American expat in Kazakhstan
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Astana
Registration: 24 July 2014

Moving to Astana by Bmolly86
Hey guys. So was just wondering wat kind of a lifestyle to expect in Astana. I've been offered a job out there and I'm in two minds whether to take it or not. Is the night life good out there and the general day to day living etc. any ...

. I think it is a pretty cool city for going out at night. What exact kind of night life are you looking for? Read More

obtaining Kazakhstan visa... a little warning by kazprincess
Hello everybody. Just FYI. Lots of visa and migration laws were changed (and still being) since march 2013. It looks like Kazakh Government making it impossible for foreigners to come to this "Paradise" country. I'm local married to ...

but 3 months later we got letter that MHA declined our docs!!! They couldn't explain why...i had to write on ministry blog (beginning of May) and got answer in June only...by that time visa expired, money finished, patience died May I ask what ... Read More