
Tony Sirotkin


Active member

French looking for information about Thailand

Forum posts




About me


Lives in Logrian Florian

Speaks English, French, Spanish, Portugese

Registration: 27 February 2015


Tony Sirotkin
TonyST replied to a thread
6 years ago

Why does everyone expat hate Thailand by CHAUNCEHAYDEN

I'm reading the forums and it seems everyone who lives in thailand hates Thailand. Is it as bad as the expats are saying?????

Tony Sirotkin

Ha ha ha the funny thing is that those who don't like Thailand still carry on to live here! Read More

Tony Sirotkin
TonyST replied to a thread
6 years ago

Why does everyone expat hate Thailand by CHAUNCEHAYDEN

I'm reading the forums and it seems everyone who lives in thailand hates Thailand. Is it as bad as the expats are saying?????

Tony Sirotkin

Not everyone expat hates Thailand. The ones that do are mainly alcoholics who spend all their time in bars talking to other expats. They don't speak Thai, they don't know Thai people or Thai culture, so what they hate is themselves. Please ... Read More

Tony Sirotkin
TonyST replied to a thread
6 years ago

Received an job offer to relocate to Bangkok and now I'm freaking out by Danilinho

Hello everybody, My name is Danilo, and I've just received a job offer to relocate to Bangkok. The salary offered is around USD6k. I would be moving with my wife and a 7yr old daughter. I'm not a reach person here and even not willing to ...

Tony Sirotkin

Tell me what US 6k is in numbers. Simply if your salary is paid by US or European company it will be largely enough to live on. If it is a Thai company and thai level of salary, this will be less income. 1$ US is about 32 baht. The biggest expense ... Read More

Tony Sirotkin
TonyST replied to a thread
6 years ago

Received an job offer to relocate to Bangkok and now I'm freaking out by Danilinho

Hello everybody, My name is Danilo, and I've just received a job offer to relocate to Bangkok. The salary offered is around USD6k. I would be moving with my wife and a 7yr old daughter. I'm not a reach person here and even not willing to ...

Tony Sirotkin

If you're from Brazil people are basically the same although cultures are very different Brazil christian and Thailand Buddhist, The language barrier might be a problem because Thai people are very reserved but have the good intention towards ... Read More

Tony Sirotkin
TonyST replied to a thread
6 years ago

Received an job offer to relocate to Bangkok and now I'm freaking out by Danilinho

Hello everybody, My name is Danilo, and I've just received a job offer to relocate to Bangkok. The salary offered is around USD6k. I would be moving with my wife and a 7yr old daughter. I'm not a reach person here and even not willing to ...

Tony Sirotkin

Hello, Don't you worry Bangkok is one of the best cities and Thailand one of the best countries I know. I don't know where you are from, but Bangkok is a safer city for security than most European and certainly American cities. You can put ... Read More

Tony Sirotkin
TonyST replied to a thread
6 years ago

Transfering cash to Thai by leorobson

Help. I have lived in Thailand for 9 years as a teacher. I'm now back in England for two months. My wife and child are still in BKK. I want to transfer money from my UK bank to my Thai bank.Does anyone know of an easy way without having to pay a ...

Tony Sirotkin

But I send money Western Union via post office in France (transfer is immediate) because I found online was a little more expensive and very complicated. For say 90€ it costs 15€ to send, recipient gets cash and rate is written on ... Read More

Tony Sirotkin
TonyST replied to a thread
6 years ago

Transfering cash to Thai by leorobson

Help. I have lived in Thailand for 9 years as a teacher. I'm now back in England for two months. My wife and child are still in BKK. I want to transfer money from my UK bank to my Thai bank.Does anyone know of an easy way without having to pay a ...

Tony Sirotkin

What do all the correspondents think of Western Union (transfer is immediate but expensive)? Read More

Tony Sirotkin
TonyST replied to a thread
6 years ago

Thai translation please. by leepatrick

I am new to the forum. I am considering moving to Thailand soon. I need help with some translation. I can figure out some via Google and others. Sometimes they do not make sense. Please let me know what this means. ...

Tony Sirotkin

P.S. if you move to Thailand learn Thai you will never regret it. Outside of expats and tourist spots nobody speaks English and the richness of the culture can only be experienced by some capacity to communicate with the locals. Read More

Tony Sirotkin
TonyST replied to a thread
6 years ago

Thai translation please. by leepatrick

I am new to the forum. I am considering moving to Thailand soon. I need help with some translation. I can figure out some via Google and others. Sometimes they do not make sense. Please let me know what this means. ...

Tony Sirotkin

Hello, I use "thai2english" but as you can see it does not lake much sense: กู อยาก คอ ขัด หี หมาตาย เด้ ... Read More

Tony Sirotkin
TonyST replied to a thread
7 years ago

The jobs that are the most in-demand for expats in Thailand by Priscilla

Hello, We invite you to share some information regarding the job market for expats in Thailand. This information will be incredibly helpful to anyone considering moving there, so we're very grateful for your contribution. What are the types of ...

Tony Sirotkin

I think overall I would agree with VillageFarang. I have been considering this for years as I am very happy in Thailand but more or less come to the conclusion it is better to have a business in Europe and come here a few months of the year - with ... Read More

Tony Sirotkin
TonyST replied to a thread
7 years ago

can someone help me translate a short love note from Thai to English? by VanillaMilk

hello everyone, I received what I think is a love note from someone in Thailand and since it is hand-written I cannot google translate it. Is there anyone here who speaks good Thai and English who would be willing to discreetly/privately help me ...

Tony Sirotkin

Hello Vanilla, You can try to send it to me, but it must be in easy readable Thai so I can type it on the Thai keyboard then translate with the "". Otherwise I shall be in Thailand from next Sunday 25th so I could always ... Read More

Tony Sirotkin
TonyST replied to a thread
7 years ago

can someone help me translate a short love note from Thai to English? by VanillaMilk

hello everyone, I received what I think is a love note from someone in Thailand and since it is hand-written I cannot google translate it. Is there anyone here who speaks good Thai and English who would be willing to discreetly/privately help me ...

Tony Sirotkin

Don't take notice of the negative replies. If you have a smartphone you can download a Thai keyboard (some knowledge of Thai will be necessary to use it) Then copy the message on the Thai keyboard, then copy/paste to ... Read More

Tony Sirotkin
TonyST replied to a thread
7 years ago

Unhappy Farangs by Anton&Jacky

I am subscribed to a few Thai/Farang Forums. To do research for my planned immigration to Thailand. I just saw a website that disturbed me a lot.I noticed on many forums there is a lot of negativity from expats in Thailand. Many seems to be unhappy ...

Tony Sirotkin

Hello Anton & Jacky, Yes there are very negative farangs living in Thailand, there are also very happy farangs. The unhappy ones are generally living in an environment surrounded by other unhappy farangs, drinking beer most of the day and ... Read More

Tony Sirotkin
TonyST replied to a thread
7 years ago

Why does everyone expat hate Thailand by CHAUNCEHAYDEN

I'm reading the forums and it seems everyone who lives in thailand hates Thailand. Is it as bad as the expats are saying?????

Tony Sirotkin

Chaunce Hayden, I like very much your reply, I wish you success in your discovery of Thailand! Read More

Tony Sirotkin
TonyST replied to a thread
7 years ago

Why does everyone expat hate Thailand by CHAUNCEHAYDEN

I'm reading the forums and it seems everyone who lives in thailand hates Thailand. Is it as bad as the expats are saying?????

Tony Sirotkin

Hello, The expats that don't like Thailand, this is because they move around only in groups of expats and do not have any interest in Thai people orThai culture. They will focus on some bad event that may have happened some place like Pattaya ... Read More