English expat in Brazil
Forum posts
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Lives in Fortaleza
Registration: 30 July 2014

Bankruptcy in Brasil by Hotspur
Does anyone know if going bankrupt here in Brasil could have any effect on a permanent resident visa ? No renewal ever needed by virtue of age. All the debts would be to Brasilian loan shark banks. Residency is by virtue of stable union with a ...

Thanks for your help, Robal ! Read More

Bankruptcy in Brasil
Does anyone know if going bankrupt here in Brasil could have any effect on a permanent resident visa ? No renewal ever needed by virtue of age. All the debts would be to Brasilian loan shark banks. Residency is by virtue of stable union with a ... Read More

Permanencia through União Estável by e_quilibrium
Hi All, I am currently going through this process and wanted to share my experience in the hopes it will help others. This details a process for a foreigner to gain residency through União Estável, and applies to both same-sex and heterosexual ...

Mine was all dealt with on the day and I left the PF with the visa stamp in the passport and just waited a few weeks for the RNE card. (See my post on this thread of 15 March 2015). Read More

We'll miss you James by Julien
Hi everyone, I am very sorry and sad to announce these sad news, but our expert James passed away in horrible circumstances. I haven't got all the details, I've heard he got murdered last week in Macae. I've lost a friend, a mentor, ...

This link from another thread may be of interest. I was not able to open it directly from Brasil, only by using my UK proxy server. http://www.thespec.com/news-story/6512148-hamilton-family-looking-for-answers-in-brazilian-murder/ Read More

We'll miss you James by Julien
Hi everyone, I am very sorry and sad to announce these sad news, but our expert James passed away in horrible circumstances. I haven't got all the details, I've heard he got murdered last week in Macae. I've lost a friend, a mentor, ...

What horríble news. My sympathies to his family. Though we only communicated on this blog, he seemed such a lovely man, always willing to help and incredibly patient. I do hope he is in a better place. Read More

Why it happened in Brazil??? by saim chaudhary
Dear James, i want to ask one thing from you.in almost countries of the world when a person receives Permanent Residency based on marriage.if after PR marriage dissolved and divorce happened then permanent residency status still valid. But i am ...

Yes, that's it. It has always puzzled both of us. My friend is only 48. Thanks, James. Read More

Why it happened in Brazil??? by saim chaudhary
Dear James, i want to ask one thing from you.in almost countries of the world when a person receives Permanent Residency based on marriage.if after PR marriage dissolved and divorce happened then permanent residency status still valid. But i am ...

Thanks, James. The point about the CIE validity is interesting. An English friend of mine has permanency based on his marriage and child with his Brasilian wife. His CIE, issued probably 4 years ago, has a 5 year date for renewal. Mine, issued in ... Read More

Why it happened in Brazil??? by saim chaudhary
Dear James, i want to ask one thing from you.in almost countries of the world when a person receives Permanent Residency based on marriage.if after PR marriage dissolved and divorce happened then permanent residency status still valid. But i am ...

As always, one point leads to another. Is the 5 year period set by law, or can it be subject to the whim of the PF officer you are dealing with ? Read More

Why it happened in Brazil??? by saim chaudhary
Dear James, i want to ask one thing from you.in almost countries of the world when a person receives Permanent Residency based on marriage.if after PR marriage dissolved and divorce happened then permanent residency status still valid. But i am ...

Thanks again, James Read More

Why it happened in Brazil??? by saim chaudhary
Dear James, i want to ask one thing from you.in almost countries of the world when a person receives Permanent Residency based on marriage.if after PR marriage dissolved and divorce happened then permanent residency status still valid. But i am ...

Thanks James When you say officialised, is that the date mentioned in the união estável document when we started living together, (May 2012) or the date of the registration of the Union in the cartorio (September 2013) ? Read More

Why it happened in Brazil??? by saim chaudhary
Dear James, i want to ask one thing from you.in almost countries of the world when a person receives Permanent Residency based on marriage.if after PR marriage dissolved and divorce happened then permanent residency status still valid. But i am ...

Would this 5 year period from the start of the marriage also apply to a "união estável " marriage, and if so, would I be right in thinking that the start of the 5 year period would be the date declared in the document when we ... Read More

Permanencia through União Estável by e_quilibrium
Hi All, I am currently going through this process and wanted to share my experience in the hopes it will help others. This details a process for a foreigner to gain residency through União Estável, and applies to both same-sex and heterosexual ...

Having not long ago successfully gone through the process, with a lot of help from James, I do remember him saying at one stage that as the Cartorios are owned by Judges, the stable Union certificate has effectively been issued by a "juiz ... Read More

Brasilian nationality by Hotspur
Two questions on this if anyone knows the answers. 1. The PF site listing the requirements mentions completion of a Portuguese test. Would this be the one which is only carried out twice a year about 1000 miles away from me, or could it really be, ...

Thanks, James Read More

Brasilian nationality by Hotspur
Two questions on this if anyone knows the answers. 1. The PF site listing the requirements mentions completion of a Portuguese test. Would this be the one which is only carried out twice a year about 1000 miles away from me, or could it really be, ...

Hi James Thanks as ever. Good to know I would not lose my British citizenship and passport. Regards Leslie Read More

Brasilian nationality
Two questions on this if anyone knows the answers. 1. The PF site listing the requirements mentions completion of a Portuguese test. Would this be the one which is only carried out twice a year about 1000 miles away from me, or could it really be, ... Read More