
Jer O'Sullivan


Active member

Irish looking for information about Saudi Arabia

Forum posts


About me


Lives in Limerick

Speaks english

Registration: 26 August 2010


Jer O'Sullivan
josullivan replied to a thread
12 years ago

Doha visit by BoroGraham

Hi all Im planning a short trip to meet up with my wife in Doha, does anybody know if I can get visa on arrival (UK passport)?

Jer O'Sullivan

As far as I know you can. I went there a few weeks ago on an Irish passport and got my visa on arriving. Read More

Jer O'Sullivan
josullivan replied to a thread
12 years ago

Query about how long to get iqama? by irishmom

My husband is in the middle of an interview process for a job in Riyadh. He was told today that if he is successful he will have to travel alone as his Iqama will take up to six months and we can't join him until he has that. In the interim he will ...

Jer O'Sullivan

It can be very varied, the company will need to have a visa available for an Irish person in your husband's trade. If that is in place it can be very quick, if not it can be much slower. Not a lot of help I know. I moved out from Ireland and we ... Read More

Jer O'Sullivan
josullivan replied to a thread
12 years ago

cost of living by llstreve

Could you give me your thoughts on how much it costs to live in Riyadh if you do not do much personal shopping. living expenses, food, transportation...ect my school will be picking me up and taking me to and from work. I hear food is ...

Jer O'Sullivan

I would agree with what Aalnass said about buying US brands, if you look for the things you get at home eating can be expensive. If you go for the more local brands it is much cheaper than at home, it is certain,y cheaper for us here than in ... Read More

Jer O'Sullivan
josullivan replied to a thread
12 years ago

Qatar Vs Saudi Arabia - Pro's & Con's by hamlay

Hi All, I'm considering a possible move to Qatar with my family. I am a Western Expat currently living in Saudi Arabia. I'm interested to hear any experiences from people who have lived & worked in both Saudi & Qatar and which they believe is the ...

Jer O'Sullivan

Hi All, I'm considering a possible move to Qatar with my family. I am a Western Expat currently living in Saudi Arabia. I'm interested to hear any experiences from people who have lived & worked in both Saudi & Qatar and which they believe is the ... Read More

Jer O'Sullivan
josullivan created a thread
12 years ago

Cost of a maid or nanny in Doha?

I am considering moving from Riyadh to Doha and am looking at the cost of living issues. One thing I have not spotted on the forum is a ball park figure for a house maid or nanny to take care of the children. How much is this likely to ... Read More

Jer O'Sullivan
josullivan replied to a thread
12 years ago

Advice - Family Compound around 170,000sar by BC-2012

Hi All, can anyone advise the names of some family friendly western ompounds that offer a 3 bedroom for approx 170,000pa? Preferably the names of accommodation that may have availability. Thank for all your assistance.

Jer O'Sullivan

seder village has a waiting list a mile long :(None of the waiting lists in Saudi are real, you need to know a man who knows a man to pull some strings. It is the only way to get anything done. California looks a long way off finished and I think ... Read More

Jer O'Sullivan
josullivan replied to a thread
12 years ago

New Expat arriving end of August - Need Help! by ray1234

Hello Everyone, I am moving to Riyadh from U.S. in the end of August. I have couple of questions that I need some help with. I will be staying around Al Rayaan area. 1) My husband will be flying end of September and I need to have a high speed ...

Jer O'Sullivan

Regarding th Internet, you already seem to know more than me. Saudi has odd rules on electrical sockets but generally does not follow any rules. You generally find. Amid of euro, us and uk sockets in each place with both 127V and 220V power. On ... Read More

Jer O'Sullivan
josullivan replied to a thread
12 years ago

Teaching Job Offer in Riyadh--Advice Needed by impala

Hello everyone. I am a teacher from Canada. I have been offered a teaching job in Riyadh. The package that the school has offered me is the following: 1.Basic Salary-- 14,000 SAR/Month 2. Transportation Allowance-- 600 SAR/Month 3. Accomodation ...

Jer O'Sullivan

Hi Kamran, How much do you think that I can save per month based on this salary?This will depend very much on your lifestyle, coming from Canada I guess you are aiming for western comforts which do not come cheap here. I am not sure what type of ... Read More

Jer O'Sullivan
josullivan replied to a thread
12 years ago

Horse riding by clairesj

Hi, can anyone recommend a good place to take my 8 year old daughter for riding lessons please? and also for me to ride (experienced rider) Thanks

Jer O'Sullivan

There is an equestrian centre in the DQ and also something at the Arazona compound. I have been talking about contacting them for the last 18 months but have not actually done it so have no experience of either. Read More

Jer O'Sullivan
josullivan replied to a thread
12 years ago

No Hijab in a Western Compound??!! by fotos&butterflies

..sooo....let me get this straight. I'm not allowed to reside in a Western compound even though I'm from a Western country and wear the hijab? I enjoy the freedom of hijab in the US & Canada...but the rules are different inside the compounds? I ...

Jer O'Sullivan

.... western compounds cost a fortune to live in, people (me included) are will to pay the price to get what we see as a bit of home style normality.How much more expensive are they for singles? Can EFL teachers be able to afford to live in western ... Read More

Jer O'Sullivan
josullivan replied to a thread
12 years ago

No Hijab in a Western Compound??!! by fotos&butterflies

..sooo....let me get this straight. I'm not allowed to reside in a Western compound even though I'm from a Western country and wear the hijab? I enjoy the freedom of hijab in the US & Canada...but the rules are different inside the compounds? I ...

Jer O'Sullivan

Out of curiosity, western compounds cost a fortune to live in, people (me included) are will to pay the price to get what we see as a bit of home style normality. Why would you blow that level of money if you are happy to live in the local ... Read More

Jer O'Sullivan
josullivan replied to a thread
12 years ago

Gripe water? by josullivan

We have a very grumpy baby in our house and the supply go gripe water we brought from home has run out. Does any one know where to get it in Riyadh? I remember swing it in Danube before but now I need it I cannot find it anywhere. Any tips?

Jer O'Sullivan

Good thinking, I will check it out Read More

Jer O'Sullivan
josullivan created a thread
12 years ago

Gripe water?

We have a very grumpy baby in our house and the supply go gripe water we brought from home has run out. Does any one know where to get it in Riyadh? I remember swing it in Danube before but now I need it I cannot find it anywhere. Any tips? Read More

Jer O'Sullivan
josullivan replied to a thread
12 years ago

Place for jogging by mykingdom

Hello everybody. Does anyone know a nice place for runner near tahlia and holaya. or any suggestions for sport activity

Jer O'Sullivan

I'll be moving to Riyadh (near Olaya/Tahlia) in a few weeks. Is it permissable to wear shorts when running--either outdoors or in a fitness center like FirstFitness in the Localizer Mall? An old 80s-expat told me "No." I just wanted to confirm. ... Read More

Jer O'Sullivan
josullivan created a thread
13 years ago

Wooden Bakery

I passed a branch of the Wooden Bakery somewhere near the Imam University but cannot fing it again. Ones anyone know where it is? Not the main one by the Mecca Road, this was a small shop. I fancy a bit of cake Read More