Gabriela Whitehead
Venezuelan expat in France
Forum posts
About me
Speaks Spanish, English, French
Registration: 24 September 2010

Why have you accepted a job in a different country? by GabyGN
... did it worth it? I appreciate your feedback as part of my PhD research on internationally mobile professionals!!! (all participation is anonymous)

Hi .. Not sure what you mean? Read More

Where in the world has work taken you to? by GabyGN
.. or you have taken your work! Have you moved countries for a job? What made you 'make your mind up', pack, and go?!

@sjg01 - have you had to relocate or have they been rather shorter trips? What's the industry? Read More

Moving ... again? (!!!) by GabyGN
Hello all I have moved countries four times, I realise that I am a sort of 'serial immigrant' or 'serial expat'. I no longer know where home is, as I feel at home in all those four countries. 'Reverse cultural shock'? - Still, I have it every ...

How do you deal with the everyday life with so much moving around? - Family, friends, relationships, hobbies .. you know, the day to day outside work. Read More

Where in the world has work taken you to? by GabyGN
.. or you have taken your work! Have you moved countries for a job? What made you 'make your mind up', pack, and go?!

@beppi & @stumpy- How many languages do you speak? Read More

Moving ... again? (!!!) by GabyGN
Hello all I have moved countries four times, I realise that I am a sort of 'serial immigrant' or 'serial expat'. I no longer know where home is, as I feel at home in all those four countries. 'Reverse cultural shock'? - Still, I have it every ...

@beppi - how was the move for those three times (work related)? Did you find a job first, or did you chose a place first? Read More

Moving ... again? (!!!) by GabyGN
Hello all I have moved countries four times, I realise that I am a sort of 'serial immigrant' or 'serial expat'. I no longer know where home is, as I feel at home in all those four countries. 'Reverse cultural shock'? - Still, I have it every ...

@Stumpy - and at a personal level? organizing your everyday life with every move - have you 'stopped moving now'? Read More

Where in the world has work taken you to? by GabyGN
.. or you have taken your work! Have you moved countries for a job? What made you 'make your mind up', pack, and go?!

Do you always find a job before the move or do you move and then find a job? Read More

Where in the world has work taken you to? by GabyGN
.. or you have taken your work! Have you moved countries for a job? What made you 'make your mind up', pack, and go?!

@stupmy - Thanks for your post - Whats the profession then, that has taken you to all corners!!! Read More

Moving ... again? (!!!) by GabyGN
Hello all I have moved countries four times, I realise that I am a sort of 'serial immigrant' or 'serial expat'. I no longer know where home is, as I feel at home in all those four countries. 'Reverse cultural shock'? - Still, I have it every ...

@Stympy - Would you share some of the uos and downs from your experience? Read More

Why have you accepted a job in a different country? by GabyGN
... did it worth it? I appreciate your feedback as part of my PhD research on internationally mobile professionals!!! (all participation is anonymous)

@Stumpy - Wow . . May I ask if that has been due to work and if so in which industry? Read More

Why have you accepted a job in a different country? by GabyGN
... did it worth it? I appreciate your feedback as part of my PhD research on internationally mobile professionals!!! (all participation is anonymous)

Hi It's based on profesionals that have lived AND worked in three or more countries, either 'sent' by a company or found a job an moved. Read More

Moving ... again? (!!!) by GabyGN
Hello all I have moved countries four times, I realise that I am a sort of 'serial immigrant' or 'serial expat'. I no longer know where home is, as I feel at home in all those four countries. 'Reverse cultural shock'? - Still, I have it every ...

@globetrotter ... so it has been in the countries shown in your profile? May I ask the industry your husband works in? I know the feeling .... one day your husband comes back from work with 'the news' .... and everything has to stop and get ready ... Read More

Why have you accepted a job in a different country?
... did it worth it? I appreciate your feedback as part of my PhD research on internationally mobile professionals!!! (all participation is anonymous) Read More

Where in the world has work taken you to?
.. or you have taken your work! Have you moved countries for a job? What made you 'make your mind up', pack, and go?! Read More

Reverse Culture Shock by Guesposter58
Hmm. All last week I was back in the UK (mixing some work, with a short break). The last time I was back there was in November last year, and also the previous August. One thing I noticed this time though was I seemed to be suffering more from ...

What about reverse cultural shock in a country that is not your homeland but where you lived in for long enough to call it home? Reverse cultural shock on the adopted homeland ! ! Read More