


American expat in China

Forum posts


About me


Lives in Beijing

Registration: 31 May 2010


mattbankeruu replied to a thread
13 years ago

Does anyone know a good western Psychologist in beijing?? by cxcpwkp

Hi there, Appreicate your kind response in advance. I am considering to move to beijing. And I would like to check out the options of western psychologists in this city. If anyone can share their recommendations/experiences, it would be much ...


The Agape Center has licensed counselors. You can go]here I would highly recommend Stephanie Tebow as a great counselor. Read More

mattbankeruu replied to a thread
13 years ago

Texan moving to Beijing by alexhill06

Greetings everyone, Born and raised texan moving to beijing for fiance's new job in October. I am very excited but have a lot of questions about finding a job, how to best search for an apartment, and banking over there. I have read that the ...


Alex, With a budget of $3000 for housing you shouldn't have too much trouble finding something in your neighborhood of choice. Xicheng is on the west side of the city, and there tend to be fewer expats over there, so if a high expat concentration is ... Read More

mattbankeruu replied to a thread
13 years ago

Texan moving to Beijing by alexhill06

Greetings everyone, Born and raised texan moving to beijing for fiance's new job in October. I am very excited but have a lot of questions about finding a job, how to best search for an apartment, and banking over there. I have read that the ...


I'm no expert, but I think that the options for 'western' plays and theater gigs is going to be pretty limited. The Beijing playhouse is the only thing I know of. You should keep your bank account in the states. Most things operate on cash here, ... Read More

mattbankeruu replied to a thread
13 years ago

Wangjing District?? by gemsoady

Hey everyone, Im due to move over to Beijing in 5 weeks time. Originally I was going to be living in Beijing but the school im working for has had to find alternative accommodation. Im now movin to Wangjing District. Any info people can give me ...


My wife and I live in WangJing and we like it. I'm actually in the process of putting together a WangJing neighborhood guide, if you want I can send you what I have done so far. It's got a map of the area and highlights some of the apartment ... Read More

mattbankeruu replied to a thread
13 years ago

Salary with 13,000 RMB by Waynelcy

Hello, I was offered a job in Beijing and the pay is 13,000RMB/month. Here are my concerns before I accept the offer: 1. What is the decent accommodation cost for an apartment located in the central of Beijing for? Preferably for a single person ...


13,000 is reasonable if you're going to be here for a short amount of time (1 year), but if you're here longer term and are wanting to save money, pay for health insurance, travel, it's probably a bit low. I actually just wrote a long post about ... Read More

mattbankeruu replied to a thread
13 years ago

english church by angelapalace

hey anyone know english church in BJ...and it will be great if i can make friends with more christins here


Wow, I was going reply to this question as well, but Manlin gave just about the most thorough answer possible. The only other thing I would add is that there is a Christian young adults group that meets on Thursday nights at BICF, it's called "The ... Read More

mattbankeruu replied to a thread
13 years ago

Z work visa for Relocating to China by robwo

I am looking to relocate to China from the US. I currently have a L Tourist visa. Because I assume it will be difficult to find employment without a Z visa, I am trying to obtain one before I relocate so that I can start my job search from my ...


Yeah, it's a tricky situation. Most of the employers who are looking for someone with a valid Z visa are looking for a spouse of someone who is in the country and working and therefore has a Z dependent visa. The reason they want someone like that ... Read More

mattbankeruu replied to a thread
13 years ago

basic questions about driving in Shanghai by Lifeisgr8

Hi, We are moving to Shanghai this summer and are coming down to some last minute decisions. We have 2 small children, and drive our car with 2 car seats for them. I have questions, I hope you can help: How do most expat families travel? Our ...


I'm not sure how helpful this is for Shanghai (we live in Beijing), but I wrote a guide for getting your Chinese driver's license- ( that should be able to help you understand the process for ... Read More

mattbankeruu replied to a thread
13 years ago

Z work visa for Relocating to China by robwo

I am looking to relocate to China from the US. I currently have a L Tourist visa. Because I assume it will be difficult to find employment without a Z visa, I am trying to obtain one before I relocate so that I can start my job search from my ...


Here's the plan of action you should have: 1. Get L Tourist visa 2. Go to China, find a job. 3. Employer will convert your L visa to a Z working visa. Z visas are given through legitimate employers. Employers that do not offer you a Z visa are ... Read More

mattbankeruu replied to a thread
13 years ago

Any opinions on the following schools? by geenasiedu

Hello, My family & I will be in Beijing next week to check out the following schools for our girls. I was wondering if there any of you would not mind sharing their experiences or opinions on these schools: 1) Western Academy of Beijing 2) ...


ISB would probably be considered the best international school in Beijing. It's been here the longest (since 1990 or something like that). They have a really large modern campus. The student population is very diverse (many international schools are ... Read More

mattbankeruu replied to a thread
13 years ago

Little one by kantchr

Reposting for my wife Jchirstie. hello everyone,my husband is going to work in beijing soon and he want us to go with him my concern's are where is a good place to take my littleone so she can enjoy the day? and what is beijing really like? pls let ...


If you live at Upper East Side you can go to the Lido Park which is just north of there, or you can walk down to the north gate of ChaoYang Park (which is south of you a little ways). As far as what Beijing is like, that's a really big question. ... Read More

mattbankeruu replied to a thread
13 years ago

American family moving to Beijing... by geenasiedu

Hello, My husband & I dream of living in Beijing with our 3 wonderful girls (7,5 and 3). We will be visiting Beijing for the 1st time this summer to begin our research. If all goes well, we hope to move to Beijing in 2 years and stay for 2-3 years. ...


I hope your trip this summer goes well. My wife Kara and I have been living here for over three years now and we really love it. It's great to move overseas and expose your kids to a different culture and worldview. Here's a link to an article ... Read More

mattbankeruu replied to a thread
13 years ago

Seeking Housing Advice Near Work Place by wonghm

I will be coming to Beijing middle of May. My company is situated somewhere at Lido Place, No. 6 Jiangtai Road, Chaoyang District (no idea where it is yet, if someone can tell me that would be great). I am looking for Studio ...


You could also look for a place in WangJing, which is the neighborhood just north of Lido. There are a lot of decent apartment complexes in the area that would fit your price range and would be within a bike ride of Lido Place. Read More

mattbankeruu replied to a thread
13 years ago

Relocating to Beijing! by R-Mac

Hi there, Any information you could give me about living in Beijing would be of great assistance. I've just had the bombshell dropped that I need to relocate to Beijing in 2 months with my husband & 6yr old son. I currently live in Shanghai & I ...


My wife and I write about life in Beijing at our blog A lot of what we write will be the same as what you've experienced in Shanghai, but maybe you'll find it helpful. Read More

mattbankeruu replied to a thread
13 years ago

Western shops- Beijing? by R-Mac

Hi there, Currently I am in Shanghai, however am moving to Beijing in May :) Question is - What type of western shops are there? In Shanghai there is City Shop, Carrefour, M&S..... plus others. Are there similar stores there? Thanks in advance! ...


Beijing has Carrefore and City Shop. Also Jenny Lou's and April Gormet are good for western food items. You should have no trouble. Read More