Mauritian citizen
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Flic en Flac
Registration: 18 July 2015

Taxi aggregator in Mauritius by grv sharma
Hi guys and girls I was recently in Mauritius and severely felt the lack of a taxi cab aggregator service such as Uber in Mauritius. All the negotiations with taxi drivers (and the constant fear of getting ripped off) leaves a bad after taste about ...

There are few taxi booking apps in Mauritius and there are many taxi drivers with a smartphone using the apps. Check out Alalila and Yugo available on App Store and Google Play. They calculate your fares automatically and you don't need to ... Read More

Taxi aggregator in Mauritius by grv sharma
Hi guys and girls I was recently in Mauritius and severely felt the lack of a taxi cab aggregator service such as Uber in Mauritius. All the negotiations with taxi drivers (and the constant fear of getting ripped off) leaves a bad after taste about ...

Hello! Just letting you in some fresh info...Check out www.yugo.mu. It is a taxi booking App with innovative features but the most interesting thing is that you get the fare before you book! So no more haggling or feeling that you are paying more ... Read More

New members of the Mauritius forum, introduce yourselves here - 2018 by Julien
Hi all, Newbie on the Mauritius forum? Dont know how to start? This thread is for you ;) We invite you to introduce yourself on this topic, to share with us your expat story if you are already living in the country, or to tell us more on ...

Hello! Were you able to find French classes in Quatre Bornes? Read More

Kombucha and Kefir Starter anyone? by gillid
I'm looking for kefir and kombucha starter - usually you get from someone's kitchen - it's not something you can get in a shop. If nobody has these I will buy abroad and start fermenting myself - then from June 2015 onwards you can ...

Hello! I only do water kefir...but am sure someone will certainly share milk kefir grains with you from the local Facebook group : https://m.facebook.com/groups/740946446082967 Read More

Hello! Anybody know what the NCID stands for? It is apparently a 14 digit number in the Non resident's ID Card but my husband has only 7 numbers...?? Thanks in advance!

Hello! So here's an update for whoever need a Spouse's Unique ID even though you might have your Spouse Resident Permit already. We went to the Immigration Office and to apply for a Spouse's Unique ID you will need: 2 passport ... Read More

Hello! Anybody know what the NCID stands for? It is apparently a 14 digit number in the Non resident's ID Card but my husband has only 7 numbers...?? Thanks in advance!

Okay Thanks! I can't do it online though as the system does not accept the 7 numbers...I guess it should be done in person at the MRA office? Read More

Hello! Anybody know what the NCID stands for? It is apparently a 14 digit number in the Non resident's ID Card but my husband has only 7 numbers...?? Thanks in advance! Read More

Zumba and affordable gym in Flic en Flac by EvaR
Anybody can help me find a Zumba class in Flic en Flac or Cascavelle please?! Looking for daily classes and an affordable gym pleaaaaase! Thank you!!

Thanks so much for all the work ! Read More

PSYLLIUM HUSK FIBRE by trish_sewpersad
Hello... does anyone know where I can find some of this amazing stuff? Im also looking for alternative healing... meditation retreats.. spiritual mentoring... etc etc... I live in the centre and hope to be able to find some of this close by... Thank ...

Hello! You will find Psyllium husk and lost of great goodies at Quartier Gourmet in Quatre Bornes. It cost approximately Rs300. Corner Ave des Capucines / Ave Ylang Ylang, Quatre Bornes, Mauritius. Just google the name and you will get more ... Read More

Starting a business in Mauritius by Rahul0910
Hi, I am an Indian national living and working in Middle East (UAE), I have been a couple of times to Mauritius where I have visited one of the India trade fair once. I want to start a business in MRU, can you advise which one of these below will ...

Hello Rahul! After many years in the Middle East we have moved to Mauritius and start up our own business in 2 of the areas you listed. Do contact us and we can discuss in details! Regards! Read More

Kombucha and Kefir Starter anyone? by gillid
I'm looking for kefir and kombucha starter - usually you get from someone's kitchen - it's not something you can get in a shop. If nobody has these I will buy abroad and start fermenting myself - then from June 2015 onwards you can ...

Hello! If anybody is interested I have surplus water kefir grains to share. Let me know! Eva Read More

Kombucha and Kefir Starter anyone? by gillid
I'm looking for kefir and kombucha starter - usually you get from someone's kitchen - it's not something you can get in a shop. If nobody has these I will buy abroad and start fermenting myself - then from June 2015 onwards you can ...

Thank you so much! Read More

Kombucha and Kefir Starter anyone? by gillid
I'm looking for kefir and kombucha starter - usually you get from someone's kitchen - it's not something you can get in a shop. If nobody has these I will buy abroad and start fermenting myself - then from June 2015 onwards you can ...

Hello! Anybody know where I can find Kefir in Mauritius? Please?! Thanks and happy Easter 😊 Read More

Roasted Turkey for Christmas by EvaR
Hello! Anybody knows where I can order roasted turkey for Christmas lunch or Christmas Eve dinner, please? Many Thanks!

Hello Bhavna! I will require the dinner catering for Rose Hill! Thanks! Read More

Roasted Turkey for Christmas
Hello! Anybody knows where I can order roasted turkey for Christmas lunch or Christmas Eve dinner, please? Many Thanks! Read More