notorious cat enthusiast
Irish expat in Belgium
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Brussels
Registration: 21 September 2010

Getting internets in Brussels by notorious cat enthusiast
A non-whimsical post this time.... I'm looking at a nice apartment to live in - real fancy like, with carpets and curtains and more floor space than you could shake a stick at, were you that way inclined. Anyways the only crap bit is that it ...

Avoid Belgacom at all costs, they are the absolute worst to deal with. Chances are though that whoever you use will be through them, but through a middle-man, which at least means you don't have to deal with Belgacom directly. If that eds up the ... Read More

Getting internets in Brussels by notorious cat enthusiast
A non-whimsical post this time.... I'm looking at a nice apartment to live in - real fancy like, with carpets and curtains and more floor space than you could shake a stick at, were you that way inclined. Anyways the only crap bit is that it ...

Well, it would depend if you can maybe get a better deal if you added your phone and tv to the package. But if you just want internet well we have had two different providers, we use belgacom but they don't offer a super quick connection but to be ... Read More

Getting internets in Brussels
A non-whimsical post this time.... I'm looking at a nice apartment to live in - real fancy like, with carpets and curtains and more floor space than you could shake a stick at, were you that way inclined. Anyways the only crap bit is that it ... Read More

Where I can learn French by nelli89
I'm moving to Brussels to do my 5-month-long internship there. I don't speak local languages so can anyone recommend where I could learn French? :)

OMG notorious cat enthusiast!!!!!!!! Have you gone mad? ;)No worse than ususal! :-) Read More

Where I can learn French by nelli89
I'm moving to Brussels to do my 5-month-long internship there. I don't speak local languages so can anyone recommend where I could learn French? :)

in actual fact Neli, I'm sad to say that it is impossible, and in fact illegal to learn French in Brussels. It all dates back to the obscure history which surrounded the formation of the Belgian state. The - at the time- unprecedented decision to ... Read More

Need help for dissertation! by eyelash10
Hi everybody, I am undertaking research on Social Media usage for my dissertation. I am completing a Masters in Marketing in Dublin City University and would really appreciate your help with this survey. I'm looking for famales and males with young ...

I dunno Melby, I thought that was a fine first post. You can't say it's not constructive! Personally I find the above randomness the most endearing thing about this forum! Read More

Do and don't in Belgium by expat.com
Are you living in Belgium? We need you to share your experience of the local customs :) Is it difficult to adjust to the local customs in Belgium? Could you please share with us a list of the do's and don't's in Belgium? Thanks!

Don't pay for the metro - they never check!! :cool: Read More

A new person by Veronica Solu
I am new to this forum and determined to make the best out of it.

Nice one Veronica ya mad thing ya! Exactly the attitude that's needed around here! Leuvan is meant to be excellent. Came across the below earlier on. It's a group of people from Leuven who meet up - could be of use. Although I'd say if you're a ... Read More

How to make friends in Brussels by expat.com
We have been talking about loneliness when you are abroad, let's now talk about how to make friends (locals or expatriates) when you're living in Brussels :top: Which are your best tips to meet people and to make friends in Brussels?? Thanks in ...

Hey Heiko, I admire your passion but think you may have the wrong impression of Brussels and this website. Forum is dead but the netork part is pretty active. Have met a few very cool people via this site. Brussels is a very cool city and yup, ... Read More

How to make friends in Brussels by expat.com
We have been talking about loneliness when you are abroad, let's now talk about how to make friends (locals or expatriates) when you're living in Brussels :top: Which are your best tips to meet people and to make friends in Brussels?? Thanks in ...

Hi Steven, Good to hear from you man. Brussels is an excellent place to meet new people - you do have to put yourself out there a bit. As a tip I can't recommend the below link enough - excellent people go for a few beers every week or so. ... Read More

Any hard rock/heavy metal scene in Brussels? Bars, discos, shops? by Kaly79
Any hard rock/heavy metal scene in Brussels? Bars, discos, shops? A part from the classics downtown...DNA, Classic Rock... Something more authentic? Thanks,

Shite sorry replied to this in the wrong thread. I suggested la Cercuil. See first sticky thread on the forum... Read More

Going out in Brussels by expat.com
Hi there, Which are your 10 favorite places to go out in Brussels? Which places would you recommend to newcomers? (restaurants, pubs, discos, theaters, cinemas, concert halls...) Thanks!

Not sure if this is exactly what you're looking for but La Cercuil bar off Grand Place had that vibe. It's a little bit over the top in terms of goth paraphanalia (e.g. coffins for tables) but good spot and people were a bit of banter! It's on ... Read More

Airfare Comparison: Online Tips? by stefaan_meeuws
I produced this quicksheet: spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0Audp-gtP5cxjdDRaeUlBbkxpQ01NUGRJNFFsQkYwZmc&hl=en .. to find a good date to travel BRU to ORD (Brussels to Chicago O'Hare), based on data from ebookers.be I'm trying to find a pattern so ...

Good work Stefaan, there are always patterns in these things. Think Melby's right though, just hustle a few 'cheap flight' websites. Does this mean you're able to get back to the US now? Read More

How to make friends in Brussels by expat.com
We have been talking about loneliness when you are abroad, let's now talk about how to make friends (locals or expatriates) when you're living in Brussels :top: Which are your best tips to meet people and to make friends in Brussels?? Thanks in ...

Hi folks, I've been in Brussels about four days now (so correct me if I've gotten this entirely wrong!) but it seems like a cool friendly city. I think falling into a big gang of friends is not going to happen easily, but there are plenty of people ... Read More

need help to return to chicago, il by stefaan_meeuws
Take a seat. I'm an American in Roeselare, Belgium with a problem. I'm looking for US citizens to get out of here, fast. My SSN is *** ** ****. I need some help, and I used to have zero friends here. Now (October 19th, 2010) I recognize 4 ...

By far the most interesting post on this forum! Read More