English looking for information about Vietnam
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Registration: 17 March 2015

food carriage? by keyboardsmash
on the train is the food carriage at the front or the back? also, which is best on the hard sleeper? Middle or bottom ? it wont matter if lying down i guess.

One train i went on had a restaurant Read More

Local motorbike rides by Whos_your_Addy
There are May locals that hang around asking if you want a ride. What is the most someone should pay if they happen to drive from D1 to D5?

I would use them but they are dishonest which annoys me. Charging more than a taxi is extremely stupid. 3 dollars for a short ride is just out of line with society here. In some small cities in Thailand and Philippines it was often possible to pay ... Read More

food carriage?
on the train is the food carriage at the front or the back? also, which is best on the hard sleeper? Middle or bottom ? it wont matter if lying down i guess. Read More

vitamin c where can i buy? by keyboardsmash
I asked before about vitamin c powder but now i can't even find it in pure cheap tablet form. The pharmacy only sell capsules or dissolvable ones. I need to take large amounts so I need to find the cheap kind, it should not be more than 2k per ...

Is it what you're looking for? http://hanghieuusa.com.vn/puritans-pride-vitamin-c-1000-mg-with-bioflavonoids-rose-hips-vien-uong-vitamin-c-05.htmlYeah. What do you know about that company? How long is delivery. Read More

Where to buy Rice Protein Powder? by EmilyHayes
Has anyone seen anywhere that sells Rice Protein Powder in Vietnam? GNC do not sell this, however its available online from USA (but I cannot order through Amazon). In the UK it was sold in Holland and Barrett. I live in HCMC, i wonder has anyone ...

If you can't order online, i very much doubt you'll be able to find it. If it's just amazon you can't use, try iherb.com here is a code for $10 off - FWG790 I have used iherb and they ship to ho chi minh in 5 days which is ... Read More

vitamin c where can i buy? by keyboardsmash
I asked before about vitamin c powder but now i can't even find it in pure cheap tablet form. The pharmacy only sell capsules or dissolvable ones. I need to take large amounts so I need to find the cheap kind, it should not be more than 2k per ...

wow. lucky i am going to indonesia soon. maybe they sell it there. 5k dong per capsule is extorsion. Read More

vitamin c where can i buy?
I asked before about vitamin c powder but now i can't even find it in pure cheap tablet form. The pharmacy only sell capsules or dissolvable ones. I need to take large amounts so I need to find the cheap kind, it should not be more than 2k per ... Read More

Which place in Vietnam? by keyboardsmash
I arrived for my first time yesterday here in Saigon. I have 3 weeks here this trip. What's the best way to cover distance fast and comfortable? Can you kindly give example transport prices in dong or US dollars or GB pounds or thai baht, or ...

The weather outside of Saigon (Nha Trang and Q Nhon) is lovely and warm but not oppressive. Read More

Any other vietnam discussion forums?
This page is pretty quiet.... Can you kindly suggest a more lively Vietnam forum for English writers? I will share a lot of useful knowledge, as I'm very well travelled especially in southeast asia. Read More

Meeting a vietnamese girl for the first time, what should I expect ? by timmytran
Hi there, I am a vietnamese american guy living in the united states. I am being introduced to a vietnamese girl by my relatives in vietnam and I want to know what should I expect when I meet them. She is my potential fiancee and I want to be able ...

If you buy all that expensive stuff, I fear you will be seen as a resource to be bled dry. Unless they are a good humble/ honest family. Read More

Top 5 tips to live in Vietnam by expat.com
Hi, When you are going to live abroad, you may have a lot of questions. Hence to facilitate you in this process, we are inviting expats to share their top 5 tips with regards to settling and living in Vietnam. What recommendations would you ...

Let's not argue here and avoid judging people we don't know. Read More

how much is motorbike ride by keyboardsmash
Motorbike taxi in Saigon. a 2.5km trip. I was quoted 6. And then dropped to 5 when I walked away. Problem is, did he mean 6k dong, 60k dong or 6 USD?! Any example trip prices? Please give the city or town, the distance and the price. And your ...

20k starting? Crazy. No wonder no one uses them. Taxi starts at 10k. Read More

how much is motorbike ride by keyboardsmash
Motorbike taxi in Saigon. a 2.5km trip. I was quoted 6. And then dropped to 5 when I walked away. Problem is, did he mean 6k dong, 60k dong or 6 USD?! Any example trip prices? Please give the city or town, the distance and the price. And your ...

I used grab taxi at the hospital. It quoted me 46k. I ended up paying what the taxi's meter said which was 64k. Is this normal using the taxi's metered rate because I could have just gone with any of the hospital taxis.Sounds like you ... Read More

how much is motorbike ride by keyboardsmash
Motorbike taxi in Saigon. a 2.5km trip. I was quoted 6. And then dropped to 5 when I walked away. Problem is, did he mean 6k dong, 60k dong or 6 USD?! Any example trip prices? Please give the city or town, the distance and the price. And your ...

I can book a motorbike taxi with grabtaxi??! Wow. Anyone know how much the regular price should be? 3k per km is too cheap?? Read More

how much is motorbike ride
Motorbike taxi in Saigon. a 2.5km trip. I was quoted 6. And then dropped to 5 when I walked away. Problem is, did he mean 6k dong, 60k dong or 6 USD?! Any example trip prices? Please give the city or town, the distance and the price. And your ... Read More