

Active member

Puerto Rican citizen


46 posts



About me

Puerto Rican

Registration: 27 August 2014


csmi replied to a thread
7 years ago

Leaving PR to the states at a reasonable price, on a 1 way flight by csmi

With most flights $500+ to the states, such as to Florida, unless you wait 3-4 weeks, what alternatives are there for those who want to leave PR on a 1 way ticket? Many of the cruise lines don't go to Florida in the short term. Any other ...


Thanks but that was a temporary program that ESJ was offering, that is no more. "We, ESJ Hotel, are no longer offer charter flights, we are a hotel in Isla Verde who did a few relief flights only. You can contact Condado Travel and requests ... Read More

csmi created a thread
7 years ago

Leaving PR to the states at a reasonable price, on a 1 way flight

With most flights $500+ to the states, such as to Florida, unless you wait 3-4 weeks, what alternatives are there for those who want to leave PR on a 1 way ticket? Many of the cruise lines don't go to Florida in the short term. Any other ... Read More

csmi replied to a thread
8 years ago

Where the heck is my tax refund check? by Oceanview

Anyone still waiting to receive an income tax refund check from PR? We filed our tax US and PR tax returns well before the April 15th deadline. They were prepared by a local CPA firm, yet we have yet to receive a refund check from PR. We have no ...


"Finally got it -- with interest. Now for 2015......" Fred, what interest rate did they pay you? From my 2014 tax year filing, I overpaid about $10,000 and never received any refund or interest. That expected refund amount will be ... Read More

csmi replied to a thread
8 years ago

Puerto Rico Income tax forms by tonie064

Does anyone know where we might be able to obtain Puerto Rico income tax forms (like in the U.S., the individual state forms to file with our Federal return}? Do we get them from our Municipal office of the town we live in or somewhere else? No one ...


For IRS Federal 1040, the deadline for 2015 tax year is 4-18-2016. What is the deadline for Puerto Rico and how to file an extension for the PR return? This year, the US FEDERAL tax deadline falls on April 18, 2016. That's the deadline to ... Read More

csmi replied to a thread
8 years ago

Essentials to live in Puerto Rico by Christine

Hi, As an expat living in Puerto Rico, what would you advise the ones about to pack to bring along? What are the items you can easily find in Puerto Rico? On the other hand, what is less common or quite expensive? Share with us what you ...


If you have a car sell it and save the money, don't import a motor vehicle, I repeat, Don't import a motor vehicle here, vehicle import TAX is crazy for example: if you import let say a car Lexus 2000 your estimated vehicle tax will be ... Read More

csmi replied to a thread
9 years ago

Homelessness in PR by ReyP

I was just reading an article about Hawaii. It seems that the unemployment there as of this September is around 3.4 percent and homelessness is 487 per 100,000. That is a very low unemployment rate and a high percentage of people homeless. With ...


The informed social service agencies say the best approach is NOT to give any money, because then you are enabling their substance abuse habits. Many recovered people say that the dollar that you give might be the dollar that pushes them over the ... Read More

csmi replied to a thread
9 years ago

Puerto Rico's Sovereign Debt Crisis by NomadLawyer

Well, Gov. Garcia Padilla has admittedwhat many of us have known for sometime: Puerto Rico cannot pay its debt (of $72 billion). Tragic. This will (and has for some time) have major consequences for the economy and the value of assets held in PR. If ...


CSMI, I see your point and for the most part I agree, however PR has a very high unemployment (around 12%) which means those Government employees are not very likely to find jobs. Also we can not be certain that those people that are released were ... Read More

csmi replied to a thread
9 years ago

Drought in Puerto Rico by NomadLawyer

My in-laws are telling me that the drought in PR is really bad. It was bad when I was there back in the summer of 2014 and we nearly had to live with rationing. My in-laws who live in the SJ metro area suffering through water rationing now and it ...


I will take a country drive to Lago Cerillos and give you a personal take on it. There is no word about a drought since I have been here. You can visit almost anywhere on the Island within 2 hours unless you do the mountain roads. Our water on the ... Read More

csmi replied to a thread
9 years ago

Puerto Rico's Sovereign Debt Crisis by NomadLawyer

Well, Gov. Garcia Padilla has admittedwhat many of us have known for sometime: Puerto Rico cannot pay its debt (of $72 billion). Tragic. This will (and has for some time) have major consequences for the economy and the value of assets held in PR. If ...


Poster 1: "The problem with laying off public employees is that then they go into unemployment and welfare. Money comes out of a different pocket but it still come out." Poster 2 responded: "That is totally correct. Layoff is a short ... Read More

csmi created a thread
9 years ago

At what elevation in PR do mosquitos cease to exist?

At what elevation in PR do mosquitos cease to exist? Ive heard that at a certain level in the mountains it is too cold for them Read More

csmi replied to a thread
9 years ago

real estate shopping in puerto rico by davidtx

(links on our website) Unless you've been living under a rock, you are probably at least vaguely aware that the Puerto Rican government is currently embroiled in a massive debt crisis. Revenue has not matched spending levels for years and the ...


Are there any INTELLIGENT real estate websites where one can search by the # of acres or cuerdas? I am looking to buy a large farm $500,000+ but dont see any way to filter by # of cuerdas. With ClasificadosOnline you have to look at them 1 by 1 ... Read More

csmi replied to a thread
9 years ago

In PR, why do most of the houses not have enclosed garages? by csmi

In PR, why do most of the houses have carports instead of enclosed garages? It cant be only because there is no snow, because even in Florida most houses where they also don't get snow, Florida houses have garages.


Please, no thread hijacking. All replies should be about "In PR, why do most of the houses not have enclosed garages?" If looking to rent a house, make your own post or contact that person directly. Thanks Read More

csmi replied to a thread
9 years ago

Buying a car by CarinaSM

hi all, anyone selling a car around a 10.000 usd budget? Thanks


So, what finally happened? Its been 10 months since your last update. Read More

csmi created a thread
9 years ago

Why are solar panels rare in PR, despite high electric rates, much sun

Plenty of sun should make PR an ideal climate for solar panels relative to the states. In addition, higher electric rates than the states should incentivize more people to use solar panels. So, why are solar panels so rare in PR? Read More

csmi replied to a thread
9 years ago

4 Months Living in Puerto Rico...This is what I have learned so far by hct408

I wrote a post a couple months ago detailing my thoughts on Puerto Rico after having lived here for three weeks. We are now four months into our stay here and I have more to add. I guess, I want to point out that I think of expats who live here as ...


If you are accustomed to US stateside standards, you will be disappointed and/or depressed. When the masses are less educated, more government dependent, it is to be expected. One thing Ive learned is to lower your expectations, then lower them ... Read More