English expat in Mauritius
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Grande Rivière Noire, Bla
Speaks English, Italian and French
Registration: 07 May 2015

How to get job in Mauritius? by Anik08
Hi experts, Is there any chance to get job in Mauritius from outside of Mauritius? Is there any agencies in Mauritius they can help?

At the end of the day, job search is much the same in every country and always more difficult if you are not a citizen or do not have the automatic right to reside in the country concerned. As mentioned in previous threads, a lot depends on what ... Read More

How to get job in Mauritius? by Anik08
Hi experts, Is there any chance to get job in Mauritius from outside of Mauritius? Is there any agencies in Mauritius they can help?

One of the main obstacles apart from the minimum salary for an Occupation Permit of Rp 60,000 per month for most industry sectors and Rp 30,000 per month for ICT sector is that many expats want the same salary that they were earning in their home ... Read More

Opportunities in Engineering? by SandraM328
Hi all, I am currently residing in Johannesburg South Africa. I have been employed at the same company for more than 6 years now as QMS Optimizer & ISO 9001 Internal Auditor. Yeah, I have the itch, to improve my life and am looking for a ...

Look on MyJob and CareerHub Read More

13th Salary / End of Year Gratuity by DayMeeYen
Hi All... I wonder could anyone please advise me about the End of Year Gratuity Act here in Mauritius. My friend has been working in a particular position for over 4 years and recently a new owner has recently taken over. The new owner is now ...

The Employment Act is very clear about such things and she can go to the labour office and complain. It also spells out holiday entitlement and the right to be paid for holiday accrued but not taken. Read More

13th Salary / End of Year Gratuity by DayMeeYen
Hi All... I wonder could anyone please advise me about the End of Year Gratuity Act here in Mauritius. My friend has been working in a particular position for over 4 years and recently a new owner has recently taken over. The new owner is now ...

If the new owners issued a new contract of employment as a new company without continuous service then they would still have to pay pro rata if the person is employed on December 31. If contract still the same then the full year is due. Even if a ... Read More

Creole Lessons by paulamilligan
Hi - looking for someone who provides Creole lessons in the Black River area. Please advise of rates - hoping for a good deal as it will possibly be for 4 people ?

Count me in if it’s an evening or weekend. Read More

salary for software engineers in mauritius by arun_qa
hi, Am from India and am in touch with a mauritius company for a job opening.The toughest thing for me is to how much salary i need to negotiate. As i would be on a contract i can't ask for salary increase later. can any one tell me what is the ...

Have you looked on the job websites MyJob and Career Hub. Read More

Best place to look for a job for south african by melhicks
Hi My husband is in IT Security and we currently live in Cape Town, South Africa and wanting to relocate to Mauritius. My sister and her family live in Mauritius and are residents through her husbands family. Where is the best place to look for a ...

You haven’t said whether your husband is looking for an expat package or more localised. A lot will depend on his seniority, technical competences and experience. Look on some of the job websites such as MyJob and CareerHub Read More

What household items to ship over or not... by anesia darne
Good day to all of you. We are moving over to Mauritius at the end of January next year form South Africa. We are now sitting with dilemma of which of our household items to ship over and what not to. Will we for example be able to buy a fridge ...

You will probably find some useful information by searching previous questions on this website. Not sure if there’s a simple answer. If you are going to rent then most places are furnished and will have a fridge and other kitchen equipment. I ... Read More

What to expect when moving to Mauritius by Priscilla
Hello everyone, Is there anything you wish you had known before moving to Mauritius? For example, transportation, internet speeds, types of housing, aspects of the culture or social life. In your opinion, what's the most important thing to ...

You mentioned your partner. If you aren't married make sure you bring the correct notarised paperwork confirming that you have been living together. Read More

Where to live near Ebene Cyber City? by CharlesWinstanley
Hi all, I am considering a move to Mauritius, with the company based in Ebene Cyber City. Can anyone recommend a pleasant, close area, where I can rent a 1 bed apartment for the initial 6 months, so I can get established? I have been looking at a ...

It would help to have some idea of the things you are looking for. E.g. How far do you want to drive? Read More

What are the dos and don'ts of finding a job in Mauritius? by Priscilla
Hello everyone, Where is the best place to start when looking for a job in Mauritius? Is it better to job-hunt by directly contacting the company of your interest, or should job-seekers rely on a recruitment agency, for example? Are there any ...

Job hunting in Mauritius is the same as most other countries. It is a "campaign" and needs to be worked at. Some thoughts. The first thing is to have a decent CV. Most I see are awful and it is very time-wasting having to interview ... Read More

trusted recruiters to find job in Mauritius? by AlwaysHopeful
I'm am currently looking for a job in various locations, Mauritius is the.number one choice. However I.am.not sure which online recruiters I can trust with sending my CV. Are there any recruiters who successfully helped you (a foreigner) land ...

There are a lot of Mauritians with similar qualifications. You could look at MyJob and Career Hub Read More

Recognition of foreign qualifications in Mauritius by Priscilla
Hello everyone, Were your professional qualifications recognised in Mauritius? What country did you complete your qualifications in? What profession are you in? Did you have to go through any formalities to get your qualifications recognised, ...

We have a number of people who work for us with degrees from outside Mauritius (engineering,IT, telecommunications etc. but it may depend on the industry sector. Also we have no age barrier. Read More

Vets in Mauritius - Animal problems. by Stormtrooper
I have a number of animals (cats/dogs) and I would like to share some knowledge to pet owners in Mauritius, regarding Vets. This is not advertising (i get no commission out of this. I will mention names and places so just google for location details ...

Don't know of anyone but if you phone the vets at PAWS they might be able to point you in the right direction. Read More