English expat in Ukraine
6 posts
About me
Lives in Kiev
Registration: 13 June 2015
Obstetrics and maternity care in Kiev by mattluvslondon
Hi! Does anyone or their partners have experience of having a baby in Kiev? Any ideas of a good Obstetric and good doctors and good modern maternity hospital that does the whole lot...pre natal, delivery, paediatric care etc. Appreciate any ...
Thank you for that. Actually, we went to the ISIDA clinic which was recommended and had a great consult with an nice experienced Obstetrician but then she informed us the ISIDA clinic doesn't allow you to choose the doctor who will do the ... Read More
Obstetrics and maternity care in Kiev by mattluvslondon
Hi! Does anyone or their partners have experience of having a baby in Kiev? Any ideas of a good Obstetric and good doctors and good modern maternity hospital that does the whole lot...pre natal, delivery, paediatric care etc. Appreciate any ...
Thanks for the reply Read More
Obstetrics and maternity care in Kiev
Hi! Does anyone or their partners have experience of having a baby in Kiev? Any ideas of a good Obstetric and good doctors and good modern maternity hospital that does the whole lot...pre natal, delivery, paediatric care etc. Appreciate any ... Read More
cafe business $25 000 then three year lease - is that ok? by guitarman3
hi, i am trying to buy/rent an existing cafe in kyiv, the current tenant wants a premium of $25,000 to leave the business and let me take over, i can then sign a 3 year lease with the owner, and go from there. is there any advice anyone can give me ...
My advice at present is to save or invest the 25k in a secure country ...only invest it in this venture if it's pocket money for you and you don't mind not seeing it again. Read More
Weekend trips in the Kiev countryside? by mattluvslondon
Hi. I'm Matt in my 40s and from London staying in Kiev and I'm interested in exploring the countryside, lakes and forests surrounding Kiev over two or three weekends in July. Anyone have any tips and anyone interested in hooking up?
Thanks Bob but the number was removed. Thanks all the same Read More
Weekend trips in the Kiev countryside?
Hi. I'm Matt in my 40s and from London staying in Kiev and I'm interested in exploring the countryside, lakes and forests surrounding Kiev over two or three weekends in July. Anyone have any tips and anyone interested in hooking up? Read More