Canadian expat in Dominican Republic
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Lives in sosua
Registration: 07 June 2015

Coffee Bean Fungus? by DiMarsha
Hello, we have recently returned to Sosua after a 7 month absence. It's great to be back! However, since returning I find that the Santo Domingo Coffee does not taste as good as last time we were here. I mentioned this to a local coffee ...

Yes! Just opened our first bag of Cafe Monte Real! Have to say it is the best coffee! Read More

Coffee Bean Fungus? by DiMarsha
Hello, we have recently returned to Sosua after a 7 month absence. It's great to be back! However, since returning I find that the Santo Domingo Coffee does not taste as good as last time we were here. I mentioned this to a local coffee ...

Yes, lets hope so! I will look for the Cafe Monte Real! Read More

Coffee Bean Fungus? by DiMarsha
Hello, we have recently returned to Sosua after a 7 month absence. It's great to be back! However, since returning I find that the Santo Domingo Coffee does not taste as good as last time we were here. I mentioned this to a local coffee ...

On Sunday, 30 April 2017, President Danilo Medina announced an investment of RD$2 billion for the Association of Coffee Producers Project that works with growers in the communities of Polo, Paraíso and Enriquillo in southwestern Barahona. In ... Read More

Coffee Bean Fungus? by DiMarsha
Hello, we have recently returned to Sosua after a 7 month absence. It's great to be back! However, since returning I find that the Santo Domingo Coffee does not taste as good as last time we were here. I mentioned this to a local coffee ...

From DR NEWS 1 In a surprising development, the Dominican Coffee Confederation (Concafed) has announced that most of the coffee currently sold in the Dominican Republic is now imported, due to the collapse of domestic coffee production. The ... Read More

Coffee Bean Fungus? by DiMarsha
Hello, we have recently returned to Sosua after a 7 month absence. It's great to be back! However, since returning I find that the Santo Domingo Coffee does not taste as good as last time we were here. I mentioned this to a local coffee ...

I used to like it.........I just purchased 2 large bags of it at Janet's. You are welcome to it, Bob! We live at Casa Linda if you want to take it! Read More

Coffee Bean Fungus? by DiMarsha
Hello, we have recently returned to Sosua after a 7 month absence. It's great to be back! However, since returning I find that the Santo Domingo Coffee does not taste as good as last time we were here. I mentioned this to a local coffee ...

Cafe Santo Domingo has another variety of coffee at the market, it has an orange coloured trim on the bag and it is called: Caracolillo Molido...... I was told that this one is more like real dominican coffee. I have purchased a bag to try ... Read More

Coffee Bean Fungus?
Hello, we have recently returned to Sosua after a 7 month absence. It's great to be back! However, since returning I find that the Santo Domingo Coffee does not taste as good as last time we were here. I mentioned this to a local coffee ... Read More

Travel Insurance for Residents of DR
Good Morning Everyone! Can any one recommend a travel insurance for when one leaves the DR for a few months? We have medical insurance here, but cancelled our plan in Canada. Many Thanks Diana Read More

Allergic Reaction to Bug Bites?
Since our arrival 2.5 months ago my husband has been experiencing bug bites on a daily basis . On one occasion he awoke at 3 am with a swollen tongue. We headed for the ER , where he was given an injection of medication to reduce the swelling.... ... Read More

Essentials to live in Dominican Republic by Christine
Hi, As an expat living in Dominican Republic, what would you advise the ones about to pack to bring along? What are the items you can easily find in Dominican Republic? On the other hand, what is less common or quite expensive? Share with ...

Hi David Yes they picked up from our home and delivered to our door. We have been working on getting our residents status one year before moving to the DR , first with the Domincan Consulate in Canada ( they are not up to date with policies and ... Read More

Essentials to live in Dominican Republic by Christine
Hi, As an expat living in Dominican Republic, what would you advise the ones about to pack to bring along? What are the items you can easily find in Dominican Republic? On the other hand, what is less common or quite expensive? Share with ...

We moved from Victoria BC Read More

Essentials to live in Dominican Republic by Christine
Hi, As an expat living in Dominican Republic, what would you advise the ones about to pack to bring along? What are the items you can easily find in Dominican Republic? On the other hand, what is less common or quite expensive? Share with ...

We used Bekins Moving (international 100 year old company). We pad $5000 for 300 cubic feet. Brought 2 bikes, treadmill,tons of kitchen gear- I love to cook and bake, toaster oven mix master,food processer,blenders, framed art, clothes, 2 large ... Read More

Essentials to live in Dominican Republic by Christine
Hi, As an expat living in Dominican Republic, what would you advise the ones about to pack to bring along? What are the items you can easily find in Dominican Republic? On the other hand, what is less common or quite expensive? Share with ...

Hello! We just received our container from Canada and now I realize we have brought way too much stuff! We have been living here for two months now and making do with what we have in the furnished home we purchased......Every thing you need and ... Read More

Where does the Frozen Fish Basa come from? by DiMarsha
Does anyone know where the frozen Basa Fish comes from? I read online it comes from Vietnam where it is farmed in the most polluted rivers! Yuk! No wonder its so cheap here.....Maybe the frozen Mero fish would be a better choice?

Thanks Bob.....I think there is a fresh fish market in Charamicos? I have not been there yet.....but I will ask our taxi driver! Read More

Where does the Frozen Fish Basa come from? by DiMarsha
Does anyone know where the frozen Basa Fish comes from? I read online it comes from Vietnam where it is farmed in the most polluted rivers! Yuk! No wonder its so cheap here.....Maybe the frozen Mero fish would be a better choice?

Why are they importing fish from Vietnam when we live on an Island surrounded by ocean? How do we get local fish then I wonder? Read More