Octavian Silvestru
Romanian expat in Saudi Arabia
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Jeddah
Speaks romanian (mother tongue), english, french (basic, unpracticed since '80s)
Registration: 30 September 2010

Searching accommodation in Al-Bahah by tavitza58
Good mornin' dear All, Is anybody who can help me to find a decent apartment (2 rooms, bathroom, kitchen) fully furnished in Al-Bahah (or Aqiq, even if Bahah is more preferable), for about 1 year ? I know that according to the local habits, ...

Thanks for tip, already done. Truly helpful. :top: Read More

Searching accommodation in Al-Bahah
Good mornin' dear All, Is anybody who can help me to find a decent apartment (2 rooms, bathroom, kitchen) fully furnished in Al-Bahah (or Aqiq, even if Bahah is more preferable), for about 1 year ? I know that according to the local habits, ... Read More

how do we get invited to parties in riyadh by m.Caty
. can anyone help me find a better life out here to stop the boredom wrecking what is a very good opportunity for me Thx:D

For the people who hate to read: please don't read this, could be dangerous for health... :lol: Somebody wrote something about "knowing right people and right places". Couldn't be more accurate than that: 2 weeks ago, great party with music, ... Read More

how do we get invited to parties in riyadh by m.Caty
. can anyone help me find a better life out here to stop the boredom wrecking what is a very good opportunity for me Thx:D

Why don't you ask to the Company to provide you a multi-entry visa (costs only 500 SAR) and you can travel everywhere you wish, with passport and/or Iqama. Much convenient as expat, you're not bonded to the ground (OK, depends also of some other... ... Read More

how do we get invited to parties in riyadh by m.Caty
. can anyone help me find a better life out here to stop the boredom wrecking what is a very good opportunity for me Thx:D

Dear Amy, you're too nice, I wish I would be as cautious as you see me, but the reality is quite different (if you only really know me)... OK, most of the time I like to spent in front of laptop seeing movies or sniffing around or listening music, ... Read More

how do we get invited to parties in riyadh by m.Caty
. can anyone help me find a better life out here to stop the boredom wrecking what is a very good opportunity for me Thx:D

It's my mistake Amy, because I wasn't clear enough, it was only a joke, it was obvious you're not planning anything... Your 1st post was clear enough, as far as I remember. On the other hand, even if we don't have such an intense social life, we ... Read More

how do we get invited to parties in riyadh by m.Caty
. can anyone help me find a better life out here to stop the boredom wrecking what is a very good opportunity for me Thx:D

Btw Amy, you seems to be quite familiar with process, why don't you introduce us to some nice people to have at least the hope that somehow, someday, somebody will invite us ? Maybe we could be good companions for any decent party you would plan... ... Read More

Best place for Photography Equipment by saeen
Hi, Photography is good hobby as sometimes Riyadh gets very boring. You go out and snap few pictures. Which is your favourite shop for buying camera's or lens's in Riyadh? I always shopped from Cam4Sell. They have the best rates around and have ...

Wow, guys, like the saying "expensive perfumes in small bottles", you just concentrate some wise lessons in few lines (I know everybody's polite when it's about our hobbies and especially on forums ;)), but I'm still stuck to the long distance ... Read More

Best place for Photography Equipment by saeen
Hi, Photography is good hobby as sometimes Riyadh gets very boring. You go out and snap few pictures. Which is your favourite shop for buying camera's or lens's in Riyadh? I always shopped from Cam4Sell. They have the best rates around and have ...

Good afternoon guys, may I interfere, as passionate (but quite beginner) in photography ? Not really agree with @TheLegendLeads: the Nikon AF-S DX NIKKOR 18-300mm f/3.5-5.6G ED VR is an all around lens with capabilities for portrait and wildlife, ... Read More

Desert trip to see the stars by eveningstar
Anyone interested in a trip out of Riyadh into the desert next week. There is a Meteor shower which peaks around August 11th to 13th. It requires nothing more than the naked eye and as dark as sky as possible. If anyone is interested please send me ...

Jas, why don't you just join the group if they will go, and grab a camera with you (my mate have his smartphone which make quite decent picts btw) and this way you'll do something that usually don't ? It's not compulsory to have a scope or a camera ... Read More

how do we get invited to parties in riyadh by m.Caty
. can anyone help me find a better life out here to stop the boredom wrecking what is a very good opportunity for me Thx:D

To Alliecat: because one one of your interests is the photography (I know, the beauty is in the eye of the beholder), could you suggest some places for pictures that are "from here and here only", to show the spirit of the place ? I admit, in the ... Read More

Desert trip to see the stars by eveningstar
Anyone interested in a trip out of Riyadh into the desert next week. There is a Meteor shower which peaks around August 11th to 13th. It requires nothing more than the naked eye and as dark as sky as possible. If anyone is interested please send me ...

Hi to all of you, hi evening*, my apartment mate could be interested in having a get out with you in the desert, I will ask him when he's back from Dubai Eid vacation. (And, BTW, the phenomenon name is Perseids, some of you I'm sure already knew ... Read More

Massage for men in Riyadh by GPS
Hello all, does anyone know where or if a guy can get a massage here, or can recommend a chiropractor.

Hi tavitza58, welcome to EB! :)Hi Allie, (sure it's not Alley ? ;) - hope I was not rude...), and glad to meet you here, in Riyadh and on forum. :cheers: Wish you only fine days. Tavi Read More

Massage for men in Riyadh by GPS
Hello all, does anyone know where or if a guy can get a massage here, or can recommend a chiropractor.

Okay.. no jokes about 'happy endings' :DAllie, have you noticed an Arab looking for massage always sounds wrong.. The person might be legit and has no wrong intentions but it always sound absoultely wrong. Do you agree, or is it just me going ... Read More

What is going down - updates here please by Horizontal Harry
OK, we have lot's of rumor's but few facts. Please post what you know to be true rather that what you heard. Benghazi is a mess, lots killed after an army camp was attacked. The airport in Benghazi is open. Misurata had an event yesterday, pro v ...

Dear guys, thanks God I succeed to exit Sunday afternoon, extracted by an Italian C130 crew, ordered by some Irish fellows (a joint action, you can ask but I don't how much precise I can be) and all I can say, it was a nightmare the 500-600 m walk ... Read More