American expat in Jordan
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Amman
Speaks English, a bit of Spanish, a bit of Arabic...need more Arabic!!
Registration: 26 January 2009

Arabic Speaking Practice by olbigjim
Hello Expats, and welcome to Jordan! I know that many of you out there, like me, may be struggling to learn to speak Arabic comfortably. We know some, or many of the words and phrases, but have difficulty talking to native Arab speakers for many ...

I was at Wild Jordan today at 4 pm as arranged with everyone. I stayed until 5.15 pm. No one showed up. The interest in practicing Arabic with native speakers is apparently not as high as I had believed. As of today, 11th May 2013, this thread is ... Read More

Arabic Speaking Practice by olbigjim
Hello Expats, and welcome to Jordan! I know that many of you out there, like me, may be struggling to learn to speak Arabic comfortably. We know some, or many of the words and phrases, but have difficulty talking to native Arab speakers for many ...

Marhabteyn! Let's do this! I propose a meet-up to greet and get to know each other and find out how many are truly interested in practicing Arabic. We will meet on Saturday, 11th May 2013 at 4 pm. The patio at Wild Jordan seems like a good place to ... Read More

Arabic Speaking Practice by olbigjim
Hello Expats, and welcome to Jordan! I know that many of you out there, like me, may be struggling to learn to speak Arabic comfortably. We know some, or many of the words and phrases, but have difficulty talking to native Arab speakers for many ...

Well, this is encouraging! It looks like Elaine's recent post renewed interest in this project. Please, all who are interested in getting together to practice, email me at theolbigjim@gmail.com and let's see what we can put together. Meanwhile, I ... Read More

Arabic Speaking Practice by olbigjim
Hello Expats, and welcome to Jordan! I know that many of you out there, like me, may be struggling to learn to speak Arabic comfortably. We know some, or many of the words and phrases, but have difficulty talking to native Arab speakers for many ...

I agree, it is a pity! Zeek tells me he will be happy to reactivate the group IF a minimum of five persons show interest and commit to attending the meets on a weekly basis. If we can get more than five, it would be even better! And, remember this, ... Read More

Arabic Speaking Practice by olbigjim
Hello Expats, and welcome to Jordan! I know that many of you out there, like me, may be struggling to learn to speak Arabic comfortably. We know some, or many of the words and phrases, but have difficulty talking to native Arab speakers for many ...

Hi Elaine, I'm afraid I wasn't able to generate any interest in the group. I'm not quite sure why, but even the few who responded never followed up when I gave details. I thought a casual setting with a few friends and a native speaker would be ... Read More

Arabic Speaking Practice by olbigjim
Hello Expats, and welcome to Jordan! I know that many of you out there, like me, may be struggling to learn to speak Arabic comfortably. We know some, or many of the words and phrases, but have difficulty talking to native Arab speakers for many ...

Please stay in contact with us. I believe we will be ready to begin our sessions again by September. There has been some renewed interest. Email me at theolbigjim@gmail.com and thanks for contacting us! Read More

Arabic Speaking Practice by olbigjim
Hello Expats, and welcome to Jordan! I know that many of you out there, like me, may be struggling to learn to speak Arabic comfortably. We know some, or many of the words and phrases, but have difficulty talking to native Arab speakers for many ...

Bilal, Apology accepted. We've all made mistakes in these things. I didn't notice that you only joined a few days ago. Good luck in your future! Regards, Jim Read More

Arabic Speaking Practice by olbigjim
Hello Expats, and welcome to Jordan! I know that many of you out there, like me, may be struggling to learn to speak Arabic comfortably. We know some, or many of the words and phrases, but have difficulty talking to native Arab speakers for many ...

Hi all, Although I am past the 20 May deadline, I would like to introduce my services for those interested. My name is Bilal El-Ouri, from Jordan, Amman. I am an experienced translator/editor and English instructor. I obtained my Master's in ... Read More

looking for freinds by jamshed
Hello everyone i m from Pakistan and working and living in amman. I m looking for friends

Welcome to Expat.com and welcome to Jordan! Ol' Big JimThanks ... you are still looking young at this age. May you live long and healthyYou are very kind to say such words! I hope we will meet one day when you come to Amman! Ol' Big Jim Read More

looking for freinds by jamshed
Hello everyone i m from Pakistan and working and living in amman. I m looking for friends

Welcome to Expat.com and welcome to Jordan! Ol' Big Jim Read More

Looking to meet nice friends in jordan by mdohal
Hello everybody Im looking to meet some nice friends in jordan , everybody from all over the world are welcome thanks and have a great day

(moderated: offensive post)Why are you in an Arab country?? People like you give the rest of us Americans who live here a bad name! Read More

Arabic Speaking Practice by olbigjim
Hello Expats, and welcome to Jordan! I know that many of you out there, like me, may be struggling to learn to speak Arabic comfortably. We know some, or many of the words and phrases, but have difficulty talking to native Arab speakers for many ...

I've created the group, now it's time for those of you who are interested to join! Here is how it will work. Those of us who need to practice our conversational Arabic will meet on a (hopefully) weekly schedule to hone our skills. Zeek will ... Read More

Arabic Speaking Practice by olbigjim
Hello Expats, and welcome to Jordan! I know that many of you out there, like me, may be struggling to learn to speak Arabic comfortably. We know some, or many of the words and phrases, but have difficulty talking to native Arab speakers for many ...

I failed to mention in any of my previous posts that there will be NO FEE associated with Finjan Ahweh. These gatherings will be friendly chat sessions, as Zeek has agreed to provide his services without charge. The only thing you will have to pay ... Read More

Arabic Speaking Practice by olbigjim
Hello Expats, and welcome to Jordan! I know that many of you out there, like me, may be struggling to learn to speak Arabic comfortably. We know some, or many of the words and phrases, but have difficulty talking to native Arab speakers for many ...

I'm gratified to report several positive responses on this thread. With that in mind, I have scheduled a first meeting of "Finjan Ahweh" at 3rd Floor Cafe in Swefieh for Friday, 20th May at 6 pm. I sincerely hope you will all be there! My friend ... Read More

I am new here in amman, and i would like to know, which are the best clubs to visit. If anyone can help,Please.

I too, like Jafra. I was just there last night! They have the best arghileh in town, lovely coffee and food, the service is impeccable and the atmosphere is astonishing! It's loaded with antiques and very interesting art. If you can get a table on ... Read More