@martin jaumain
Belgian looking for information about Philippines
10 posts
About me
Lives in belgium
Registration: 30 April 2015
Opening a small food businesses in the philippines by yooaavv
Hey guys! First of all, excuse me for my English, it's not my native language. I'm planning to move in the summer to the Philippines(or other third world country in Asia, but Philippines is the current planning) and open a small food cart ...
RIGHT ON MAN if wanting to start a bisnis macke shure it bring food on the table for the people and noane wil blame you for having a litle desert Read More
Moving to the Philippines with your family by Bhavna
Hello everybody, When settling abroad with your spouse and children, the expatriation process requires an extensive preparation. What are the considerations to take into account when moving to the Philippines with your family? What challenges have ...
if love is served right there is no reson to eat elswhere congratulations whid your strong relation Read More
Opening a small food businesses in the philippines by yooaavv
Hey guys! First of all, excuse me for my English, it's not my native language. I'm planning to move in the summer to the Philippines(or other third world country in Asia, but Philippines is the current planning) and open a small food cart ...
i did it ! did you? i dont regret investing in the future of my partner Read More
Opening a small food businesses in the philippines by yooaavv
Hey guys! First of all, excuse me for my English, it's not my native language. I'm planning to move in the summer to the Philippines(or other third world country in Asia, but Philippines is the current planning) and open a small food cart ...
as creating e bisnes concern find a trustwothy partner dont lend money from the bank invest no more tha you are wiling to loos if it go wrong in the long term you find out this is the way to be a good investor becose a good job is hard to find they ... Read More
Opening a small food businesses in the philippines by yooaavv
Hey guys! First of all, excuse me for my English, it's not my native language. I'm planning to move in the summer to the Philippines(or other third world country in Asia, but Philippines is the current planning) and open a small food cart ...
if living whid a philippine partner why not invest in the future in the end it is beter than suporting a lifestile beleve in them and give the chance cnow how is woth more than money when used constructive not in a exploiting way that wil turn ... Read More
looking for house for rent by ecil
hello, I am Ecil. My fiancee and I were new her in Davao. We are looking for house for rent. If somebody know some house for rent please inform me. Thank you.
there i am lucky 1.5 to the see chore but the housing is stil very poor some changes need be made Read More
Essentials to live in the Philippines by Christine
Hi, As an expat living in the Philippines, what would you advise the ones about to pack to bring along? What are the items you can easily find in the Philippines? On the other hand, what is less common or quite expensive? Share with us what ...
using the local brand of materials can solve suply problems Read More
Essentials to live in the Philippines by Christine
Hi, As an expat living in the Philippines, what would you advise the ones about to pack to bring along? What are the items you can easily find in the Philippines? On the other hand, what is less common or quite expensive? Share with us what ...
i am belgiam and this concern me to the vegitebles the soil is good in the philipines there is water availeble so i gues it is worth importing sead to growthem in the back yard tot personal use a frezer is the solution then Read More