Pakistani expat in Saudi Arabia
Forum posts
About me
Speaks English, Urdu & started to learn Arabic
Registration: 05 June 2010

Female Gynecologist in Al-Khobar ?? by Automation
I have got a job in Khobar and I am coming to KSA with my family in Mid Aug 2010, my wife is expecting our 4th child in Nov 2010, I heard that most of the gynecologist in KSA are male is it true ? how can I find female gynecologist in Khobar and ...

Hi mani kandan5Yes and now my boy is 13 years old.sorry ! I only read "did u find doctors" not seen you addressed @Azmatdua.It's just for little smile 😃 Read More

Business visa transfer by damra
If I filed case against saudi employer can I transfer business visa to another sponsor, company? They hired me on business visa and told that will convert it to work permit later and never done it and didn't pay salary on time so I filed case ...

XTang is correctly advising that you can not work with a business visa, On a Business visa, I was coming from my home country to KSA for attending the Business meeting, Conferences, and advising expertise during yearly internal audits on-site for ... Read More

Final pay and expenses not being paid by employer by StanR
I submitted my resignation November 2020 giving 2 month notice as per my employment contract. My final day was 4 Jan 2021. I was told that I would get all due to me within 10 days, however nothing has been paid yet. This company has a history of ...

Yes Ministry is very helpful in such type of cases and are very active as well to clear all disputes between employer and employee. Thanks. Read More

Reliable Taxi at 3am by dandaman
Hi everyone, I'm new to Riyadh. I have a flight early in the morning but don't know any reliable taxi numbers. Can anyone forward me the number of a taxi company that will definitely pick me up on time and drop me to the airport? Thanks,

Hi sorry for the late reply and might be you have already exit KSA, but for next time contact ++++ he can speak 4 language (Arabic, English, Urdu, Pashto). Regards Zubair Read More

Can I have the latest process to apply Family visa.
Dear experts, Can anybody tell me the steps to applying family visa, I have just got my Iqama, my profession is General Accountant, further is it possible I can include my mother also in the family visa status ? Many thanks Read More

How much cash (Dollar) I can take in to KSA by Automation
Dear members, Need to know how much maximum dollars I can legally bring to KSA ? Any form I need to fill during embarkation ? I am joining a company in Jeddah and wanted to buy a brand new car. Thanks.

Many thanks Read More

How much cash (Dollar) I can take in to KSA
Dear members, Need to know how much maximum dollars I can legally bring to KSA ? Any form I need to fill during embarkation ? I am joining a company in Jeddah and wanted to buy a brand new car. Thanks. Read More

Umrah by car from Khobar
Hi friends, I want to perform umrah by Car can anybody please share contact details of transporters who can provide Umrah visit by Car. My current stay is in Boudl near Tamimi Market Al-Aqrabia. Regards Read More

Please help me by Malik-Imtiaz
Dear All Assalam O Alaikum, My name in Malik Imtiam. I am from Pakistan and presently working/living in Dammam, Saudi Arabia. I am in trouble and need yours suggestion and valueable advices. Please be advised that I have bachelor of commerce ...

Dear Malik Please contact Mr. Shahid of American Express Travel in Karachi, explain your situation, I am sure he can solve your problem his cell # is 00923008295960. Best of luck Read More

Do Saudi customs check external hard drives for inappropriate material by IT Guy
It just hit me now while I am copying stuff to my external hard drive :|. Most of it contains Family photos/home videos (gatherings and occasions), English and Hindi movies, songs and sitcoms like Seinfeld, Friends, and Prison Break etc etc. I am ...

Since Jan 2011 I came 3 times to KSA, nobody checked my laptop. Read More

Red means cool and blue means cool
When I came to Khobar in a well known hotel "BOUDL" and called manager with a complain that hot water is not coming in the bathroom, he also took 10 minutes to fix this but failed and he called plumber, plumber said why are you turning handle of tap ... Read More

Finally in KSA
Hi all finally landed to KSA Al-Khobar, now I am staying in BOUDL near TAMIMI ALakrabia. It was a long waiting exeprience but finally am here, but found difficult to live alone, even seems impossible to live without family and friends. Any backup ... Read More

Female Gynecologist in Al-Khobar ?? by Automation
I have got a job in Khobar and I am coming to KSA with my family in Mid Aug 2010, my wife is expecting our 4th child in Nov 2010, I heard that most of the gynecologist in KSA are male is it true ? how can I find female gynecologist in Khobar and ...

Hi Mother If you are advising me then its too late, because I was waiting for the visa since long and during this waiting time God blessed me a baby boy in my hometown, he is now 3 months old. however thanks Read More

Questions by Orthodox Muslim
Assalamu Alaykum wa rahmatu Allahi wa barakatuh to those who follow the guidence. I am planning to move to KSA right after I finish school, inshAllah. What would be the best place, without a mahram but most in accordance to Shari' law? Is it ...

Salman You have nicely automated this post !! Excellent explanation. Orthodox Muslim Welcome to the forum You have finished the school congratulations, my suggestion to you is to take admission in Islamic studies, complete it and then start ... Read More

Hello Khobar... by zb_kh
Im the first poster so Greetings I am from Khobar. Anyone out there from Khobar? Do respond and lets get to know each other and share information.

Hi Sales3 and wellcome to the forum Good to see the introduction cliped with sales advertisement !! Read More