English expat in Malta
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Naxaar
Registration: 23 October 2014

Buying new car? by manda10
Hi there, We are looking to move to malta in June. I have been looking online for places to buy new Ford in Malta.. Will it be a case of buying abroad and shipping over or are there new car dealerships? Thanks x

Manda 10 Hi Most people tend to go to Gozo to buy a car as they can be cheaper there than n Malta. VAT on imports is applicable if you move the car here and if you have not owned it for less than 2 yrs, you can go online to Transport malta and ... Read More

Moving the Malta in January 2017 by Tubseytel
Hi all. Please can anyone tell me their experience of moving to Malta? I have to children aged 10 and 11 that I am hoping to go to school once got residency. They do not speak Maltese but I am going to have a few lesson before we go to give us a ...

Hi and welcome. Please take on board what Rob has infomred you about tax credits, it is no possible to claim here unless you are away temporarily and the you would need ro inform them and they do deduct accordingly . As its a nightmare with TC ... Read More

Moving to Malta by Goodison
My name is Phillip Deane and my wife is Ann. We are English, but have lived in Ireland for 11 years. My family are hoping to move to Malta next year. My wife and I are retiring but my daughter and three children are hoping to move with us. We have ...

Hello and congratulations on the impending move! Regarding best value for rental accomodation a few points to take into consideration. 1. Childrens schools and whether they will want to go private or to a state school. Location wise this may ... Read More

Tax for tenants? by amej
Our landlord makes us pay additionaly to the rent 70 euro saying it a tax for renting. I just realised its such a nonsense since its not us getting this income.Why do we have to pay this 70 euro tax as tenants? Anyone came across antyhing like that?

Sam , the general rule when your tenancy comes up for renewal is that you dont recieve a new tenancy it normally rolls on however if you want to raise something thats an issue for you then dicuss it with the LL and come to a new terms of your ... Read More

:/ Hi everyone, I'm driving down from the UK in April and hope for a nice leisurely drive through France and Italy. I see that the shortest ferry route from Italy (mainland) to Sicily doesn't take cars. I'm sure there are plenty of ...

we took the ferry from sothern italy to SIcily and then Ferry Pozzalo to Valleta The other route that ai know was only open last year was Genoa to Palermo and Grimaldi ferries were not running. Also check that the ferries havent stopped for a ... Read More

buying a car by J.black5
Hi folks, I'm planning to buy a car I viewed recently, it's a private sale, does anybody know if there would any problems doing this as I have only been in Malta 1 week now, as yet I'm still looking for work, so don't have my ...

I have had my car on a permit under an employment contract after the 6 mths of being on the island and deciding to stay, however my mother passed away and most of my time over the last few months has been in the Uk. I only changed the log book to ... Read More

Tax for tenants? by amej
Our landlord makes us pay additionaly to the rent 70 euro saying it a tax for renting. I just realised its such a nonsense since its not us getting this income.Why do we have to pay this 70 euro tax as tenants? Anyone came across antyhing like that?

i was led to believe when we arrived that owners reflected the VAT charge of 15% into the cost of thr property rental so it was all inclusive and the only VAT reciept we ever recieved was one form the agent for their fees. I have had a tecent ... Read More

Moving in 1 week - a few questions by blackangelheart
Hi, First of all a big hello to everyone :) I'm new to this forum and will be moving to Malta with my partner in 1 week :-) We're super excited and I've been (silently) reading threads on accommodation including tips and warnings. My ...

I moved to Malta in March after making our first trip for viewings in January and we arrived in one of the coldest times of the year. I dont do cold so it really affects me the humidity and its often much warmer outside than in. property agencies , ... Read More

Bringing your car from UK to malta by Kimdeller1
I'm staying in malta until Christmas as a tourist. I have brought my car as I drove across Europe . I'm listen to nightmare stories that I will have my car inpounded due to not registering it. Can anybody advise what I should do ? What is ...

Ive found Trotterrs independent traders malta the best service so far. Read More

Bringing your car from UK to malta by Kimdeller1
I'm staying in malta until Christmas as a tourist. I have brought my car as I drove across Europe . I'm listen to nightmare stories that I will have my car inpounded due to not registering it. Can anybody advise what I should do ? What is ...

I will also add the only stipulation was that I do not sell the car whilst here. Read More

Foreign car in Malta unregistered, with enforcements. by Arnaudb707
Hi! I wish here to ask a difficult question which I have read the answers varied. I am in Malta for over six months now with a car registered in France, I hold the ID card. I know now in complete illegality about foreign cars locally after a ...

well go figure....that what I was officially permitted to do by one of the highest authorities in the department and its not breaking any law as we aslo when through the law / rule book. I am also aware that after the year expires the car will ... Read More

Bringing your car from UK to malta by Kimdeller1
I'm staying in malta until Christmas as a tourist. I have brought my car as I drove across Europe . I'm listen to nightmare stories that I will have my car inpounded due to not registering it. Can anybody advise what I should do ? What is ...

I can only give you the benefit of my own personal experience . I brought my car in March which I had shared with my daughter for two years with me and although I had been driving it for two yrs the log book was still in her name and I only changed ... Read More

Vehicle Registration - Arrived as tourist, decided to work and stay by LeoK
Hi to all, I would be really grateful for any assistance on this issue! I arrived in May in Malta, planning to stay a couple of months to visit my girlfriend who is working on the island. During my time here, I decided that I wanted to stay ...

hi Buddy you might alos find this useful to know..... I can only give you the benefit of my own personal experience . I brought my car in March which I had shared with my daughter for two years with me and although I had been driving it for two yrs ... Read More

Maltese reg car back to UK - help please by Benanddavid
Hi can anyone give me info on returning to UK with our British car that is now Maltese registered ? Driving back after 2 years here but not sure of the car procedure when entering UK? Also having a problem finding insurance cover for the trip back ...

Asdas 5* policy is the only one that will cover roadtrippers with a car across europe for 365 days of the year. They do a twmp insurance that covers you for 90 day period. If your thinking of shipping instead tey Trotters independent traders Malta ... Read More

Foreign car in Malta unregistered, with enforcements. by Arnaudb707
Hi! I wish here to ask a difficult question which I have read the answers varied. I am in Malta for over six months now with a car registered in France, I hold the ID card. I know now in complete illegality about foreign cars locally after a ...

you may also find this a useful fact to know........ I can only give you the benefit of my own personal experience . I brought my car in March which I had shared with my daughter for two years with me and although I had been driving it for two yrs ... Read More