amina etman

amina etman


Egyptian expat in the USA

Forum posts




About me


Registration: 18 June 2015


amina etman replied to a thread
9 years ago

Life for women expats in Egypt by pega

I am considering moving to Egypt to work. However, information I find about the daily life for women is absolutely terrifying. I am wondering if the harassment/groping of women is a 'fact of life' in Egypt. That's how it sounds but I ...

amina etman

People notice when you are not from the culture and they are nice to you.. just like in India if you are a foreigner you look different and dress differently people are nice and want to be helpful Read More

amina etman replied to a thread
9 years ago

Life for women expats in Egypt by pega

I am considering moving to Egypt to work. However, information I find about the daily life for women is absolutely terrifying. I am wondering if the harassment/groping of women is a 'fact of life' in Egypt. That's how it sounds but I ...

amina etman

Egypt is a beautiful place to live for a smart woman.. I wear whatever I want and do whatever I want do deal with a smile.. people consider me different but nobody has offended me Read More