@adnan shaikh
Pakistani expat in Saudi Arabia
2 posts
About me
Lives in Khobar
Registration: 03 July 2015
Passport renewal by mudassarkazi
Can anyone please explain the procedure for passport renewal. My passport is going to expire in 2 months.
Sir how can we get the extension of our current passport. I have to go on emergency but my passport going to expire with in two months and i want to extend my current passport for early leaving from ksa si pleaae infrom me that embaasy easily get ... Read More
Passport renewal by mudassarkazi
Can anyone please explain the procedure for passport renewal. My passport is going to expire in 2 months.
Dear Sir, i saw u r post regarding your passport extension from khobar office so can u tell me the procedure because my passport will be expire on september 2015 and i can not go to pakistan due to 90 days expiry of passport and i have to go an ... Read More