Angela Heineke
@Nebraska Girl
American expat in Morocco
Forum posts
About me
American, Married
Lives in Marrakech
Speaks English
Registration: 04 June 2010

Ladies read this please by Lynn1964
Hello everyone I've been a regular on here for some time now. But recently I've become concerned as there are guys using this forum as a dating agency. I have already messaged the moderator about my concerns as I'm being constantly ...

It is not just men seeking women, but there are local women seeking men too....it is all the same goal. It doesn't matter if a person is married or not. They will still try. I usually don't respond to people (male or female) local or ... Read More

Was he trying to use me for a green card or am I being prejudiced? by Eugenie101
Hello! I am a 22-year-old American, and I would appreciate any advice/perspectives on this quasi-romantic relationship and friendship I have with a 24-year-old Moroccan man. I’ve known him for six months, meeting him in Morocco where we lived ...

Not all Moroccans are wanting to scam foreigners for visas. Some are, so being cautious is genuine. But dont over think things based on an unfounded suspicion. I think you should apologize to him and discuss this further and honestly with him. You ... Read More

Report internet hacking by Pwmburu78
Is there a way to report a Moroccan who is hacking into accounts to be investigated in Morocco or to file a report with the Moroccan government for an FYI for anyone who may run a check on him? I got the feeling this individual may have done this to ...

My google account alerted me to unusual activity. Provided me with ip addresses and a phone that was synced to the account all linked to the person in Morocco.If you have all that information you should print it then just take it with you and go to ... Read More

Report internet hacking by Pwmburu78
Is there a way to report a Moroccan who is hacking into accounts to be investigated in Morocco or to file a report with the Moroccan government for an FYI for anyone who may run a check on him? I got the feeling this individual may have done this to ...

What makes you believe that this person "hacked" your accounts? Read More

How to avoid a Divorce and/or my husband taking a second wife? by Nebraska Girl
Hello, I am an American and I am not yet a convert to islam. Lately my husband (of 7 years) and I have hit a rather large rough patch in our marriage. I had to return to USA in March 1, 2018 (3 months) to have a surgery on my broken knee. There ...

May God answer your prayers and may he see sense and realise he is losing a good wife here, unfortunately that may be too late for him. We don't like to bad mouth and criticize our loved ones, and we want what's best for them too, but there ... Read More

How to avoid a Divorce and/or my husband taking a second wife? by Nebraska Girl
Hello, I am an American and I am not yet a convert to islam. Lately my husband (of 7 years) and I have hit a rather large rough patch in our marriage. I had to return to USA in March 1, 2018 (3 months) to have a surgery on my broken knee. There ...

You do have the choice of not having to be the one to pay for it, unfortunately he is the one who can make the choices with or without your consent within the moudwana Moroccan family code. But, as you say even without your permission he must be ... Read More

How to avoid a Divorce and/or my husband taking a second wife? by Nebraska Girl
Hello, I am an American and I am not yet a convert to islam. Lately my husband (of 7 years) and I have hit a rather large rough patch in our marriage. I had to return to USA in March 1, 2018 (3 months) to have a surgery on my broken knee. There ...

That is something I could never accept, as much as I love my husband I could not agree to him sharing his life with another woman, as to me a marriage is between 2 people, if he was not happy or content with me alone, then no matter my love for him ... Read More

How to avoid a Divorce and/or my husband taking a second wife? by Nebraska Girl
Hello, I am an American and I am not yet a convert to islam. Lately my husband (of 7 years) and I have hit a rather large rough patch in our marriage. I had to return to USA in March 1, 2018 (3 months) to have a surgery on my broken knee. There ...

I appreciate your time explaining your situation in exact details time and again to everyone on the forum. I believe this will meanwhile give you some relief pouring out your heart of the negative thoughts and unnecessary worries. Also, this must ... Read More

How to avoid a Divorce and/or my husband taking a second wife? by Nebraska Girl
Hello, I am an American and I am not yet a convert to islam. Lately my husband (of 7 years) and I have hit a rather large rough patch in our marriage. I had to return to USA in March 1, 2018 (3 months) to have a surgery on my broken knee. There ...

Hi, Nebraska girl. Your story has mentioned many problems, but the main one is addiction to intoxicants. Certainly you don't wanna keep hanging on to a drug addict, because he won't possibley be a responsible person in simple terms ... Read More

How to avoid a Divorce and/or my husband taking a second wife? by Nebraska Girl
Hello, I am an American and I am not yet a convert to islam. Lately my husband (of 7 years) and I have hit a rather large rough patch in our marriage. I had to return to USA in March 1, 2018 (3 months) to have a surgery on my broken knee. There ...

Dear Nebraska Girl, have you consulted an attorney? If you got married under the Moroccan law, then you should seek a legal advice so you don't lose your rights. There is also something called "family mediation" in several family ... Read More

How to avoid a Divorce and/or my husband taking a second wife? by Nebraska Girl
Hello, I am an American and I am not yet a convert to islam. Lately my husband (of 7 years) and I have hit a rather large rough patch in our marriage. I had to return to USA in March 1, 2018 (3 months) to have a surgery on my broken knee. There ...

May you will never really know what his intentions were from start, cos apparently they are very good actors. Who knows , some of those guys are willing to wait years to get what they want and need, and in the meantime have a plan b in action. Even ... Read More

How to avoid a Divorce and/or my husband taking a second wife? by Nebraska Girl
Hello, I am an American and I am not yet a convert to islam. Lately my husband (of 7 years) and I have hit a rather large rough patch in our marriage. I had to return to USA in March 1, 2018 (3 months) to have a surgery on my broken knee. There ...

The story seems very familiar. A moroccan male who gets married to an older American women with a single goal : get to USA, get American passport and then divorce her in order to marry a young ignorant village girl for squeezing. Since he did not ... Read More

How to avoid a Divorce and/or my husband taking a second wife? by Nebraska Girl
Hello, I am an American and I am not yet a convert to islam. Lately my husband (of 7 years) and I have hit a rather large rough patch in our marriage. I had to return to USA in March 1, 2018 (3 months) to have a surgery on my broken knee. There ...

Ok so you now need to really put yourself before his needs, from what I gather here he to me is looking for some excuse to abandon you so he can move on. This my opinion from an outside point of view, he is adding women and scouring sites so he can ... Read More

How to avoid a Divorce and/or my husband taking a second wife? by Nebraska Girl
Hello, I am an American and I am not yet a convert to islam. Lately my husband (of 7 years) and I have hit a rather large rough patch in our marriage. I had to return to USA in March 1, 2018 (3 months) to have a surgery on my broken knee. There ...

I will consider a divorce if I am there and represented. Read More

How to avoid a Divorce and/or my husband taking a second wife? by Nebraska Girl
Hello, I am an American and I am not yet a convert to islam. Lately my husband (of 7 years) and I have hit a rather large rough patch in our marriage. I had to return to USA in March 1, 2018 (3 months) to have a surgery on my broken knee. There ...

Also may I ask Did you both discuss having children before marriage ? And personally if you ask me he's not being a good husband if he is choosing to abandon you and throw in the towel of your marriage when you need help in any way shape or ... Read More