

Active member

Kenyan expat in Cambodia

Forum posts




About me


Lives in Phnom penh

Speaks English, Swahili, some khmer

Registration: 07 September 2010


nikkinik replied to a thread
11 years ago

Meeting up for drinks on Friday.Anyone want to join us? by nikkinik

Hi there everyone, My friends and I are meeting up for drinks this coming Friday the 18th at Touk which is opp the FCC at riverside, and we would like to welcome any expats who would like to join us.Most of the people who will be there are all ...


Hi everyone, Aww these meet ups used to be really fun. If anyone is organizing anything...drinks,dinner etc, let me know. It's always fun meeting new people :) Cheers, Maggie Read More

nikkinik replied to a thread
12 years ago

5 negative things about living in Cambodia by dlm47

So what about the difficult stuff? Why not we try to prepare newcomers with some of the things in the real life, that can make it a little difficult to live here? Who comes first to the mill?


Being STARED at. I think all foreigners get stares from the locals but being black-whoooa its definitely worse. Anywhere I go I can hear them calling out toeach other saying 'A black girl is coming a black girl is coming!" The old women at the ... Read More

nikkinik replied to a thread
12 years ago

Tap Water in PP Unclean - How True is It? by anthonyteo

Hi all, The first day I landed in PP, someone told me that the water here is unsafe for consumption, and that she and her friends use mineral water to cook and brush their teeth, etc. As such, I've listened to her advice and did the same. Coz' at ...


haha I know what you mean with the boiled water tasting...odd.I have been served that as well in my khmer friend's house lol. Ok,the friends am talking about who have been drinking tap water for 4 years now dont boil it.They get it straight from ... Read More

nikkinik replied to a thread
12 years ago

Tap Water in PP Unclean - How True is It? by anthonyteo

Hi all, The first day I landed in PP, someone told me that the water here is unsafe for consumption, and that she and her friends use mineral water to cook and brush their teeth, etc. As such, I've listened to her advice and did the same. Coz' at ...


I have heard that the actual water is very clean but the problem is the rusty/dirty pipes and tanks the water has to pass through. Anyway having said that,a few months ago I found out that my close friend and her family have been drinking tap water ... Read More

nikkinik replied to a thread
12 years ago

Jacuzzi and spa. Phnom Penh by andy&jobe

Hello, I was wondering if anyone knew where a good place to go for a cheep jacuzzi was? We were looking for somewhere where the locals would be more inclined to go.


Hi, Phnom Penh Sports Club on st 271 has a jacuzzi...well 2-a ( freezing)cold one and a hot one.And for $5 one can use the gym,pool,jacuzzi,sauna and steam room. :) Read More

nikkinik replied to a thread
13 years ago

Expat Meet-UP by Samantha1

Hey Guys, Just seeing if anybody would be interested in an Expat meet-up sometime next week? It's been a while since I last organised anything and there seems to be a lot of new people in Phnom Penh recently. :)


Hey all, Am def up for some drinks and meeting new people!!see you there! Maggie ;) Read More

nikkinik replied to a thread
13 years ago

Meeting up for drinks on Friday.Anyone want to join us? by nikkinik

Hi there everyone, My friends and I are meeting up for drinks this coming Friday the 18th at Touk which is opp the FCC at riverside, and we would like to welcome any expats who would like to join us.Most of the people who will be there are all ...


Ill see you all there!! Maggie Read More

nikkinik replied to a thread
13 years ago

Meeting up for drinks on Friday.Anyone want to join us? by nikkinik

Hi there everyone, My friends and I are meeting up for drinks this coming Friday the 18th at Touk which is opp the FCC at riverside, and we would like to welcome any expats who would like to join us.Most of the people who will be there are all ...

nikkinik try organise something soon..although it might be after the holidays.Otherwise anyone feel free to message me for a quiet beer. Cheers :) Maggie. Read More

nikkinik replied to a thread
13 years ago

Meeting up for drinks on Friday.Anyone want to join us? by nikkinik

Hi there everyone, My friends and I are meeting up for drinks this coming Friday the 18th at Touk which is opp the FCC at riverside, and we would like to welcome any expats who would like to join us.Most of the people who will be there are all ...


Hi there,we haven't had another 'meet up'...but we def should..ill let you know. :) Read More

nikkinik replied to a thread
13 years ago

Looking for people to hang out with! by laura05

Hello! I'm 24 and I just recently moved to Hong Kong from Texas to teach here for the next year. I don't really know anyone here, but would love to get to know people during my stay! I'm pretty much up for doing anything. If you want to hang out, ...


Hi all, Ill be visiting HK for a week in January. I would like to meet people for drinks, lunch, dinners, partying and just hanging out and walking around :) Thanks. Maggie :) Read More

nikkinik replied to a thread
13 years ago

Weekend in Hong Kong by yukilemon

Hi everyone in Hong Kong.. My name is Yuki from Malaysia..I will be going to Hong Kong this weekend (15-16 oct)...anyone free to catch up for dinner or drinks? Or any suggestion where I should go on a Saturday night? appreciated for ...


Hi Yuki, Ill be going to HK in January for a week long holiday.How was your weekend there?Any advice for me? Thanks, Maggie :) Read More

nikkinik replied to a thread
13 years ago

Need salsa partner. by nikkinik

Hey everyone,I would like to join a salsa class,but they require one to come with a partner since salsa requires even numbers so that everyone can dance :)It will be so much fun,class is on thursdays 7:30-8:30pm ,if you are interested,id really ...


Hi people, thanks for the replies but I posted this ages ago.I have other engagements on Thursday i cant go to the class anymore.Ruthi, I have been to Equinox for the salsa a couple of times...but yeah itd be boring to go alone.Let me ... Read More

nikkinik replied to a thread
13 years ago

Meeting new people by lgaw25

Hi I am new to Phnom Penh and would like to meet some expats in the area. I have come from the east coast of the US and will be here for 6 months! please send me a message and we can hang out!


Hi,will def let you know :) Read More

nikkinik replied to a thread
13 years ago

Meeting new people by lgaw25

Hi I am new to Phnom Penh and would like to meet some expats in the area. I have come from the east coast of the US and will be here for 6 months! please send me a message and we can hang out!


lgaw25 yeah that sounds ok.Enjoy the countryside.We will be at Elsewhere from 7pm onwards but if you cant make it we can always do drinks later,plus my friends and I are always up and about...we will def have another hook up.ill message you my ... Read More

nikkinik replied to a thread
13 years ago

Meeting new people by lgaw25

Hi I am new to Phnom Penh and would like to meet some expats in the area. I have come from the east coast of the US and will be here for 6 months! please send me a message and we can hang out!


Hi lgaw25,some of my friends and I are going to Elsewhere for some happy hour mojitos this Wednesday 14th.My friend organised this event to meet new/old expats.Feel free to come around :) Maggie :) Read More