American looking for information about Kazakhstan
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Astana
Registration: 23 July 2014

Safety in Kazakhstan by Christine
Hi, We would like to talk about a sensitive but important topic: do you feel safe in Kazakhstan? How would you define the level of safety in the country? Can you walk safely during the day and at night without any fear? Do you think ...

I totally agree with Nucmed's comments. Spot on. He tells it straight. Thank you. I was almost kidnapped my first time in KZ. Caught a taxi from Astana airport to an address provided my me to the driver. The driver took me to a different ... Read More

New members of the Kazakhstan forum, introduce yourself here by Julien
Hi all, Newbie on the Kazakhstan forum? Dont know how to start? This thread is for you ;) We invite you to introduce yourself on this topic, to share with us your expat story if you are already living in the country, or to tell us more on ...

Sure. Read More

Threats of violence towards Expat men
The Kazakh public has reacted strongly nationwide to the scandal of violence against men by other men because of issues involving women that both me know. If you are unfamiliar with this issue, refer to this link: ... Read More

Healthcare in Kazakhstan by Julien
Hi, how does the healthcare system work in Kazakhstan ? Is it efficient ? What are the main differences between public and private sectors? Is it recommended to purchase private health insurance in Kazakhstan? Thanks in advance for ...

I have never had a free prescription filled through Interteach. That is my issue with them. I have gone to the pharmacy they direct me to use. Never has it been free. Never. There is always a cost. There is a second issue with Interteach, and that ... Read More

Healthcare in Kazakhstan by Julien
Hi, how does the healthcare system work in Kazakhstan ? Is it efficient ? What are the main differences between public and private sectors? Is it recommended to purchase private health insurance in Kazakhstan? Thanks in advance for ...

I obtain my health care through an expat health care system called Interteach. They are OK. What I do not understand is their policies on paying or not paying for prescriptions. i have always paid, yet it says on its brochures that the prescripts ... Read More

State expat employees or NIS teachers by Art teacher man
Hi everyone. I will be working as a teacher with the new Nazarbayev Intellectual School in Aqtobe and was wondering if anyone here was doing the same or is working for the State. I'm trying to get a better idea how the State handles pay and ...

Do you have any insight on how to obtain the Certificate of Good Conduct? Thank you. Read More

Certificate of Good Conduct...how to obtain it quickly.
Does anyone have direct experience obtaining this document. without the use of NIS personnel? Read More

Do and don't in Kazakhstan by expat.com
Are you living in Kazakhstan? We need you to share your experience of the local customs :) Is it difficult to adjust to the local customs in Kazakhstan? Could you please share with us a list of the do's and don't's in Kazakhstan? Thanks!

On the down side of customs, if you are dark skinned, be prepared for all kinds of interesting encounters. People laughing at you from cars, calling out at you from across the street, asking you for photos, making very uneduacated assumptions about ... Read More

Teaching in Kazakhstan by science.teacherman
Hello. I am Steve, a new teacher for NIS and I would really love to hear of some of your stories. Those who are new are looking to people like you to be our teachers. I am all ears!

Hello. Just checking in to see how things are going? Hope all is well. Good luck! Read More

Teaching in Kazakhstan by science.teacherman
Hello. I am Steve, a new teacher for NIS and I would really love to hear of some of your stories. Those who are new are looking to people like you to be our teachers. I am all ears!

Hello, there. Just checking in on how things are with you and yours in Pavlodar? Hope all is well. Read More

New members of the Kazakhstan forum, introduce yourself here by Julien
Hi all, Newbie on the Kazakhstan forum? Dont know how to start? This thread is for you ;) We invite you to introduce yourself on this topic, to share with us your expat story if you are already living in the country, or to tell us more on ...

I am arriving soon. I hope your beginning is well. I am very honored to know you, as teachers with your experience are, in my opinion, quite valuable to any school or student.. How is your new assignment so far? I know it is challenging, but you ... Read More

New members of the Kazakhstan forum, introduce yourself here by Julien
Hi all, Newbie on the Kazakhstan forum? Dont know how to start? This thread is for you ;) We invite you to introduce yourself on this topic, to share with us your expat story if you are already living in the country, or to tell us more on ...

Hi, Victor. I'm Steve and I work at NIS in Kyzylorda. I am new to international teaching and saw your post. Congratulations on your appointment. Read More

Moving from USA to teach Biology at NIS in Kazakhstan by txbiogirl
Hiya! I am moving from the USA to Kazakhstan to teach Biology at NIS in August 2014. I was born in Illinois, raised in Arizona, and been in Texas for all of my adult years. Currently I'm in the Dallas area, in the same house for almost 30 ...

I am curious about the process of: *getting the ticket purchase repaid, *getting the 1000$ moving in allowance for the first 90 days, and *if a teacher with a late start has a prorated salary (or is it a full salary, just a late start date with ... Read More

Moving from USA to teach Biology at NIS in Kazakhstan by txbiogirl
Hiya! I am moving from the USA to Kazakhstan to teach Biology at NIS in August 2014. I was born in Illinois, raised in Arizona, and been in Texas for all of my adult years. Currently I'm in the Dallas area, in the same house for almost 30 ...

Thanks for your clarification on baggage issues, NM. Read More

Teaching in Kazakhstan by science.teacherman
Hello. I am Steve, a new teacher for NIS and I would really love to hear of some of your stories. Those who are new are looking to people like you to be our teachers. I am all ears!

Pavlodar? That is a nice place I have heard. Read More