Iraqi expat in Oman
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Muscat
Speaks English, Arabic
Registration: 20 April 2015

License to practice medicine by prodieoriana
Hello all, Does anyone know of a link where I can find the detailed requirements to obtain a license to practice in Oman? I visited the OMSB website but the information is very limited. For example, I cannot find if there's any way around ...

Hi prodieoriana, Regarding medical licensure, it depends upon degree and institution offered it. Basically, it's easier than other places, only difference is that you've to get job offer first than you precede onto other ... Read More

Hi from London, England! by Iqkhawaja
Hi guys I am based in the UK and I have been recommended Oman as a good country to move to. I am a practising Muslim and would love to be in a country where the Adhaan is heard 5 times a day. I was wondering how I would be able to live in Oman ...

Dear Iqkhawaja, You are welcome in Oman, You will find most people here are lovely and friendly. Of course there are some habits and traditions you've to get used to, but generally they are simple to be followed. Regarding business, my advice is ... Read More

Extending family joining visa without husband's work visa by SonaliB

hello sonalib you are welcome in Oman and the forum Read More

Family Visa Guide (Pakistan-Oman) by atifdar
Hi All, Today i finally got visa for my family, so i thought i should share my experience. So here the things which are required: 1. You application form (the form you got when you applied for your own visa) 2. Rent agreement (its a must have, if ...

definitely Sumitran :o Read More

Family Visa Guide (Pakistan-Oman) by atifdar
Hi All, Today i finally got visa for my family, so i thought i should share my experience. So here the things which are required: 1. You application form (the form you got when you applied for your own visa) 2. Rent agreement (its a must have, if ...

thank you a lot Atifdar for sharing us these valuable info :top: Read More

what are your plans for the upcoming holiday? by IRAQIinOMAN
the upcoming 2nd-5th December is a four-day-holiday here in Oman. Do you have any suggestion how to spend these days for joy?

Hi IRAQIinOMAN, There is a lot one can do during these forthcoming National Day holidays. Unfortunately, most can only be done by road as air tickets to key domestic and international destinations have already been sold out. For instance, from ... Read More

Lecturers in Oman Universities and Colleges by GuestPoster45693
Dear all, I wish all of you are fine Here I invite all lecturers teaching in Oman to join us and share their experiences. I will be teaching in Nizwa college soon and I wish to get good feedback about the situation of students, univ norms, ...

wish you all the best Read More

Internship Visa by Ferdaous12
Hello dear expats/future expats I am a Moroccan student currently negociating an internship offer in Oman. My question is related to Visa issues, what type of Visa should I apply to, the process.... The company I applied for never had foreign ...

Hello dear expats/future expats I am a Moroccan student currently negociating an internship offer in Oman. My question is related to Visa issues, what type of Visa should I apply to, the process.... The company I applied for never had foreign ... Read More

Driving Licence by gulam esthaq
hi there can i bypass drum test & Slope test with Indian driving license to obtain Omani licence pls ?

hi there can i bypass drum test & Slope test with Indian driving license to obtain Omani licence pls ?only if you have previous GCC drive license Read More

Cancellation of Family visa by shadeepesh
I am currently on family visa. I have got an employment opportunity and have the required clearance in place. So as per rule I have to exit Oman. My query is , while exiting from Oman, do I need to mandatorily cancel my Family visa ? Is it only ...

I am currently on family visa. I have got an employment opportunity and have the required clearance in place. So as per rule I have to exit Oman. My query is , while exiting from Oman, do I need to mandatorily cancel my Family visa ? Is it only ... Read More

what are your plans for the upcoming holiday?
the upcoming 2nd-5th December is a four-day-holiday here in Oman. Do you have any suggestion how to spend these days for joy? Read More

Oman visa by Ampzie
I've been waiting for my employment visa for Oman for almost 2 months already.how many more weeks should I wait before I get it? Everything that they need has been sent to the embassy already. Please reply because I am worried..thanks a lot

I have my agency sending all the required documents and they told me that it would take 1 month before I get my visa. After a month II asked my agency if they have my visa now and they said maybe it would take 2 months?! For an employer to do the ... Read More

Medical fitness-Employment by dhir
Hello, I am diabetic and have high sgpt/sgot level in my blood. Will i be declare unfit in GAMCA, lungs etc are ok. Please revert. rgds

Hello, I am diabetic and have high sgpt/sgot level in my blood. Will i be declare unfit in GAMCA, lungs etc are ok. Please revert. rgdsYou should contact GAMCA authority for the precise reply Read More

visa process time by roshan1983
Hi sir, I have offered a job from a reputed company in oman on 17th oct. I have sent all the required documents including gamca approved medical certificate to the company by courier and they received it on 25th oct. yesterday when I enquired ...

IRAQlinOMAN Good day for you sir :) Thank you for your reply. Can you tell me what is MOA? Thanks in advanceActually I don't know MOA, but I know all processing of doctors VISA is a collaborated work between MOH "ministry of health" ... Read More

Considering the move to oman by Charliejojo
hey guys, thanks so much for all the help. I have to make a major decision in the next few days. I have a job offer in muscat for a doctor position. I have never lived in the middle east. I am from U.S. -I need to analyze the cost of living, i ...

hey mm76 they are offering 1700 OMR , 500 housing allowance, 210 OMR car and phoneI think it is a good salary package for a single person, unless you have children, you should consider of school fee Greetings Read More