

Active member

American expat in Dominican Republic

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Lives in Sosua

Registration: 25 June 2015


cjp2010 replied to a thread
9 years ago

Countries can be entered by DR passport by Aladdin1234

Dears; I am working to get DR passport but one of my concern is about how much is this passport is strong enough and how many countries can I go by this passport without Visa? Many sites was talking about 97 countries but I believes this is not ...


I suspect this is another spam but in case it is not or in case others really want to know, here is a link that lists the requirements for Dominicans to travel to other countries. ... Read More

cjp2010 replied to a thread
9 years ago

Obtaining a U.S. Tourist Visa for a Dominican by mjm58

I was just out on the U.S. Embassy's website for obtaining a non-immigrant Tourist visa for a Dominican, and it seems like it only takes a matter of weeks for a Dominican to obtain a U.S. Tourist Visa. How long does it really take for a ...


If you are successful in the application it does only take a couple of weeks. You simply fill out the application, make a couple of appointments and show up. Of course you will need to prep your paperwork to support any of your statements. The ... Read More

cjp2010 replied to a thread
9 years ago

Driving in Dominican Republic by Maximilien

Hi, What do you think of the way people drive in Dominican Republic? How different is it from your home country? Respecting the road safety rules, driving etiquette such as general courtesy, speed excess… what are the characteristics of the ...


Some expats are more scared not to drive than they are to drive. Of course they have fears of how everyone else drives here but they don't like public cars, buses and guaguas because they think those are the worst drivers. I have both driven ... Read More

cjp2010 replied to a thread
9 years ago

obtaining a girlfriend visa by carlvelas

i want to bring a dominican girlfriend to new york briefly on a visa. i don't want to marry the girl and she knows and accepts that. can i get a visa stating that we plan to marry, take her to new york, bring her back, and then not marry her?


Good question. I honesty don't know how my wife got hers this time. As I said there was no difference this time vs. the first time. She has no minor children. She has no job. She is married to me but we aren't applying for a spousal ... Read More

cjp2010 replied to a thread
9 years ago

obtaining a girlfriend visa by carlvelas

i want to bring a dominican girlfriend to new york briefly on a visa. i don't want to marry the girl and she knows and accepts that. can i get a visa stating that we plan to marry, take her to new york, bring her back, and then not marry her?


What you are talking about is a fiancee visa and of course there is no obligation to actually marry your "fiancee". But, from what I have heard, fiancee visas are difficult to get. You have to provide a lot of supporting evidence. In my ... Read More

cjp2010 replied to a thread
9 years ago

How to meet expatriots in the Districto Nacional, S.D. by carlvelas

i go back and forth from my apartment in new york to my apartment in the districto nacional sector of santo domingo. mostly my contacts in the capital are with dominicans and when i feel the need to tap into the american side of my brain i point my ...


Actually, I was done with the trips back to the States. I said the only thing that would bring me back was a family event or if my team was playing for the national title again. There are some other places I'd like to visit outside of the DR, ... Read More

cjp2010 replied to a thread
9 years ago

How to meet expatriots in the Districto Nacional, S.D. by carlvelas

i go back and forth from my apartment in new york to my apartment in the districto nacional sector of santo domingo. mostly my contacts in the capital are with dominicans and when i feel the need to tap into the american side of my brain i point my ...


Cool. I'll PM you next time I'm down. I have no idea when it will be. Its usually not planned too much in advance. Sometimes we go several months without a trip and sometimes we do it about once a month. We are heading to the States ... Read More

cjp2010 replied to a thread
9 years ago

Do you sometimes experiece an identity crisis while living in D.R.? by carlvelas

From time to time does something occur which makes you long for America?


There are a few things I do miss from back home from time to time. Going to a college football game live used to be so easy and I could do it any weekend I wanted to without needing to hop on a plane and incur extra costs and time. I could walk ... Read More

cjp2010 replied to a thread
9 years ago

How to meet expatriots in the Districto Nacional, S.D. by carlvelas

i go back and forth from my apartment in new york to my apartment in the districto nacional sector of santo domingo. mostly my contacts in the capital are with dominicans and when i feel the need to tap into the american side of my brain i point my ...


don't live in Santo Domingo but I visit a lot. If you want we can work out a meeting next time I go down there and talk about DR things. FYI, I will likely be bringing my wife who doesn't speak any English but she is good flying solo so it ... Read More

cjp2010 replied to a thread
9 years ago

Why have you decided to live in the Dominican Republic? by carlvelas

My feeling is that the United States has everything that anyone can possibly need and I am baffled as to why an American would chose to live in the Dominican Republic. Certainly there are problems with living in the United States but if you are ...


For me the primary reason is cost of living for my lifestyle. I own my own company doing remote computer work. I had in my mind since I was very young that I wanted to leave the States for somewhere cheaper when I retired. In my mid-20s I ... Read More

cjp2010 replied to a thread
9 years ago

visa for fiance go to states by Glendyer

I have fiance who her and two child living with me for 6 months. She want to come m to the states and visit my friends and stay a couple weeks with her chidren. I will coming also how does she get a visa the children have passports?


Her and her children will need their Dominican passports first. Then they can begin the application process. The application is not that hard to complete. Everything you need can be found here. ... Read More

cjp2010 replied to a thread
9 years ago

Telecommunting/Virutual Positions Which Can be worked from North Coast by JDM222

I've been looking for online/telecommuting positions and I found 1 really good, certified website called You do have to pay for it, but they are real pros and I don't have any vested interest in referring them. This site ...


Its $1 per page. You can choose how many pages you want scanned. Usually I just scan the first page. That is enough to give me an idea of if I want it forwarded or thrown out or can take action based on what was scanned (e.g. if I need to call ... Read More

cjp2010 replied to a thread
9 years ago

Telecommunting/Virutual Positions Which Can be worked from North Coast by JDM222

I've been looking for online/telecommuting positions and I found 1 really good, certified website called You do have to pay for it, but they are real pros and I don't have any vested interest in referring them. This site ...


Its a reality. Many American businesses have concerns of having telecommute employees in the first place. In my field it is allowed by some businesses because they can't find good, well-trained employees in their locations. Once they decide ... Read More

cjp2010 replied to a thread
9 years ago

Telecommunting/Virutual Positions Which Can be worked from North Coast by JDM222

I've been looking for online/telecommuting positions and I found 1 really good, certified website called You do have to pay for it, but they are real pros and I don't have any vested interest in referring them. This site ...


I have been with Mail Link Plus from Las Vegas for years. Recently the scan rates have doubled, but I still think it is a good deal. You can probably find cheaper though. There are so many out here on the web. They just receive mail for you and ... Read More

cjp2010 replied to a thread
9 years ago

Telecommunting/Virutual Positions Which Can be worked from North Coast by JDM222

I've been looking for online/telecommuting positions and I found 1 really good, certified website called You do have to pay for it, but they are real pros and I don't have any vested interest in referring them. This site ...


You have many options for "hiding" your location. I have been working from the DR for 9 years, the last 6 of them on the north coast. My customers would freak out if they knew I was not in the U.S. I have to connect to my customer's ... Read More