Japanese expat in Malaysia
2 posts
About me
Registration: 22 August 2010
Samsung mobile phone repair by yibvgf
Hi, I dropped my Samsung mobile phone and the screen cracked. Now it appears to be slowly leaking black LCD fluid onto the screen. I know mobile phones are fairly inexpensive here, but I'd rather get it fixed - if I can. Does anybody know of a ...
Thank you for the info. I went there but it seems renovating. Anyway thank you very much ! Read More
Samsung mobile phone repair by yibvgf
Hi, I dropped my Samsung mobile phone and the screen cracked. Now it appears to be slowly leaking black LCD fluid onto the screen. I know mobile phones are fairly inexpensive here, but I'd rather get it fixed - if I can. Does anybody know of a ...
Hi, Today I visited 41-43 Tran Cao Van, P6. Q3 but I couldn't find the samsung shop. Did you remember which floor ? If you can help me I really appreciate it. Thank you. Read More