Slovenian expat in Ethiopia
20 posts
About me
Lives in Addis Ababa
Registration: 18 July 2010
Buying property in Ethiopia by Christine
Hi, can a foreigner buy property in Ethiopia? If so, is it complicated? What is the process of purchasing a property in Ethiopia? Any tips for buying property, such as a check-list of items to verify ? Thanks in advance for ...
I fully agree with Ed_addis Read More
Buying property in Ethiopia by Christine
Hi, can a foreigner buy property in Ethiopia? If so, is it complicated? What is the process of purchasing a property in Ethiopia? Any tips for buying property, such as a check-list of items to verify ? Thanks in advance for ...
Foreigner cannot buy property in Ethiopia. Read More
Driving in Addis by Mark Yven
Does anyone know if I can drive with my California DL in Ethiopia?
No, you have to get an authentication stamp from the US embassy, then go to Ethiopian ministry of foreign affairs to get another stamp and then off to road authority at Kality to get an ethiopian equivalent. Read More
I am Deaf and I want to come to Addis Ababa by DeafMoonGirl
At Addis Ababa University there is a sign language programme for undergraduates. Also, I notice a lot of blind people at Siddist kilo campus and they are always very kindly assisted by seeing students. I think at the university you may be able to ... Read More
Noise by ichselbst
Hi all, The few times I was in Addis I was always kicked out of my bed very early in the morning by the sound machine of an orthodox church or service. Don't get me wrong, this was really noisy and lasted for hours. I would like to know a - was ...
The Sidama rate sounds crazy, I thought they were charging sth like 60 dollars a night. You should be able to get a furnished appartment for much less than that. I wouls assume sth like 2000 dollars a month for a furnished upmarket appartment. Check ... Read More
Noise by ichselbst
Hi all, The few times I was in Addis I was always kicked out of my bed very early in the morning by the sound machine of an orthodox church or service. Don't get me wrong, this was really noisy and lasted for hours. I would like to know a - was ...
Decent internet speed is a dream in Addis. But you can download pdfs on most days. For good speed you can go to Sheraton, and get their 1 hour or 24 hours internet access cards. I would not advise to rent a furnished apartment, it is usually very ... Read More
Noise by ichselbst
Hi all, The few times I was in Addis I was always kicked out of my bed very early in the morning by the sound machine of an orthodox church or service. Don't get me wrong, this was really noisy and lasted for hours. I would like to know a - was ...
you can buy decent fridges locally, not sure about washing mashines, I looked at them first, but since I live alone, in the end I decided to have a house maid who washes my clothes once a week or so. For internet connection your best bet is a USB ... Read More
can anybody highlight on the following points by ebrao
can anybody highlight on the following points- 1. House rent in Adis Ababa for a 2 bedroom house . 2.Food Expenses for a family of two. 3.Availability of good housing. 4.Cost of living in Adis Ababa. please specify the above expenses in ...
with 1500 USD you will not live like a royal family, rent prices have gone up and as a foreigner you will neve get the same price as ethiopians, rent at least 350 dollars for small house, but nowadays, prices are more in the range of 500-700 ... Read More
French lessons and yoga classes in Addis by Shinade
Hi, I was wondering if anyone could recommend a french tutor, or french classes in Addis. Also I've seen there's a few places to do yoga i.e. yoga studio, bole rock etc. where is the best do you think? Thanks, Sinead.
for yoga, I like Emily, she has classes in Arat Kilo and Bole rock, and also does occasional weekend yoga retreats outside Addis emilyoga.com Read More
Looking to rent 3 br house in ET in Sept. by jahoilett
Does anyone have any leads?
it is very small budget and you have not specified it you want a house in Addis or in a small town/rural location I would really advise you against looking for a house online like this. And 3 bedroom in Addis even in the cheaper areas will be more ... Read More
Looking to rent 3 br house in ET in Sept. by jahoilett
Does anyone have any leads?
where in ET would be the first thing you need to specify, also your budget over the internet you will not find anything cheap, In Addis it usually takes a couple of weeks and you will have to look at many houses before you'll find something decent ... Read More
maternity care addis ababa by fae-in-ethiopia
Hi, I am living in Addis at the moment and just found out I'm pregnant. If it's possible I would like to stay in Ethiopia to give birth, but Im wondering at the quality of medical care. Has anyone else been through this experience? or has some ...
there is a German midwife, who has helped deliver babies to two of my German friends in Addis, and apparently it was very professional and it went really smoothly here is the information form the Welcome to Addis guide from the international ... Read More
maid and security guard by hanok
how much would it cost me if i wann hire maid and security guard. Whats the living cost in Ethiopia daily in addis ababa? hope to hear from you guys God bless and thanks
you can get a guard that lives with you 24/7 or 2 guards that work 24 hour shifts. most expats pay their 2 at 24 hour shifts 600 -700 birr per person (16,66 birr to a dolar) I pay mine who stayrs 24/7 and has sundays off during day time 1000 per ... Read More
Moving to Ethiopia in September 2011 by jahoilett
Greetings Everyone~ My three young (11,10, and 1)children and I will be moving to Ethiopia in September and I am very excited but also very nervous. We will be going ahead of my husband who will be joining us in May 2012. I'd like to find a 3br ...
I agree with the above posts Also, what is not clear from your OP is where in Ethiopia you want to live, major city is Addis. The rest are towns, and even in a place like Gondar, a university town in the north, a 3 bedroom house will cost more than ... Read More
Foreign Currency by Bartje
What is the best way to change Birr back into Dollars or Euro's? In the airport before departure, many people experience that the foreign exchange office is currently out of cash... Thank you
you have the right, if you are a foreigner, to go to the main Commercial bank in Addis 24 hours before leaving the country, and with your flight ticket in hand, and then if you are lucky you can get dollars but usually, best to find farenjis who ... Read More