Jonathan Evans
English expat in Argentina
2 posts
About me
Lives in Buenos Aires
Registration: 05 June 2010
autobus by vazump
If I were to take a autobus from say Buenos Aires to Rio or Sao Paulo, how much would that cost?
As I understand it the visa requirements for US citizens for most South American countries are set on a reciprocal basis. That is to say that if the US charges for Brasilians to enter then Brasil will charge the same. So to answer your question, if ... Read More
New logos for your blog! by Julien
Would you like to add an logo on your blog? It's very easy :) You can add this code: for this logo: This code: result: This ...
For Wordpress blogs, as people have already mentioned you need to add a text widget in your sidebar or footer and simply paste the html code in there. I have saved a verion of the original orange picture and removed the white background so it can ... Read More