Somali citizen
Forum posts
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Lives in mogadhisu
Registration: 30 March 2015

Brazil by o_violeiro
Emerson Silva, from Brazil. I admire Somali culture, especially music. Hope to buy many records from that country! Emerson

Thanks my friend you can download from the internet free Somali music dawnloud. And learn Somali language. All you want you get from the internet just download it.then enjoy best beats of Somali music. Read More

Brazil by o_violeiro
Emerson Silva, from Brazil. I admire Somali culture, especially music. Hope to buy many records from that country! Emerson

Somali people are very hardworking clean heart and peace loving people but our big enemy is middle east people they are one of Somalia's problem. Because thay are against natural resources of somalia to be exploded. Read More