Sue Harvey
English expat in Cambodia
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Sihanoukville
Speaks English and a few others badly
Registration: 30 June 2010

Your experience of culture shock in Cambodia by Christine
Hi, Living in a foreign country implies to discover its culture, to learn and master the cultural codes. How did you deal with that? Share with us your culture shock stories where you experienced a funny or awkward moment in Cambodia. What ...

I lived in Sihanoukville for nigh on five years and was, for the most part, very happy there. The level of 'borrowing' and intrusion on my privacy drove me mad but, apart from that, I got on well with my neighbours. However, for all the ... Read More

Life in Sihanoukville by ancientpathos
Greetings, I have visited PP and SR. I enjoy living near the ocean in Vietnam and I am thinking about moving to Sihanoukville. What can I expect in regards to housing, food and entertainment. I am retired, would like to keep my expenses at under ...

Oh dear, BKK John, what an horrid picture you paint of Sihanoukville, and not the one I have taken away with me. Of course, I didn't live in the tourist area nor did I consort with ladies of the night. My motodop was a darling and honest as ... Read More

Driving in Cambodia by Maximilien
Hi, What do you think of the way people drive in Cambodia? How different is it from your home country? Respecting the road safety rules, driving etiquette such as general courtesy, speed excess what are the characteristics of the driving ...

Primarily, they drive on the right, except when it's more convenient to drive on the left. When wishing to turn left, on approaching the intersection, cross over into the oncoming traffic at least 50 metres before the junction, and drive to the ... Read More

Life in Sihanoukville by ancientpathos
Greetings, I have visited PP and SR. I enjoy living near the ocean in Vietnam and I am thinking about moving to Sihanoukville. What can I expect in regards to housing, food and entertainment. I am retired, would like to keep my expenses at under ...

Think Sihanoukville has enough 'scum of the earth' already. Does it really need any more? Entertaining you say. In what way is 'scum' entertaining, pray? A theatre would be nice. A bit of culture maybe, or is that too much to ... Read More

How long does it take to get a Cambodian drivers licence? by StarvinMarvin
Hi I was wondering how long does it take to get a Cambodian drivers licence throug an agent in Sihanoukville?? Thx Henry :)

Pop along to JJ's cafe on the back road (behind the market) to Otres and ask for John. While you eat a good English breakfast he will give you all the info you need. Read More

is it legal to carry a small pocket knife in Cambodia? by Dmesh
it is legal where im from and i usually have one in the car or in my pocket. its not a big machete or "crocodile dundee" knife. just a 3.5 inch folding knife. i use it for cutting string, opening plastic packages, makin pb & j, or whatever other ...

I think the time has come for all foreigners to carry some form of defensive weapon when riding a moto. The incidents of dragging people off their bikes to steal their bags has got to the stage where self-defence is now de-rigeur. Read More

Health Inurance by capitanojuliano
Has anyone bought health cover as an ex-pat living full-time in Siem Reap? If so details and contacts please.

EEEks. I'd be scared to get health cover in Cambodia. Who would you trust? On the one hand would they cough up, and on the other would the hospital see it as an opportunity to make mega-bucks and chop out your vital organs when all you had ... Read More

Life in Sihanoukville by ancientpathos
Greetings, I have visited PP and SR. I enjoy living near the ocean in Vietnam and I am thinking about moving to Sihanoukville. What can I expect in regards to housing, food and entertainment. I am retired, would like to keep my expenses at under ...

In my experience it is not poverty and lack of education that causes crime but wannabe rich chancers. You can wander around India and find people who have nothing but a sackcloth and begging bowl to their name, but they would never steal your ... Read More

Vaccines by am0425
Did you get a Hepatitis A vaccine before coming to Cambodia? I was planning on it, until I just realized it is apparently 2 vaccines given over a 6 month period. I leave in 2 months :unsure

Jeez, do you work for a big pharmaceutical drug company? The suggestion that you should stuff your body full of chemicals just in case you catch something is rather scary. We all have an immune system that works perfectly well if boosted with a ... Read More

Vaccines by am0425
Did you get a Hepatitis A vaccine before coming to Cambodia? I was planning on it, until I just realized it is apparently 2 vaccines given over a 6 month period. I leave in 2 months :unsure

Not sure what you're all talking about. Always wary about putting chemicals in my body and never taken any vaccines ever. Is there some dire disease in Cambodia I didn't know about? Managed 20 years in 'third world' without ... Read More

Internet/broadband in sihanoukville? by StarvinMarvin
Hi folks. The big move is getting closer and closer and i have a few questions that you guys can help me with. What are the prices and offers for quick internet in snooky? Also if anyone has any examples for sat/tv options it would be very ...

Back in Jersey UK and really missing my easy life in S'Ville. OneTV gave me great service and although I always had to go to Metphone to get the engineer to follow me home to fix my internet problems (usually stolen/cut/badly connected/storm ... Read More

Khmer rudeness, or my lack of understanding by madmax888
I have a question for those of you who know more about Khmer than I do. I have had my wife's family members visit me a number of times, including having her younger brother stay with us for 9 months. After visiting, not one of them has thanked ...

Short answer: yes Read More

Safety in Cambodia by Christine
Hi, We would like to talk about a sensitive but important topic: do you feel safe in Cambodia? How would you define the level of safety in the country? Can you walk safely during the day and at night without any fear? Do you think there ...

Sadly, the police force in Cambodia is not keeping pace with the needs of the increase in tourist numbers. Until the government addresses this problem, the crime rates will increase. The country will go the way of Thailand and numerous other ... Read More

Cost of living in Cambodia 2015 by expat.com
Hi all, We invite you to talk about the cost of living in Cambodia in 2015, with an updated price listing. Don't forget to mention in which city of Cambodia you are living in. How much does it cost to live in Cambodia? > accommodation ...

As I say in my post, it is a 2 bedroom house with large yard and big gates. Read More

Healthcare in Cambodia by Julien
Hi, how does the healthcare system work in Cambodia ? Is it efficient ? What are the main differences between public and private sectors? Is it recommended to purchase private health insurance in Cambodia? Thanks in advance for sharing ...

Have seen so many cases of prickly heat misdiagnosed and over treated with tablets. Cold showers followed by a good dusting of 'cooling powder' with aloe vera (from the supermarket) will do the trick. Read More