Chinese citizen
2 posts
About me
Lives in Beijing
Registration: 04 November 2014
Teaching English in China - how much to charge? by Adrian07
I am an Australian and will be moving to Dalian China next year. I would like to teach English there and I would like to get an Idea on how much to charge to teach English privately (not as part of a school). Is there much of a demand for it and ...
Hello Laurence, the reason for the age question is because under 24 years old we can not help with the working visa. Read More
Teaching English in China - how much to charge? by Adrian07
I am an Australian and will be moving to Dalian China next year. I would like to teach English there and I would like to get an Idea on how much to charge to teach English privately (not as part of a school). Is there much of a demand for it and ...
Hello Adrian, We are an International Education & Culture Department part of China Energy Investment Co. in Beijing. We offer stable salary and help with your visa. How old are you? Beijing is the city where the English teachers earn more ... Read More