
Mariam Salguero



American expat in Guatemala


3 posts



About me


Lives in Palin Escuintla

Speaks English; spanish; some portuguese and french

Registration: 15 August 2010


Mariam Salguero
datatech1822 replied to a thread
12 years ago

Just how dangerous is Guate nowadays? by BasiaAlm

I have to go to Belize for 6 months to a year and during summer I would like to visit Guate, especially highlands, as it is cooler. Found a lovely house on Lake Atitlan to rent for 2-3 months, but how about getting there? I heard the maras target ...

Mariam Salguero

Actually I've heard Belize is more dangerous than Guatemala. There a buses that are targeted but my husband and I have made the trip to Puerto Barrios several times without incident. Read More

Mariam Salguero
datatech1822 replied to a thread
12 years ago

Getting married in Guatemala by Armand

Hi all, We invite all the ones who got married in Guatemala or who are about to get married in Guatemala to participate in this thread :) What are the formalities to get married in Guatemala? Is it the same for a couple of foreigners of for a ...

Mariam Salguero

I got married in Guatemala City. I had to go thru a lawyer and first they put an announcement in the paper. I then had to wait 14 days. I cut it really close since this delayed put me close to my departure date. I got married two days before ... Read More

Mariam Salguero
datatech1822 replied to a thread
14 years ago

Receiving mail (post) safely in Guatemala? by JamesB

I am asking this for a friend of mine from the states: If someone moves from the U.S. to Guatemala and they want to receive mail safely and securely, is there a courier service from the states that sends the accumulated mail via FEDEX once per ...

Mariam Salguero

I'm moving to Palin Escuintla is their mail service there from Florida, anyone knows? Read More