Karthik Kashyap
English looking for information about Sweden
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Bangalore
Speaks Hindi, English, Kannada, Portuguese (learning), Basic German, intend to learn Spanish and Russian some time in future
Registration: 12 August 2010

Why don't we meet someday in MG Road may be HRC and get introduced by anoop.com
Why don't we meet someday in MG Road may be HRC and get introduced in Person. May 1 st is a holiday for most of them, shall we plan up.. What say guys?

That is a great idea.. If we can create an RSVP event on the FB page (if there is one for Expat.com), we can invite people. Read More

Hey Y'all by Caleb Columbus7
hello guys, I am New to the BANGALORE CITY from Califronia ;) Lets have a get together on this Saturday over a cup of coffee/ lunch/ dinner? lets plan. any open suggestions ? Thanks, Peace, Chris.

Hi Chris, Welcome to Bangalore. I am up for coffee. Do keep us informed where you want us all to meet up. - Cheers, Karthik Read More

Internships in Bangalore by NikkoB
Hi, I was just wondering if anyone knows of any companies that offer internships in Bangalore for French Nationals?? Any help is appreciated. Thanks

Hi NikkoB, Welcome to Expatblog. For your query, if you are still studying, you can check out the student organization called AIESEC. The organization works towards providing internships for its members in other countries. Otherwise, there may be ... Read More

Bangalore... From Russia with love :) by vickyvicks
New to Bangalore and would really love to meet nice and interesting local people! Dear Russian compatriots... you are also welcome! Peace to everyone and let new friendships begin! :)))

Hi Vickyvicks, Welcome to Bangalore. Good to know that you are from Russia. Hope you had a good arrival in Bangalore. Which area are you staying? We can have a small meetup. - Cheers, Karthik Read More

french bakery in bangalore south india by adelineb
Hello, We will open a French bakery (Parisian Café) in Hebbal area (Bangalore) around the month of March, I am making a market survey concerning the expatriates. I would like to meet the maximum of Europeans people and expatriates and Indians ...

Haha.. Thanks for notifying that. I didn't see that. For some reason, the update on that thread was showing up in my inbox and I thought it was a recent thread. Thanks again. - Cheers, Karthik Read More

french bakery in bangalore south india by adelineb
Hello, We will open a French bakery (Parisian Café) in Hebbal area (Bangalore) around the month of March, I am making a market survey concerning the expatriates. I would like to meet the maximum of Europeans people and expatriates and Indians ...

That is great Adeline. Too bad I stay in Koramangala. I love the baguettes, Pate and Foie gras. Not sure if I get them here. Read More

Moving to Bnagalore ... Any meetup group in Bangalore? by shashiapj
Hello Everyone, I am software engineer, currently living in UK. I will be moving to Bangalore end of this month. I would like to make some friends over there. Let me know if there is any meetup or anyone wanna meet me. Thanks, Shashi

Hi Shashi, Welcome to Bangalore in advance. UK was a second home for me for some time. So, it will be great to meet someone who is moving from there :) We can definitely organize a meetup on a weekend sometime. - Cheers, Karthik Read More

Hi Guys, I have just moved to Bangalore from Mauritius. I am in the travel and tourism business having an office in Mauritius and I will be opening a branch office in the Bangalore. I am also the buddy of Julian the founder of this Expat.com, who ...

Hi Terence, Welcome to Bangalore. Great to see you here. I am very much interested in traveling and have a few friends in Mauritius. It would be great to connect with you. - Cheers, Karthik Read More

Want to make New friends in Bangalore by pramila1608
Hi We are planning to move to bangalore in nov this year for good. I would like to make new friends as i lost 14 years in melbourne .Please let me know if you want to be my friend . thanks a lot

Welcome to Expat.com Pramila :) You can definitely meet a lot of friends in Bangalore. We can organize a meetup once you guys move here. - Cheers, Karthik Read More

Moving to Bangalore from USA-house location recommendation by jhoieA
Hello Everyone, I'm not use of blogging and really need advise from you all who lives in India. I have 2 young kids ages, 4 and 2 yrs old. Wondering if you have any recommendation as far as the following 1) neighborhood to live or gated ...

jhoieA: You may want to check out HSR Layout as well. I am not sure about a gated community here, but it is quite safe as the area is posh and is filled with all the top government officials and politicians (read that as a lot of security guards and ... Read More

anyone up for coffee or good lunch/ dinner on this weekend ? by hemant.vermaaa
hello guys, Lets have a get together on this saturday over a cup of coffee/ lunch/ dinner ? lets plan. any open suggestions ? Thanks, Hemant

Sure Hemant. I am usually a bit caught up on Saturdays in the evening. But lunch (even breakfast) works. I stay in Koramangala, by the way. Just for this Saturday, dinner works fine with me :) Read More

eligibility certificate by GuestPoster6114
Hi ,I'm going to study in Bangalore. I need receive eligibility certificate. I was study at my country and my country have only 11 class at school. Anyone can help me?

Hi Christina, Welcome to the Bangalore forum. I am not sure how Russian 11th grade is valued in India (according to Indian education standards). You may want to check with your consulate if they can consider your education sufficient to provide you ... Read More

Hi by Christine Ariuna
hi, guys ... I am from Mongolia and soon shifting to Bangalore....Looking for a job of course ;) i am a lawyer, but i guess i am useless here as a lawyer, as completed my graduation in Russia and dont know anything in Indian law, except that a ...

Hi Christine, Welcome to Bangalore/Bengaluru. Can you let us know more if yo have any specific preferences? Also, if you can let us know any of your transferable skills (apart from teaching Russian :)), that would be great. - Cheers, Karthik Read More

Sheesha Parlours by 3dnan
Hello all!! I am in Bangalore for few days. And was wondering if there are any sheesha/hookah parlours in here? Preferably near commercial street area!! Thanks on advance :-)

Yes. They were banned for some time. But later the government realized that it will hit their revenues ;) So, the sheesha parlours are back in business. You can check them out. Read More

Repat from SF by coacher
Hey everyone, how are you? I'm Shailesh and I've moved to Bangalore a couple of weeks back after living in the States for the last eleven years. I'm more of a repatriate than an expatriate, don't you think? The hardest part so far is that I can't ...

I picked up some Portuguese from a couple of Brazilian friends when I was in UK. Didn't take any formal classes though. I am currently learning German (again, no classes)at my own snail's pace. I do plan to continue to learn German till I have at ... Read More