it when I went into the interview thingy since I always forget to put it back on after a shower. They just want to know that you are engaged with intention to ... Read More

The big move! Eeeek! by Louise1270
Any got any feedback on moving over to stavanger? What's the town like? Anyone done it on there own? I've received a job offer and I'm just trying to get a good feel of the place. X

Wow, a job offer before you've even decided to move there, you lucky thing! Stavanger is a beautiful place, it really depends where in Stavanger you're planning to live as to how your lifestyle might be since there is beautiful mountain ... Read More

Looking some friends in Vestlandet(near Molde and Ålesund area)? by GuestPoster133
Hi! My name is Swastik. I am working and living in a small town called Åndalsnes for last 6 months. Everything is fine here. The weather and nature is great here. The people are good and helpful, but dead diffuclt to get through and make ...

I think so many expats will feel your pain on this subject, myself included. I live in Vestfold, a little too far away to go out for coffee sadly but best of luck and don't give up! Read More

Happy New Year 2015 ! by Julien
Hi everyone, on behalf of the entire Expat.com Team, I wish you a happy new year 2015 ! May this new year bring you a good health, lots of happiness and success in all your projects. ...

Looking forward to the exciting changes to come in 2015, Happy New year to you too! Read More

Passport renewal apply visa by Jhona Hafskjær
Hi everyone.. Did anyone of you married a norwegian but you didnt change your married name on your passport when you applying visa? Because im planning to apply family visa soon i get the marriage cert. and i dont like to change my name yet on the ...

I had this exact problem!! The best solution we could work out in the end was for me to apply under my maiden name. I could have gone a changed my passport but it had years left so I decided to apply under my maiden name and they said i could ... Read More

About fiancee visa in Norway by ludz
Anyone here who had experience about fiancee visa?Do you have any updates about your application?How long you been waiting?please share your experience.

I waited around five weeks, but I think I got lucky Read More

About fiancee visa in Norway by ludz
Anyone here who had experience about fiancee visa?Do you have any updates about your application?How long you been waiting?please share your experience.

Heard back on family immigration but not sure that goes down the same paths. Maybe call them and ask where you are at as you've exceeded the wait time of nine months. Read More

Not From Norway but Curious about how Norwegian's express themselves. by Airplane
I posted this somewhere but seems like it doesn't fit into that topic so I decided to start a new topic. I'm confused. I met a Norwegian man on the plane and I asked for his number. I contacted him and he made an effort to change his ...

Oh if its only a few days I wouldn't worry! I assumed it was weeks +, Norwegians, I feel, a very honest and clear about their opinions, sometimes a little too honest ;) Personally I'd keep it casual, 'Wanna skype on Friday? Can do ... Read More

British girl in Norway - new member! by ChrissyJohansen
Hi all! I'm new to Expat.com I've come across the site before but I thought I'd try networking on it this time around! So to introduce myself I'm a 24 year old expat currently living in Vestfold, Norway with my hubby Stian and our furry family ...

Hey, Nice to know a fellow brit is here! I'm from Cambridge/Essex/Norwich I moved around a little ;) How about you? What do you miss the most about England? Read More

Do Norwegian men date foreign women? by hanifam
Surely there are obviously some who probably do but is it common to see? I was in Norway for a few weeks and couldn't believe how many handsome men I saw. I think Norwegian men are the best looking I have seen. I tried to strike up some conversation ...

You know this is the second time Ive heard someone recently mention the staring thing, I'm starting to think I must be blind to it since I've been here a while because that just seems totally weird to me hah I'm married to a Norwegian ... Read More

Not From Norway but Curious about how Norwegian's express themselves. by Airplane
I posted this somewhere but seems like it doesn't fit into that topic so I decided to start a new topic. I'm confused. I met a Norwegian man on the plane and I asked for his number. I contacted him and he made an effort to change his ...

Hmm from my experience the lower back touching is a normal and common sign of affection, but the constant staring etc. sounds a little more like infatuation to me rather than 'a weird Norwegian thing' which could also explain his sudden loss ... Read More

Language certificate by DutchPrincess
Hello, to be able to work in Norway or study you're probably required a certficate? Now I wonder if there's a universal name for it and where this could be acquired since I was thinking taking Norwegian classes (self study) in Holland, but I ...

I moved here to live with my Norwegian husband, we've been married a couple years now :) In my opinion Vestfold is an easier adjustment than some other places in Norway because its not deathly quiet and the people around you to an extent are ... Read More

Language certificate by DutchPrincess
Hello, to be able to work in Norway or study you're probably required a certficate? Now I wonder if there's a universal name for it and where this could be acquired since I was thinking taking Norwegian classes (self study) in Holland, but I ...

Here from languages courses all I have to show from the time I spent learning (Other than my language skills.) is a piece of paper that really just says basic norwegian / every day norwegian / norwegian nivå 1/2 etc. Read More