Vietnamese citizen
4 posts
About me
Lives in Ho Chi Minh City
Registration: 04 February 2015
When a girl says : <insert your name > dang ghet ? by @ussieDave
Been talking to this girl (26) , who we share a mutual friend (who has been an Australian male friend of mine for many years - he actually put us in contact) pretty much every day for close to 8 months now. Viber, Zalo, face to face on skype etc ...
it is kind of express her feeling usesurely it is a good meaning in viet nam instead of saying" you are lovely " they have a tend say opposite " you are not lovely" simple like that. :) Read More
Are the chances of finding a vietnamese wife in vietnam good by davidgoode
Hi there, I am a vietnamese american guy living in the U.S and I am having a hard time finding a girlfriend here. I am looking into getting introduced by family in vietnam to a vietnamese girl. I am not the partying type of guy and I just want to ...
:) seem most of man have a gold and silver moutain so they all afraid of losting.If like what you think about v nese lady who are diggers or lap lap lap you never can find your truth love. Read More
I want to learn vietnamese by saigonese
Hello everybody, My name is huy and I been here for over a month now. I need somebody to teach me to how to speak, write, and pronounce viet words. My vietnamese is a little bit sluggish and would like to learn more if I can. Thanks!
What a joke !surely you want to learn vietnamese langguage?.teaching english im not sure but vnese i can help you but where r u come from? and why do want to learn vietnamese.?. Read More