Puerto Rican expat in the USA
Forum posts
About me
Puerto Rican
Lives in Philadelphia
Registration: 19 March 2015
![Veckyschmerler Veckyschmerler](/images/avatars/default/man3.png)
Should I be afraid to drive a nice car in Puerto Rico ? by Veckyschmerler
Should I be afraid to drive a nice car , like Lexus or Mercedes in Puerto Rico ? Also does anyone knows if they ofer lease in PR. I hope the theft , carjacking situation is just an exaggeration .
![addicted.to.tights addicted.to.tights](/images/avatars/default/woman3.png)
Great advice Gary, many thanks! As a military family, we are allowed to keep our Alaska registry (and residency, which has numerous benefits) while here in PR, but I am a little concerned that a vehicle with Alaska tags sticks out like a sore ... Read More
![etilley23 etilley23](/forum/img/avatars/2482954.jpeg)
Public/charter schools in Mayaguez by etilley23
Hi All, I will be moving in the summer and am trying to research schools for my 10 and 12 year old. My son will go into 5th and my daughter 7th. They don't speak Spanish yet! Any advice on good schools in Mayaguez? We cannot afford private ...
![addicted.to.tights addicted.to.tights](/images/avatars/default/woman3.png)
I tried to get into that school twice and they made such a hassle. Read More
![meljai97 meljai97](/images/avatars/default/avatar.png)
Last Name confusion in PR.... by meljai97
If you are a married "gringa" like me that uses your married (husband's) last name, how do you deal with the name confusion in PR when filling out forms? "Apellido Paterno / Apellido Materno" ....I haven't used ...
![addicted.to.tights addicted.to.tights](/images/avatars/default/woman3.png)
I'm pretty sure that in my case "they" are the confused ones. I have one those Dutch last names with vander in it ( like Vanderbilt) but I write it the Dutch way: van der Bilt. Nobody ever asks my mom's last name. (which would ... Read More
![knutsom1 knutsom1](/images/avatars/default/avatar.png)
Jobs in Puerto Rico by knutsom1
Is it really as hard as it sounds to find a job in Puerto Rico ?
![addicted.to.tights addicted.to.tights](/images/avatars/default/woman3.png)
Get ready for a paycut. Read More
![Wonderer Wonderer](/images/avatars/default/man2.png)
Best places for English Speaking Jobs by Wonderer
Hi. My fiancé and are interested in moving to PR for a year or two, particularly San Juan area. I am an attorney and he is into marketing. I would not be able to practice in PR and need to find employment. Our Spanish is decent but not great. ...
![addicted.to.tights addicted.to.tights](/images/avatars/default/woman3.png)
Start your own practice even from home. A lot of people need english speaking lawyers in SJ, specially the military AND THEY ARE HARD TO COME BY. Read More
![suzanne12345 suzanne12345](/images/avatars/default/avatar.png)
Best way to get personal "stuff" to PR by suzanne12345
We are moving in a month from VA to PR. We will be renting a furnished apartment. As I get ready to leave (plus husband and 3 teen daughters) it is clear we will need to ship some stuff. UPS is expensive, PODs are too big and very expensive as well. ...
![addicted.to.tights addicted.to.tights](/images/avatars/default/woman3.png)
"Stuff" as in... adult stuff? I would put it in a suitcase (done that before) or USPS should be fine (done that too) Read More
![Veckyschmerler Veckyschmerler](/images/avatars/default/man3.png)
Should I be afraid to drive a nice car in Puerto Rico ? by Veckyschmerler
Should I be afraid to drive a nice car , like Lexus or Mercedes in Puerto Rico ? Also does anyone knows if they ofer lease in PR. I hope the theft , carjacking situation is just an exaggeration .
![addicted.to.tights addicted.to.tights](/images/avatars/default/woman3.png)
I say it is an exaggeration. Even a fad. People don't really want your car. They just want to sit in it WITH you at 11pm, make you go to an ATM while they watch from your car listening to the satellite radio, then you get to sit tight again till ... Read More
![Jolo84 Jolo84](/images/avatars/default/avatar.png)
Silly question about shopping :) by Jolo84
Hi all, Forgive me for my silly random questions but does Puerto Rico do Black Friday? Also do people coupon there? Just little random things I like to do... Thanks in advance!!
![addicted.to.tights addicted.to.tights](/images/avatars/default/woman3.png)
DONT GO! Worst place in the world for black friday! Read More
![Jolo84 Jolo84](/forum/img/avatars/2459957.jpg)
Spanish as a second language by Jolo84
For everyone who speaks Spanish as a second language. How long did it take you all to become fluent? I would say I am at the Intermediate level, and I'm getting frustrated. In Virginia Beach, there aren't many classes or people that I know ...
![addicted.to.tights addicted.to.tights](/images/avatars/default/woman3.png)
I am not fluent, but learning. I speak as much Spanish as possible and usually the persons with whom I am speaking wants to learn English. So, conversations are mixed and we help each other. They key is to just speak Spanish as much as possible and ... Read More
![frogrock frogrock](/images/avatars/default/man1.png)
Silly but I want to know by frogrock
The question is a little silly, but is there a Saint Patrick's day parade somewhere in Puerto Rico?
![addicted.to.tights addicted.to.tights](/images/avatars/default/woman3.png)
There's a few bar crawls in old san juan Read More
![dumplingmx dumplingmx](/images/avatars/default/woman3.png)
shipping questions by dumplingmx
My husband and I are moving from Seattle to San Juan next month. We need to ship a few personal things -- household type stuff like fabric (I'm a quilter) and books. Any suggestions or advice on the cheapest way to ship 200 pounds of ...
![addicted.to.tights addicted.to.tights](/images/avatars/default/woman3.png)
Fabric and books? USPS. They have a special rate for books. Toss some fabric in there. Read More
![Jolo84 Jolo84](/images/avatars/default/avatar.png)
Federal job without being a vet. by Jolo84
Hello all, I'm so glad I found this site! Very informative! My question is has anyone been able to find a Federal job without being a vet or knowing someone? I keep hearing how about nepotism in Puerto Rico and wanted to know if its true. ...
![addicted.to.tights addicted.to.tights](/images/avatars/default/woman3.png)
It doesn't matter if you "know someone", most federal jobs are selected in the mainland, by the appropriate hiring agency, then the selected applicants are forwarded to the local hiring supervisor.And then the local hiring manager ... Read More
![etilley23 etilley23](/forum/img/avatars/2482954.jpeg)
Public/charter schools in Mayaguez by etilley23
Hi All, I will be moving in the summer and am trying to research schools for my 10 and 12 year old. My son will go into 5th and my daughter 7th. They don't speak Spanish yet! Any advice on good schools in Mayaguez? We cannot afford private ...
![addicted.to.tights addicted.to.tights](/images/avatars/default/woman3.png)
SESO. It is private but in comparison to private school in the states (or even daycare stateside) It isn't very costly. That's in mayaguez. The 2nd english speaking school (also private and half the price... like 120 a month) is the ... Read More
![meljai97 meljai97](/images/avatars/default/avatar.png)
Last Name confusion in PR.... by meljai97
If you are a married "gringa" like me that uses your married (husband's) last name, how do you deal with the name confusion in PR when filling out forms? "Apellido Paterno / Apellido Materno" ....I haven't used ...
![addicted.to.tights addicted.to.tights](/images/avatars/default/woman3.png)
I had the opposite problem. I changed my 2 last names for 1 and i just didn't bother giving people explanations. "I only have one". "This is my last name. Not through marriage (none of your business), I only have one. " They ... Read More
![expat.com expat.com](/images/avatars/default/man5.png)
Top 5 tips to live in Puerto Rico by expat.com
Hi, When you are going to live abroad, you may have a lot of questions. Hence to facilitate you in this process, we are inviting expats to share their top 5 tips with regards to settling and living in Puerto Rico. What recommendations would ...
![addicted.to.tights addicted.to.tights](/images/avatars/default/woman3.png)
Language It isn't the spanish you learned in highschool. Time Don't bother being early, locals won't be. Play dumb If you make someone very angry, act like an airhead, acting like you know what you're on about and being defensive ... Read More