tom mc cormack
Irish looking for information about Philippines
Forum posts
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Lives in drogheda
Registration: 30 October 2014

living in the phillippines by tom mc cormack
just wondering how life is there ,im seriously considering moving and living in the philippines after living in ireland for the last fifty years and would like to live in a warmer climate

sounds a lot like scotland with all the palms and bananas :) did that typhoon affect you ? or are you far enough in land and at a safe altitude ? Read More

living in the phillippines by tom mc cormack
just wondering how life is there ,im seriously considering moving and living in the philippines after living in ireland for the last fifty years and would like to live in a warmer climate

i would definatly integrate wit the ph.people,if im going to move to your country i dont think i would have the right to change your peoples way of thinking ( if im living in your country ill respect all your laws and customs -its the right thing to ... Read More

living in the phillippines by tom mc cormack
just wondering how life is there ,im seriously considering moving and living in the philippines after living in ireland for the last fifty years and would like to live in a warmer climate

no pens at the visa extension office ? sounds like a place i would fit in perfectly,sounds a lot like dublin Read More

living in the phillippines by tom mc cormack
just wondering how life is there ,im seriously considering moving and living in the philippines after living in ireland for the last fifty years and would like to live in a warmer climate

cheers bud :) thanks sounds like good advice and a good way to get more info. about the php. Read More

living in the phillippines by tom mc cormack
just wondering how life is there ,im seriously considering moving and living in the philippines after living in ireland for the last fifty years and would like to live in a warmer climate

is the power that unreliable ? also i see from our sky t.v. world weather that a typhoon is kinda heading generally towards the cebu area with heavy rain and still temp.of 31 oc ( hot and wet ) and how long does a visa last (a buddy of mine said if ... Read More

living in the phillippines by tom mc cormack
just wondering how life is there ,im seriously considering moving and living in the philippines after living in ireland for the last fifty years and would like to live in a warmer climate

much appricated i think you nailed it on the head seems perfect,looked up their website and it looks very good.how long have you lived in the php ? and how do the locals get along with you ? and are you from the states ? sorry about all the silly ... Read More

living in the phillippines by tom mc cormack
just wondering how life is there ,im seriously considering moving and living in the philippines after living in ireland for the last fifty years and would like to live in a warmer climate

if you are interested the reason the paddy and brit are arguing is possibly about the famine witch happened in the 18 century and england controled/owned ireland and all our food bar potatoes were exported to england,so us paddys survived on ... Read More

living in the phillippines by tom mc cormack
just wondering how life is there ,im seriously considering moving and living in the philippines after living in ireland for the last fifty years and would like to live in a warmer climate

what do you mean "subdivision"? sorry i know f**k all about the php.(so far) but i am getting there ireland is also corrupt as f**k and our politicans do it with pride as they screw us (but as you i wont go into it as it will only depress ... Read More

living in the phillippines by tom mc cormack
just wondering how life is there ,im seriously considering moving and living in the philippines after living in ireland for the last fifty years and would like to live in a warmer climate

wow,sound very relaxed ( and thanks for the good briefing of a typical day :) ) do you live in manila ? i dont think i could hack it in such a large city,dublin (our capital) has a population of approx. 450,000 people and thats to much for me i ... Read More

living in the phillippines by tom mc cormack
just wondering how life is there ,im seriously considering moving and living in the philippines after living in ireland for the last fifty years and would like to live in a warmer climate

i was thinking about going to cebu for approx.21 days and finding somewhere quite. do you know any irish people overthere ? Read More

living in the phillippines by tom mc cormack
just wondering how life is there ,im seriously considering moving and living in the philippines after living in ireland for the last fifty years and would like to live in a warmer climate

how long have you lived in manila ? Read More

living in the phillippines by tom mc cormack
just wondering how life is there ,im seriously considering moving and living in the philippines after living in ireland for the last fifty years and would like to live in a warmer climate

what do you mean "difficult to go back " ? Read More

living in the phillippines by tom mc cormack
just wondering how life is there ,im seriously considering moving and living in the philippines after living in ireland for the last fifty years and would like to live in a warmer climate

describe a typical day in your life in the philippines please (and i look up how to spell the name of the the place im thinking of moving to/retiring in ( its a start, o.k :) ) Read More

living in the phillippines by tom mc cormack
just wondering how life is there ,im seriously considering moving and living in the philippines after living in ireland for the last fifty years and would like to live in a warmer climate

very funny :) im just researching all aspects i.e climate,geography,economy and the general "lay of the land" like as if im going to live there ide like to know as much about the place before i go there ;) Read More

living in the phillippines by tom mc cormack
just wondering how life is there ,im seriously considering moving and living in the philippines after living in ireland for the last fifty years and would like to live in a warmer climate

hi puti just shows how much i know about the philippines ! (just as well i have at least 1.5 years do some (well,a lot !)of research) at the moment im watching youtube clips from a guy called rickky and so far so good Read More